My Laughy Sapphy

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At that moment, I couldn't think. I was like a bull, and that gem around Sapphire was a red flag... even though that since they're my doppelganger they'd have to be red... but that's beside the point! Nothing can replace the real thing! I started to catch on fire until my whole body was engulfed in flames. Sapphire looked over at me in fear. Since I don't know who's playing as my doppelganger, I'm just going to call them Rub-D.
"Don't worry, Sapph. That corrupted gem won't hurt you. Let's fuse!" Rub-D said. Man, Rub-D is a terrible actress, not going to lie. Sapphire nodded.

I looked down where smoke had been emitting.
"Aww, man! Not again!" I said, hopping off the carpet- wait a minute, what's a carpet doing in a forest-like dome anyways? How dare that poser dare to try to fuse with MY SAPPHIRE. I charged right after Rub-D and knocked her about 5 feet off the ground. Sapphire started to try and fight me while Rub-D was unconscious. I went into defensive mode and tried to block her ice shards. It was a matter of time before she poofed me.
"Ah! Sapphire, stop! It's me!" I shouted.
"No! Sapphy! Don't listen to her!" Rub-D shouted, barely conscious.
"Hey! Only I can call her that!" I yelled. I ran closer to Sapphire, ignoring the shards puncturing my physical form. I went up and kissed her. She kicked me off... she... kicked. me. off...
"Agh!" I shouted, falling to the floor.
"S-sapph?" I cried. She looked down at me. Suddenly, she started grabbing her head and screaming, "No! Get out of my head! You aren't real!"

"Ruby!" She shouted moments later, going up to me, trying to lift me back onto my feet as I was paralyzed with fear and pain. She picked me up and headed toward the trail of burnt grass (where I stepped) and headed out of the exit. That was all I saw before I blacked out.

I heard a faint voice shouting my name.
"Ruby!" They shouted again, much louder this time. I fluttered my eyes open and saw Amethyst, Pearl, and Sapphire looking at me. I held my head.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"That doesn't matter now. We have to find a way out," Pearl said.
"What's the point! We're never getting out of here!" Amethyst shrieked.
"N-now now, Amethyst. There must be a way out of here," Pearl said, using her spear to jab at the walls. There was only one exit, and it was locked from the outside. I started to see black. Was the shadow meant to resemble my death that is yet to come?
"Go ahead!" I shouted. The figure shook her head.
"W-who are you?" I asked. A familiar chuckle echoed in my head.
"I-I can't remember! Who are you?!" I asked once again. The figure had no face, yet I could tell she was giving me a sweet, calm smile. The figure finally spoke.
"None of that matters now. What matters is who you are," She said.
"But I don't know who I am!" I shouted.
"W-what am I?" I asked in a calmer tone.
"RUBY!" Sapphire shouted, snapping me out of it.
"Huh?" I asked.
"You were shouting like you were possessed! What happened?" Sapphire asked.

Alright, that's all I could come up with for this chapter, sorry if it's bad. Hopefully, this gave you more clues on who the mystery shadow person is! I might delete this, later on, I don't know. I honestly think I could have done much better on this chapter if I did this while my mind was still in the "Rubapphire Mood" but better late than never, I guess.

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