Chapter 32: Chapel Hill to Havelock

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"It's just a two hour drive." Nicole tells me like that a good thing.

"No it's a two hour and thirty-eight minute drive." I'm stressing. "I mean what do I even pack. I don't know this place. It could be thirty degrees there or a hundred." I exaggerate to Loren and Nicole who are sitting on my bed watching me pace back and forth.

"You'll be fine." Loren assures me. "They love you."

"I've met five of them. What if the rest don't like me?" I ask concerned.

"This upcoming week isn't about you. So they won't focus on you. The focus will be on the happy couple."

"I hope you're right. I mean I'm not gonna know anyone there." I tell Nicole.

"I am right. When am I not? Now pack that yellow Sun dress of yours." She orders.

"You'll know one person there. Hayden will be there. The Caperall's are close with the Jackson's they grew up together. So of course they'll be there for the wedding." Loren informs me.

"Oh if the Caperall's are going then definitely the Stuart's too. The wife's are close." Nicole also informs me.

"That's just great."

"Are they riding with y'all?" Loren asks.

It hits me. I never asked for any details. All I know is Chase is on his way right now to pick me up for his sister's wedding and I am barely packed. It's not just his sister's wedding either. It's a week long event of some sort. I'm going to meet all of his family and friends from Raleigh. This wedding isn't even in Raleigh. It's in Havelock. Exactly two hours and thirty-eight minutes away from Chapel Hill. Apparently the groom Jake Mason. Has family in Havelock and there's the beautiful place there. That's all I know and I know that Chase is a groomsmen. So I will be left alone on the wedding day. That definitely does not give me anxiety at all.

"I'm going to take your silence as an I don't know." Loren guesses and guesses correct.

"I thought this wedding would be in Raleigh. I get motion sick in car rides. I always have to a Benadryl. What if the Benadryl doesn't work this time?"

"Taylor you're gonna be fine. You've been on longer road trips. It worked on the way to the Beach. On the way to UK. It worked on the way back. You'll be fine." Nicole assures me. I hope she's right.

"You better hurry. He should be here any minute now." I don't know what to pack or what to expect so I pack all of my cute summer dresses that I could pull of for a wedding and a fancy one just in case. A lot of nice shirts and swimsuits as an incase I need it. 

I definitely over packed by the time I hear his voice at the door. I can barely zip my bag, but since Loren went to open the door Nicole is trying to help zip my Vera Bradley Duffel. "You over packed." She points out. While almost breaking my zipper trying to zip it.

"Thanks Captain Obvious."

By the time we Loren and Chase make it to my room we've got my bag zipped. I have my Vera Bradley Duffel on my bed along with my hair and makeup bag and school bag with all my text bags in it. If I'm going to a week long wedding I'm not falling behind. My wedding gift and my cross body also sit on my bed.

The wedding color is Slate Blue and like and darker blue. So they're going with blue I guess because from what the information I've gather from Chase they're getting married by the water.

So I got a spaghetti strap Santorini Satin Warp Dress. The color was Dusty Blue. I didn't want to match the wedding party exactly. I've never really been to a wedding that wasn't in a church. So I don't know how to dress. I hope it's not to casual. Once I curl my hair it shouldn't be.

I still have my dress on the hanger so we will have to hang it or lay it over something in his backseat. Right now though. I'm in a UNC T-shirt and some jeans with my hair down. I barely have any makeup on. Once we get closer I might put more on. Chase though he looks like he just woke up. Gray sweatpants and a UNC basketball hoodie. He doesn't even look like he brushed his hair. It's seventy degrees outside. He's dressed like it's forty.

"You ready?"


"Y'all have fun." Loren says as he starts grabbing my bags off my bed. I try to grab something but he won't let me. All he lets me grab is my Cross body and dress. So once he makes his way out of my room. I go to my dresses drawer and grab a barf bag and stuff it in my Kate Spade cross body. "Just in case." I tell Loren and Nicole who are looking at me. I rather throw up in the bag then my lap.

Once I walk outside to his truck I notice that he is moving an ice chest from his backseat to the bed of his truck. So I start putting my stuff in his backseat. All he has back there is a gym bag which I'm assuming is what he packed his things in and a suit hanging up. Also a basketball because how dare he not bring a basketball. He also has lots of beer and Champagne on the floorboard.

"I'm in charge of the alcohol." He informs me as takes over putting my things in the backseat. I could've done that, but he won't let me. He likes being the gentleman.

"Is that the only thing they trust you with?"

"Absolutely. I offered to do other things for them, but then think I'm irresponsible."

"Shocker." I tease.

"Haha. You're so funny."

"I know the funniest."

"Bye you two have fun." Loren says pulling us into a hug.

"Taylor catch the bouquet and Chase catch the garter." Nicole says as we get in his truck.

Once we start driving Chase starts a playlist. This time it isn't Country Music. It's Jack Harlow. I was not expecting that. Chase Jackson, a guy in a Chevy likes Jack Harlow.

"So am I gonna know anyone at this wedding?"

"Hayden will be there. Our family's grew up together. Leah will too. We grew up with her too. Leah is bringing a date so I don't think she's be a problem. He doesn't go to UNC, that's all I know. Hayden is bringing a date too. I'm not sure who will just have to see when we get there."


Not edited!

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