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Oh Riki, if only i could comfort you i would. I would kiss you until i lose my breath. I wanted to be the person for him in those hard times. But i knew i couldn't just yet.

My mom shouted my name and suddenly Riki turned around, i quickly hid so he wouldn't saw me. I ran to my mom and made my way to the ambulance. When i came my eyes were so red and the doctor started asking me if i cried or what but i didn't want to speak because my voice would be shaky.

I just looked at my parents and said to them if they could wait outside. They got up and left.

The doctor was staring at me and i couldnt help it but shed another tears for that boy, i felt so bad. I told the doctor that someone dear to me is going through hard times and it hurts me.

She understood and just did the preventive examination of my health. I waited for like an hour and when the results came it turned out that my health condition was getting slowly worse and worse.

The doctor gave me a prescription of another pills i had to take everyday. I was so sick of it, if i didn't take them i could faint or maybe even my heart could stop beating. And i can't let that happen just for now.

I went home and i couldn't help it but think of Riki's feelings right now.

On the another day i woke up pretty early and took all of my pills, it was a lot and i was getting so sleepy from it, also every inch of my body hurted like i was being stabbed. I could even feel now that it was not good.

But i had to be strong so i just dressed and went to school. When i stepped into the classroom Riki was sitting there in his seat with Sunghoon ,Heeseung and Jay. They were all laighing except for Riki. He was just sitting there and forcing a smile.

I went to my seat and thought about him. The bell rang for break and Riki was about to leave the classroom but he turned around and went to my desk.

"Meet me in 5 minutes infront of your locker" i nodded and he went to his friends while they were waiting for him.

When they left i waited for 5 minutes and went to my locker. Riki was already standing there.

"Can i be yours?" He asked me. It was such a confusing question like in what way and what did he mean by that.

"What do you mean?" I said curiously.

"Can you be there for me Hira? Can you bear me?"

"Your personality is so confusing Riki say it in normal way so i can understand it" i said

"Look me in the eyes because eyes don't lie" he mumbled.

I looked deeply in his eyes and i saw him hurting. His eyes were devastated. He had eye bags from not sleeping and red eyes from crying.

"Eyes don't lie?" I asked Riki.

"They never do, you make me crazy everything make's me go insane" he whispered.

"How?" I tried to play dumb so he wouldn't think i was spying on him yesterday.

"I know you were at the hospital and saw my other side, i didn't turn around once but i could feel you Hira, you were there."

I stared at him shocked "How can he feel me?" I thought to myself.

"Riki i was just going to my doctor and i saw you, i didn't wanted to"

"Shut up, just don't say anything i just want to look at you" there was long silence after this sentence.

" Hira, you remember the note i gave you right?"

I nodded and waited for what he has to say.

"Why? Why don't you hate me?" He asked with a confusing look.

I looked into his eyes and replied "Riki you know i could never hate you"

The bell rang and i just walked away from him leaving him in so many questions.


Hira left me there and went back to the classroom and then Heeseung came to me.

"Do you like her?" He said with grin on his face.

I found myself hesitating on the answer. "Why was i thinking about it?!" I said to myself.

"Dummy, answer" Heeseung said.

"Of course no"

"Oh, is that so? Because i don't want my bestfriends fighting"

"What are you talking about Heeseung?!" I raised my voice.

"Man calm down, Sunghoon was suddenly talking about her and their deep eye contact that made him interested in her, i don't know if he was drunk or what"

What eye contact, he never wanted her! Why now? I think he is doing it on purpose. I found myself so angry at him. What was Hira for me? Was she a toy for me or a sick girl or a friend or a... I dont even know anymore.

"Oh" i replied making Heeseung confused so he just said he had to go. He was far away from me but suddenly turned and ran back.

"Riki one more thing, try not to fall for that girl you know she has lots of health problems and you don't want a dead girlfriend" he laughed at the disgusting joke.

I was furious. I couldn't control myself and i punched Heeseung to the face. He fell to the floor and a blood came out of his nose. I realized what have i done.

I handed him a hankerchief. We both walked to the bathroom.

"Hee i am so sorry i don't know what's wrong with me, i think it's because of my mom"

"I am not mad at you Riki i wanted to see something and i was right, you love her don't you?"

"Why would i?" I said with dry tone in my voice.

"You wouldn't punch me if you didn't care about her"

Then i realized Hee is right. Was i falling for her, for the girl i make fun of and bully.

Hira was always on my mind but i thought it didn't mean anything. I never thought of someone until i saw her.

I have never craved anyone's attention until i tasted hers...

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