Chapter 33: Fancy Fish

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"I didn't realize North Carolina could be so beautiful." I tell Chase looking over at him. "I mean y'all have marshes, lakes, beaches, and rural areas it's so beautiful. Maybe after college I don't need to go to Colorado. Maybe I just need to get a house on a Marsh maybe that will make me happy. North Carolina has it all."

I watch as we pass a sign that says Welcome to Havelock. "Growing up in North Carolina your whole life can get annoying though."

"I get it. You need an atmosphere change."

I'm so happy I didn't get sick on the way here. That would've been embarrassing. "That's one of the best pizza places in North Carolina." Chase points out a little hole in the wall restaurant.

"I thought Antonio's was."

"Antonio's is and will forever be, but when we were down here helping Clarissa pick a venue we got hungry and discovered that amazing place."

"I'll have to run it before we leave. So, I never asked where are we staying?"

"The Mason's have many houses down here. So, they're providing everyone in the family a place to stay. So you'll be in the house with us because your my plus one. Clarissa and Jake will be in different houses. So basically the Jackson's in one house and the Mason's in another. Everyone else I'm assuming they booked hotel rooms or rented a house. I know for a fact though that the Stuart's and Caperall's will book a house. They don't like hotels."

Of course they don't like hotels. That's so obvious. Why didn't I see that coming.

"Once we get inside we have to get dressed and head to the Mason's estate. They're having a lunch and invited some family and close friends. I hope you like fish."

"What kind of fish?"

"Who knows but knowing them it will be fancy fish."

"The Fancy Fish from SpongeBob?" I joke.

Chase looks at me. "I hate to burst your bubble, but I didn't have much of a childhood. It was basketball twenty-four seven."

"You poor thing. I need to have word with the monster who raised you." I joke again.

Chase pulls down a long driveway. This place is beautiful. I've never seen grass this green. It looks fake, if I'm being honest. Once we park we grab our bags, well Chase grabs our bags and we head inside.

"Where is everyone?"

"They're probably already on there way. We're kinda late." Chase informs me as he leads me up the grand staircase.

"Chase! If I'm meeting your family and friends I don't want to be late." I stress.

"It's fine. Let's just hurry up and get ready." We enter one of the many rooms. It has one bed and a couch. It has no window. That's creepy. I grab my yellow Sun dress and head to the bathroom.

It takes me ten minutes to get ready. I've never gotten ready in ten minutes. I straightened my hair as fast as I could and freshened myself up.

When I exit the bathroom, Chase is sitting on the bed in a button down shirt. It's yellow.

"How did you know I was gonna wear yellow?" We both ask at the same time.

"Great minds think alike." I tell him.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you. You look handsome."

"Thank you. We should get going."

"We should."

Once we're in his truck, he looks nervous. "My family is gonna wonder and ask questions about us." He tells me.

"What kind of questions?" I ask looking over at the boy matching me.

"What we are? How long has the been going on? What are the future plans?"

"Oh yeah, and what are we Chase Jackson?"

"I don't know Taylor Lawson. We've been on lots of dates. I wouldn't consider us dating anymore."

"Well then ask me. Right here, right now."

I'm tired of not going for what I want. What I want is Chase. I will not let him slip away from me.

"Ok." We approach a red light. He looks over at me. "Taylor Rae Lawson, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend. Chase Jackson will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes, I will be your boyfriend." He says leaning in ready to kiss me. Our lips are centimeters away from kissing each other when a car behind us honks. Letting us know it's a green light and reminding us exactly where we are. So I just give me a quick kiss.

We don't say anything the rest of the car ride. We just sit in a comfortable silence. I sit in a comfortable silence with my boyfriend. That's weird to say.

We pull down a long drive way which leads to a bigger house than the one we are staying in and the grass in greener. "They're in the backyard." Chase says as he laces his hand with mine. Our hands fit together.

It looks to me like we are the last ones here when we walk in the backyard. Also this grass is definitely fake. It's uneven when I walk on it. Everyone is scattered around in their own conversations. An older woman approaches us first. "Chase where have you been? I'm so mad at you. You didn't come to Greg's funeral or wake."

"Aunt Rhonda, I apologize for not coming to your cat's funeral or wake. This is Taylor." I hold back my laughter did he say cat?


"Hi. I'm Rhonda I'm related to Chase's mother. I'm her sister. Now I need to go top off glass have fun you too." She says before disappearing.

I look over at Chase. "Did you say cat?"

He chuckles. "Yeah, she has five. She names them after her ex husband's. She's had five. Greg, Rob, Wesley, Frank, and my favorite Richard. Greg just recently passed so now she has four left. Next time she gets married and divorced she'll get a cat and name it after the ex."

"Wow. I love that woman." I say looking over at her at the bar.

"Looks like she found her next husband." He says referring to her flirting with the bartender. Who is definitely thirty years younger than her.

"Chase I'm so happy you're here." Hayden says approaching us with a girl on his arm. She looks like Loren why am I not surprised. "The guy Leah brought is an ass. Oh my god, he keeps talking about his frat and how he hates basketball. He's so self centered. I was trying so hard not to punch him."

"Hi, I'm Laurel." The girl on Hayden's arm introduces herself, while Chase and Hayden are in there own conversation. Wow her name even sounds like Loren's.


I hear Hayden groan in frustration in front of me. "Great, they're making their way over here."

"He can't be that bad." Chase tells him.

"He is." Laurel tells us.

I look to where Hayden is looking and Laurel are looking.

What the hell!

I didn't notice him first. I noticed the shoes. The shoes he would always wear. The frat guy shoes. Then I looked up and my eyes met his. He didn't looked shocked to see me. He planned this. That son of a bitch. He planned this. How did he know I'd be here? I feel like I might throw up. I thought I'd never see anyone from UK and that made me so happy, but here he is standing in front of me with the that shit eating grin on his face.

"Hi, y'all. Let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Jake Thomas. He goes to The University of Kentucky." Jake isn't looking at anyone but me and everyone has noticed except for Leah.

Don't freak out. Don't freak out.

"Jake this is, Chase, and Taylor. You already met Laurel and Hayden."

Chase unattached his hand from mine and grabs Jake's taking his eyes away from mine. "Nice to meet you. I'm Taylor's boyfriend." He says before taking his hand away.

"What are you doing here Jake?" I ask not caring that the group is standing around us.

"Nice to see you too. I was invited as a plus one. Just like you, Taylor Lawson."

"Cut the crap. How'd you know I'd be here? Are you stalking me? Did you call my brothers?"

"I want to talk to you."

"Like I'd ever talk to you after what you did. After the multiple things you did. Stay away from me, while I'm here." A bell rings in the distance telling us it's time to take our seats. "Enjoy the fish, Jake. I hope you brought an EpiPen." I say before grabbing Chase's hand and dragging him away with me.

I see confusion written all over Chase's face. "I'll tell you later. I promise."


Published: 3/25/22 at 9:03am

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