Part 19 - Savior

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(Y/N)'s POV: (It is a bit boring and long... like >2500 words. Bare with me).

           Once the clock struck 18:00, Heinz agreed to make me and him a private dinner on his balcony. I took a seat on a black, cushioned chair. "Why are we here? Wouldn't it be more proper to eat at a dining table?" I couldn't help but think of Reiji, he would be enraged if he learned that I had eaten someplace other than a dining table. Karl Heinz sat next to me, on another chair, he grabbed my cold hands. Unlike other vampires, his hands were warm to me. I usually only get this kind of warmth from Laito. What is happening?

           Karl Heinz looked at me for a moment, he started to frown. He looked displeased again. "You're hands are cold, you shouldn't feel like this when you are pregnant. Tell me, do you feel ill?" His words seemed to pierce through my soul, penetrating it's walls with a diamond dagger. His voice was a melody that I constantly wanted to hear. I was in a state of disbelief at how charming the man before me was. "Ah~ let me make you some herbal tea, I will bring out the meal as well," he gently kissed my hand, it instantly warmed. My face turned a rose red. I have never felt so flattered.

           What is this man? I thought that only Laito could make me feel this way. I have to stop myself. At this rate, I will betray Laito. I can't do that. Our child needs to be happy. It can only be happy, truly, if we both work together to raise it. Time disappeared as I stared intensely at the hand that he had laid his lips upon. It was moist. I could feel the rest of my hand fill with heat, soon the warmth creeped up my arm, to my neck. I want to be with this man forever. He is ideal. Everything, even his physique is astonishing. He has the most perfect hips I have ever seen on a man. Karl Heinz's lips felt like flower petals on my skin. It was wonderful. I can't help but wish that this child was his. After an hour of me looking up at the moon, wishing that this child was his, Karl Heinz returned to me.

          I could smell (favorite food one) and (favorite food two). My stomach tossed and turned itself. He placed the platters down. "My lady, when was your last meal?" Karl Heinz looked concerned as he poured me some of the tea. It was a lovely lavender.

          "Come to think of it, I don't know," I had to admit it. I think I ate yesterday, or the day before that..?  Would he know if I lied to him? Should I try? Maybe not, he could get angry with me. After all, I wouldn't want such a fine man to be angry with me. Let's not forget, he was strong enough to stop time, he basically paused the flames. With a clank, the cup of tea hit the table. The scent of lavender hit my nostrils. He was pouring himself a cup. I refrained from sipping until he had his sip first.

         He said not a word after he sipped his drink, he leaned in towards me. My chin was grabbed by his soft gloved hands. He pulled me into an embrace, the moonlight was the only thing in between us. His soft, petal-like lips and mine touched. The tea from his drink was still in his mouth, he helped me drink it. Karl Heinz pulled away after I had swallowed, my face was as red as an apple. "You looked like you needed help drinking," his smirk had a hidden devious feel to it. I felt part of me screaming to be closer to him, but the opposite part told me that nothing good could happen if I stayed there. "That tea had many nutrients in it. If you had no energy, you should now. Come, eat with me. I made this to treat you," he took a seat on the chair across from mine.

         I glanced past the railing and to the trees that crated the horizon. I took some of the vegetables, putting them in my mouth. It was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted. Is this what I taste like to Laito?  I tried to have as many manners as I could muster. "This is... absolutely superb..!" I exclaimed. He looked pleased, he hadn't made himself any food. Is it because he is a vampire? Yeah, they don't need food. From there we engaged in small talk, then to a full conversation. After twenty minutes I finished my meal. I was in a good mood, now that my hunger was satisfied.

         "Would you, please, follow me for a moment, my lady?" Karl Heinz grabbed my hand, the dirty silverware disintegrated to nothing. They just disappeared without a trace. Woah, where did they go? He grabbed my hand, leading me down a flight of stares. I could only think of him in the moment. No time had passed when we entered a well lit, wide-spaced room. The walls of the room were shining, like gold. Even though the room was bright, there were no lights. There were only lit torches and the moonlight filling the air from a great window. "(Y/N), would you care to join me for a dance? Just me, you and the moon," a bouquet of flowers appeared before me.

          An array of flowers appeared before me. Red, yellow, pink, blue, white and black, almost every color rose. I was flattered. I took the roses with a smile. "Thank you, sir," I whimpered to him, I had no idea how to give thanks to such a man. I felt awkward not being able to return the favor. "And... I would be grateful to have a dance with you," I had no idea how to dance. This will end in tragedy. It was uncomfortable, being the only two people on the dance floor.

          I was forced off of my feet, following his own beat. We flew around. Our hands were entwined, his other was supporting me on my waste. I let him lead. There was no possible I could dance as efficiently as a man such as himself. Sweat covered my arms, I was getting too hot. As the dances stopped, he looked at me with impression (impressed). "A lady such as yourself should dance more often, does Laito not dance with you?" Karl Heinz was now questioned mine and Laito's relationship. "Ah~ I see, you do that dance for two, the dance of lovers," as my face turned red. He gained more joy the more I suffered from shame and embarrassment.

          "Not always!" I yelled up to him, he was so told that he towered over me like a mountain. If I was the Titanic resting at the bottom of the ocean, he was Mt. Everest in all his glory. "We do other things. We, uh- we play chess. Yeah, chess..." I can't hide it, all we ever do is have sex. Usually, I let him have my body.  In return, he gives me safety and security, a place to live, a happy life, a child... what more could I ask from him? Now that Karl Heinz commented on what we do behind the scenes, it makes me think it is wrong. How the hell is he doing this? I am confusing myself the more that I think about it. "Yeah..." the more 'yeah's that I mumbled, the creepier I sounded. My voice filled with breath.

         "Why are you embarrassed? It is a natural part of life," he took me by the hand once again. I held the flowers tightly. He let his cape loosen. That smile that he constantly sported faded into a more serious gaze. "Abandon him, come with me, do that same dance with me, (Y/N)," he offered to me. The tone of his voice changed, he made sure to sound assertive.

          On impulse, I shouted back, "no," I said. What am I supposed to do? He doesn't look like he is joking. If I refuse, what will happen to me? I really don't feel like being raped. Even if I say yes, I still don't want it. On the contrary, he has something about him that I want for myself. I wouldn't be setting a good example for my child if I see with any man who asks, I have to have some chastity. "I appreciate the offer, however, I can't," the anger on his face grew. There was a gust of sudden wind, I screamed, as loud as I could. The bright setting disappeared, we were now in a dim room, lit by only two candles. I landed on a soft surface, a bed. The blanket felt to be made from the finest silk. The flowers fell to the floor next to the bed. I started to cry. "Wait, what? Please, leave me alone!" I shouted to Heinz. He kneeled onto the bed, crawling on top of me.

         As I begged to be released, I batted his chest with my fists and elbows. "You are a most defiant woman," Karl whispered into my ear. His voice rasped with violence. "I will make you abandon your love, you will love me and only me," he pushed down on my arms, I could not move. Wait, stop... what's happening? Why am I even asking? I know what is going on... is anybody there? Does he care about what I'm feeling? I want to disappear, so that nobody can hear me when I'm screaming. "Do not forget, you are a worthless human in a world run by vampires. I do not care what my son says about your status. The truth is, you answer to me," those words ran through my head. In a way, we are all useless. We have no purpose. Humans, like me, only exist to feed vampires, like Laito. I am unloved. Son... what does he mean..?

        I laid there, contemplating life itself. He stripped me off my outerwear. "Use...less human being, I guess that's true,"  I spoke my thoughts. I looked to the side to see the door, and the followers I had dropped. They were in arms reach, so I grabbed one of the flowers. The only black rose was the one I chose. They all have meanings... right?  I don't know what they mean, though. This black one looks pretty, I wish I could be it right now. Laito... have you abandoned me? Was it he who set the manor ablaze? Had be forsaken me, leading me to betray him? No... I am just rambling in my own brain.

        You are  a worthless human, you have no purpose. Not even your child will love you. Why do you try to prove yourself when in the end all it will ever do is prove against your point?  I try because... because I can't  do nothing. I don't want my child to think I am weak. It will rise, and be better than me!  That is what you say. Tell me, what is the reality? You're child will be just like you... useless, worthless, IMPURE. YOUR CHILD WILL BE NOTHING BUT A DISGUSTING HALF BREED! THERE IS NO NEED IN THIS WORLD FOR THE IMPERFECT! SHUT UP!  I couldn't fight the voices combatting every thing that I once thought to be true. They beat me down, no matter what I said. They made me second guess my existence and importance.

        My neck was hot, Karl Heinz had bitten me. He did not care about the mess. Blood dripped down my neck, unto my chest and the bed sheets. When it dried, it left a sticky mark on my body. I slowly went numb as he continued to consume me, my vision slightly faded as he pulled himself away from me. "I see now why my son loves such a human," he wiped his mouth. "your blood is good quality, strong, delicious," he laughed at my whimpers.

        "Laito!" I screamed, "help me... do something! I need you," I called out to a man who would not respond. No matter how much I cried, nobody would come to save me. I traded the black rose, holding the entire bouquet. He will never come for you... I am worthless. "Laito," I cried for the last time.

       The door came tumbling down. It made a loud crash as it hit the ground. A silhouette stood in the doorway, I could hear the sharp breaths of a man. "Father," the man whispered, "why the hell are you doing this? I heard her screams from a mile away, what were you doing to her? Whatever, I don't care. You are still going to die today, for what you've done," he stepped into the dim light of the candles. I was comforted to see Laito staring down towards me, I was still holding the bouquet that Karl Heinz had given me.

      "Took you long enough, my child," he laughed to himself, "we were waiting for you to arrive, weren't we, (Y/N)?" He laughed at my face.

      "Don't you dare call her that, your death will be even more painful now," he yelled profanity at his father while Heinz smiled. Laito grabbed my arm, holding the flowers, pulling me out from under his father. I twitched at his touch. He pulled me in to a warm embrace, kissing me.

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