Second Thoughts

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As I was packing my things, I saw a black and white photo of me and Sapphire. That was a great day. Back before Rose died. Snowflake, Marshmallow, Jade, Pearl, Sapphire and I were all together. I smiled at the thought. I shook my head, trying to get myself to focus.
"None of that matters now," I mumbled to myself. I took a deep breath and walked out of my room.
"Sapphire, we need to talk," I said calmly, guiding her outside. She nodded and walked with me. We sat down on the sandy beach, admiring the waves.
"Don't you love it how the light reflects off the waves?" I asked calmly. Her facial expression changed from serious to a little happier.
"You didn't answer my question from earlier,"
"Where did you get that weapon," She said sternly, her facial expression changed back to serious.
"Instead of telling you, why don't I show you," I said maliciously. She looked confused. I put my right hand behind my back and summoned my gauntlet. I charged after her. She dodged it. Dang it! I forgot about her future vision. She immediately froze the spot that I was standing in. The ice started to grow up until it reached my neck. I was too afraid of what she was going to do to me to be mad. I tried to move. Nothing.
"Grah! Let me out of here!" I shouted. The other gems started to come out of the house and ran to see what was happening.
"Sapphire? What's going on!" Steven asked.
"Woah," Amethyst said. Pearl just waited for answers.
"Ruby started attacking me. Until I find out why I'm not letting her go," She answered. She turned to me.
"I'm not telling you," I said angrily.
"Fine then, you're staying in here until you answer the question. I struggled out of the body restraint but nothing happened yet. I started to cough. This ice was getting really cold and very uncomfortable. Melting the ice didn't help either. Every time the ice melts more replaces it and I was getting really wet. Half of the body restraint was filled with water that was getting colder by the second.
"I'm never telling you that I've been secretly working undercover for the diamonds!" I blurted. I mentally face-palmed myself since my hands are still in ice. I'm as dumb as my comrades.
"Stupid Ruby," I mumbled under my breath.
"OH MY GOOOOODDDDNEEESSSS!!!!!!!!" Shouted Pearl, screaming and flailing her arms around like a maniac around the beach.
"Wha?!" Amethyst shouted, choking on some Chaaps. Luckily since we're gems, choking isn't a deadly situation for us. Steven just stared. Sapphire frowned.
"Alright, I told you, now can you let me go? That was our deal after all." I pointed out.
"Only if you don't try to attack us," She said.
"What?! No fair! You can't just change the rules like that!" I argued. True, I didn't need to hurt anyone. Just bring Sapphire to the Diamonds. But I like getting physical on my missions. Sapphire brushed her bangs away from her single eye. She mumbled something under her breath and turned away from me, releasing my ice restraints.
"Just do it already. Kill me if you want to. I won't hold you back," She said.
"What?" Steven gasped. But for some reason, I didn't want to. I struggled to lift my fist.
"Well?" She asked angrily. I deformed my gauntlet. She smiled.
"I knew you would come to your senses," She said. She ran up to me and hugged me. I wasn't braced for impact so I fell over as soon as she jumped onto me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't bring myself to feel... anything. I didn't feel any connection. I bet she was trying to fuse with me, but I know deep down that it won't work. I frowned.
"What's wrong?" She asked. I sighed.
"Sorry, Sapphire," I mumbled. I grabbed her gem and ripped it out, making her poof. Pearl pointed her spear at me. I grabbed an emergency hovercraft that looks like a floating motorcycle. Instead of having wheels, a bright light shined from the bottom. (like it starts out tiny but once you place it on the ground, it gets huge), pressed a button and threw it on the sand. I hopped on, still holding Sapphire's gem, set course for Homeworld, and hyper-sped back home...

Where I belong.

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