Chapter 17: The Storm

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"Nobody is leaving. I was just informed by our neighborhood Facebook page that the end of the street is flooded. I don't want to risk any of y'all getting hurt." Mr. Jackson tells us.

"Great I have to be stuck in this house with two of the worst women in the world." Hayden states. I know he's talking about me and Leah. I can't believe he would compare me to her. She's an awful person and I'm... well me. So I just stick my tongue out at him. Yes, I did that and I'd do it again.

"I'm going to bed." Mrs. Jackson announces

"So are me and Jake. Night y'all." Clarissa says before heading up to her room.

"Me and Nicole call the guest room." Gabe announces

"Loren and I call the couch." Hayden states

I don't know what to call because I've never been here.

"You can stay with me." Melanie tells to which I nod and follow her upstairs. Before I can make it up three steps Chase stops me. "Oh hell no. She's not staying in my room with me." He says pointing to Leah. "She's going to try to seduce me in my sleep."

"I can't seduce what already loves." Leah states to which everyone laughs and ignores.

"You're sleeping on the floor." I tell him.

"Fine as long as I don't have to sleep with her." He tells me.

"I'm not tired." I tell Chase as we approach his room.

"I'm not either but when my mom goes to sleep it means it's bedtime for the whole house."

As soon as we enter his room. It's clean and nice. Like it hasn't been used in years. He has all of what I'm assuming are his basketball jerseys on the wall framed. "Are these all yours?"

"Yeah. It's kinda sad actually I should only have like four jerseys but I have eleven. My first jersey was from my 5U team. It was my first team and we sucked. Probably because we were age four. I played with them until I turned six. When I turned six my Coach stayed doing 5U so me and Hayden had to find another team. So that's where the extra jersey came from. My dad made me switch teams in the middle of my 6U season. It was a common thing. The team sucked. So my dad wanted me on the best team. So he kept switching me until I was on one he liked. The four should be my 5U, 6U, middle school team, and then high school but it didn't work out like that. The next jersey on the wall will be my UNC jersey." He says pointing to the empty spot next to his high school jersey. It's where his college jersey will go.

"So you and Hayden are 4lifersss." I state the obvious.

"Yeah even though he can be a huge ass. I'll never ever leave my best friend. We've known each other since we were children and I couldn't imagine him not being in my life."

"I had a 4lifer. I still like to believe she is my 4lifer."

"What is her name?" He ask

"Skylar. She was the same as Hayden. Even though she could be a bitch, I still loved her."

"So she's the girl in all of you're Instagram post."

"You went snooping on my Instagram! You said you wouldn't!"

"I couldn't help it!" He admits. "I want to know what y'all were doing in this one picture though."

"Pull all the pictures up that you have questions about and I'll tell you."

"What does it look like we're doing? We're having the time of our lives. Living wild and free. That's like from my freshman year of high school. How did you find that?" I tell him.

"I scrolled to the bottom. Did you two lose contact when you came to UNC because if not I'd love to meet her."

"She's not here in person anymore. She went to meet our maker about eleven months ago. It will be a year April 30th."

"What happened?" He ask before immediately responding again "you don't have to tell me."

"It's okay. It was a car accident. A hit and run. The dude never got caught."

"That sounds awful. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too." I say sincerely.

"Well what would you like to watch?" He ask as he pulls a laptop onto his lap.

"The Goonies." I tell him. "It just came to mind and I haven't watched it in forever l. It's literally my favorite movie."

"Then The Goonies it is."

"I had the biggest crush on Brand." I admit

"Really well I had a huge crush on Andy." He admits

"I was jealous she got to kiss Mickey and Brand."

"Who is your Hollywood crush?" He ask

"I have a couple." I think for a moment. "Paul Walker because he was so hot playing Brian. I also like Ryan Gosling only because of The Notebook. Lastly Evan Roderick from Spinning Out. Oh and of course Chase Crawford from Gossip Girl."

"I like Blake Lively." He admits

"I met her once. In a meet in greet. She's super nice."

"Alright well let's watch The Goonies. Would you like some popcorn?"

"I'm okay. We don't need to wake your mom. She needs her beauty sleep."

"That she does need. If she doesn't get her beauty sleep she's not very friendly and probably won't cook us breakfast."

"Okay. Do you think Clarissa has clothes I can borrow? I didn't expect to spend the night. So I wore cute clothes and not comfy."

"She doesn't have clothes. She doesn't live her anymore. Rylee has clothes but she's short and not tall at all. So I don't think you'd fit in her clothes."

"Is that your nice way of telling me I'm not the same size as your sister. I'm fatter."

"No!" He pauses "I was just saying that...I mean you know what you two probably wear the same size." He says stressed. I love stressing people out.

"Chill out I was kidding."

"I have a hoodie you can wear. It's from high school. You can probably fit in them but probably not my sweats."

"Sure where the hoodie. I'll literally where anything to get out of this top. Beauty is pain. This top is skin tight around my boobs. I probably shouldn't have worn a sports bra with it." I look over at Chase and he's frozen in place. "Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes. Yes you did."

"Sorry." I apologize "I didn't mean to say that out loud."

"Don't apologize. I like this side of you. This side of you is the side I could get used to. I want to know about you, Taylor. What you like. What your parents are like. What you do for fun. Everything you regret in life. I want to get to the Taylor without her guard up. I just want you to let me in."

"It's hard for me to do that." I admit.

I change into Chase's hoodie that almost fits me. It almost fits me because I'm not that much shorter than him.

We finish the movie. Chase is the perfect person to watch a movie with. He doesn't make the stupid comments throughout the movie. He's a great person to watch a movie with.

"I'm tired now." I tell him but when I look over at him, he's asleep. Is that why he's the perfect person to watch a movie with? Because he falls asleep. He's on all of the covers too. So I can't get under the covers.

So what I do to sleep because I'm to nice to wake him up. Is I grab all of his basketball jerseys that didn't make the cut to be on the wall and I cover my legs with them. Which is a lot. I'm assuming they're all just different styles from the same team. My arms are already covered because of the hoodie. I just don't want my legs to freeze.

I look over at Chase one last time and he is peacefully sleeping.

How does someone peacefully sleep without covers. He's in basketball shorts. How are his legs not freezing?



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