Today is April 27th. Summer has begun.
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay here?" Nicole asks as we load up the last of her car.
"Yes. Go have fun with the Williams. Plus Chase doesn't start touring facilities and meeting coaches until the end of May."
"Are you guys going to play house because if you are let me tell exactly where not to do it at. I mean we just moved in here. Let's not do it anywhere. Have sex only in the bedroom."
"Nicole, my gosh stop. When we have sex we will have it in a bedroom not in the open. We're not animals."
"No you're not Nicole Gianna Williams and a random hookup. Your Taylor Rae Lawson and Chase Bradley Jackson. You two belong together."
Chase and I haven't had sex yet because we wanted to make sure. Or I wanted to make sure that he was the one and I wasn't rushing into anything.
Everyone has left for summer. Loren's dad got us a deal to where we got to move in early. So here I am in this empty apartment and for the first time I feel whole. My heart feels whole. I'm alone and I feel whole.
Chase went to pick up my dog. Then he's coming here to help me decorate my room. His family has been watching her because dorms didn't allow dogs.
His family really is the best.
Our apartment has three beds and two and a half baths. Veronica is going to live campus in a dorm.
Once I make my way back in the apartment I fill up a dog bowl. It doesn't take long for Chase to text and say he's here. So I let him in and my dog.
I haven't seen her at all this week. I've been busy moving.
So I go straight for my dog dodging Chase's open arms waiting for me.
"Oh my goodness. I missed you so much." I say in my baby voice.
"Oh yeah. I totally didn't miss you at all." Chase says staring down at me.
"Is someone jealous?"
"Maybe just a little." He says pressing his lips to mine.
It was a quick kiss but any quick kiss with Chase Jackson feels like it will last for an eternity.
"What was that for?"
"I missed you." He tells me.
"I missed you too."
"Can I ask you something?" Chase says looking over at me on the couch as we are eating Chinese. Or should I say him. I'm eating chicken strips.
Chase picked up lunch while he was out and he wanted Chinese, but I grew up a picky eater and still am. So he got me chicken strips, fries, and pink lemonade.
I'm in heaven. I'm with Chase, my love. Dixie, my baby. Chicken strips, my favorite.
"Yes." I answer.
"Do you still want to move to Colorado? I've just missed you this whole week I wasn't with you. And if you move to Colorado after you graduate I don't know if I'll survive being in another state without you. I mean I will. I will make the distance work. If that's what you want. If you want to be in Colorado but it will physically pain me to be away from you. The reason why I'm bringing this up is because I'm been talking with my dad and my agents and they don't think Colorado will be interested in me by the time the draft comes around."
"I love that you are thinking about me and my happiness. But this is about you. What team you will feel the most comfortable with and what facilities you love. Not about how happy I was as I child in Colorado. I love you. I can get a physical therapist job anywhere. I want to be with you because you're my happiness. You're my love. Now if you were to ask me this at the beginning of our relationship I would definitely have picked Colorado over you."
"I love you, Taylor Rae Lawson."
"I love you, Chase Bradley Jackson."
"I'm not changing schools my senior year because you're playing basketball in that state."
"I know. I would never expect you to."
"And I won't move in with you. When I first get to whatever state you're in. I won't move in with you. I may not be talking to my family but I'm still going to follow their rules." I tell him.
"What rules?" He questions.
"You never move in with a guy without a ring." Chase gives me a look. "What? My mom always said guys will promise you things and then once you move in together it won't happen. Which I've never believed in love until I met you so I'm not expecting anything anytime soon. I just want to take our relationship one day at a time. For the rest of our lives."
"I like that. A day at a time. Don't plan anything out. Be spontaneous." He says. "I can see our future very clear. You will be a very successful Physical Therapist and I'll be a great NBA basketball player. We will get married at-"
"Twenty-five." I say for him. "We will spend a couple years enjoying the married life. Then hopefully have kids. Two."
"Three. But you're the one birthing them so it's your choice. A boy and two girls?" He questions.
"Two boys one girl. We will raise our kids and then watch them grow up."
"Hopefully they'll go to UNC and meet the love of their life. Like I did."
"And best friends for life." I add.
"Then we will grow old together watching the grandkids grow up."
"I like our story but I still rather take it one day at a time." I tell him.
"Yeah. Me too. It's more exciting that way."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
The End
Not quite yet.....
.....Bonus Chapters to come!
Not edited!
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