One year later, June 23
Brooklyn, New York. I love New York. New York is beautiful. Right now we're at the hotel getting ready to leave.
We're juniors now I'm about to become a senior when the new semester starts. My last year at UNC is about to start.
Chase's life is about to change forever. He swears he doesn't know what team is picking him, but I know he knows. First round picks always know who's picking them. Especially the first couple of first round picks.
He wants it to be a surprise for us. We're about to leave for the draft. Chase has to do some press.
Saying he's nervous is an understatement. I'm even nervous for him. I insisted I didn't need to be brought along. It's a family thing.
Draft Day is always a family thing. I didn't want to be the girlfriend that's always judged on the TV when people watch the draft.
The only way I agreed to go is if Chase's parents agreed to sit by him. Right next to him. Then his sisters next to the parents and me on the outside.
When you get drafted you have a moment with the people next to you. The people who are next to Chase are his parents. He needs to have that moment with them because they are the ones who pushed him to basketball and drove him to all the games. They were the ones in the stands from elementary school to colleges not me.
I've never been this nervous in my life. I swear I don't even think I'm going to be this nervous on my wedding day.
"You done in there?" Chase asks knocking on the bathroom door.
"Yes. Just touching up my makeup."
"For what the twentieth time? You look perfect babe. Stop over thinking it." He says as he opens the door and stands behind me looking at our reflection in the mirror.
This would make the cutest mirror picture. Us in fancy clothes.
It's as if Chase reads my mind. He grabs his phone and takes a picture of us. I'm in love with this man. I love this man.
"Mom just texted they're in the lobby." He says taking in a deep and sharp breath.
"Hey don't be nervous this is only the second most important day in your life."
"What was the first?" He questions. Still standing behind me in the mirror.
"Meeting me duh." I tease. "I'm kidding. It was getting accepted to play basketball at UNC. That moment brought you to this moment and this moment will bring you to another one." I push him backwards so he's no longer pinning me in. "Now let's go we're only in New York once. And the one time I'm in New York I want to see my boyfriends dreams come true." I say as I'm guiding him out of the bathroom and towards the hotel door.
"There's just one problem."
"What now? Your family is downstairs if we keep them waiting any longer they're gonna think we're up here having sex."
"I'm surprised you haven't noticed." He says just staring at me waiting. When I don't respond he tells me "I have no tie." And hands me a blue one that was sitting on the bed to match my dress.
Once I fix Chase's tie we make our way to the elevator and to the lobby. "You know I'm not gonna have anyone to tie my ties once I get drafted."
"I guess your gonna have to find me a sister wife." I joke.
"Don't even say that."
"Yeah that was a bad one wasn't it?"
"A very bad one. But I'm serious."
"Well then I guess. You're gonna have to find some clip on ones or learn." I say as we approach the lobby.
"Chase hunny I'm so proud of you." Chase's mother says pulling him into a hug. Tears are threatening to fall from her eyes. We can all see it.
I can see it now as soon as his name gets called she's crying.
"Mom nothing has happened yet."
As soon as you arrive nothing could've prepared you for all the camera flashes. Everyone wanted a picture of Chase.
I bet he stood still for thirty minutes. Cameras everywhere just flashing at him. Reports asking him question. His answer being "I'm just grateful i get this opportunity. Not a lot do. I will accept any team with open arms." I bet he gave every reporter the same answer.
When he had to answer questions about following in his father's footsteps he said "I'll try me best too live up to the Jackson name."
Everyone slowly got called. I hated watching drafts on TV. I would only watch to see if people from UK went or if my brother's friends went. I never imagined to patiently be waiting for my boyfriend's name to be called.
I'm on the outside of Melanie. Chase keeps peeking around his family and looking at me every time his name isn't called.
I was starting to believe Chase that he had no idea who was going to pick him until the eleventh pick in the first round. When the New York Knicks pick was in Chase looked over at me and winked and I swear I developed the biggest smile on my face.
I didn't hear most of what was said. I was in my own world.
My own world I call the Chase Jackson world. I was just staring at him with the biggest grin and he was staring at me with the biggest grin showing off his dimples.
"....Chase Jackson, Point Guard, UNC." Was all I heard. That's what snapped me out of my own little world.
We all stood up and he hugged us all individually. I was the last one he hugged. "Looks like you're moving to New York, babe." Is what he told me in my hug. I just rolled my eyes playfully.
"The stage is waiting, superstar." I whispered and pushed him away.
I looked over at Chase's family as he made his way up to the stage. His mom was crying and his dad was conforming her. His sister's look proud.
His dreams have came true. My superstars dreams have came true. I feel like a proud wife.
That's in the far far future.
My baby is an NBA player for the New York Knicks.
New York.
I can move here.
Just like the Taylor Swift song Welcome to New York the song says Welcome to New York it's been waiting for you.
It's been waiting for me and it will keep waiting until I have a degree and walk across the stage in a cap and gown.
But omg my baby is an NBA player.
I know absolutely nothing about NBA drafts I only watch NFL drafts! :)
Not edited!
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