Chapter 26

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The one I waa yearning to see was there, when I opened the door.



It has been years since I last saw him. This is the first time I saw him after seeing him in US last time. I hugged him tightly.

"Hyung, you have become handsome than ever"

"Stay like this"

I kept him in my hug. Phone calls and video calls can't give me this happiness.

"Let's see. Are you growing shorter?"

I askeed him, checking him head o toe.

"No. Hyung has grown taller. Where's your kids?"

"I brought them lunch. They must be hungry by now"

"I's love to see them"

"They'll come now. You prepared everything right?"
I asked Seon, sitting on the sofa.

"Yes it's here now. No one knows. I bought Novah a vehicle. I'll tke the othwr one later"

"What about the house?"

"Novah said she found one. I didn't ask her further. Her words can be trusted"

"Hmm. She must be waiting"

"Is anything wrong, hyung?"

"A bit, Seon. They said they aren't going to take any responsibility. Thosse words scared me. And kids say that some vehicles followed them time to time.

There other groups are very bad. I wonder how they became like that. They do their thing one way or the other. I alsp receive death threats these days.

I can't shar the risk with kids. That's why I didn't take a private jet"

"That's good, hyung. Attacking a aeroplane with 300 isn't as simple as attacking a private jet with 8"

"Hm. Here they're coming"

I saw the kids coming to the office from the glass door. I introduced them to Seon.

"The first one in the team leader. Wubin. A good boy. The maknae of the team too"

"He also will lose the leadership if they joined to Bighit"


We left the VIP room and came to the office I asked thm to come. I explained Seon the process until kids come.
And then I introduced Seon to them.

"Kids, this is my brother. Seon"

"And Seon these are my kids.ย  You said you'd love to see them? Watch carefully now"


I went to the room to get dressed, letting Seon be friend with kids.



"Hyung, you look great"

"Looks handsome"

Kids were surprised to see me in full suit.

"Your full suits are in that room. Go and get rready"


"Is this a VIP room?"

"Looks like that"

"I didn't know that there are this type of rooms in airports"

"Neither do I"

Kids chatted looking at the room they had to dress in. This was a new experience for them. Meanwhile, Seon came to the room with someone else.

"Knock knock knock"

"Who is it?"


"Kids, are you done now?"

"This is a make up artist. She'll prepare you all"

"Seon hyung, why is this?"

"Didn't hyung tell you? You have a photo shoot now"

"No he didn't"

"It's okay. Get ready now"

"Make them perfect"

Seon left, saying so to the make up artist.



I was proud, seeing my kids coming out from the dressing room.

"They are more handsome than hyung"

"I thought the same"

"Let's go. I took the baggages"

"Where are we going, hyung?"
Wubin asked me.

"It's a surprise"

We came to the private jet that Seon prepared by as airport vehicle.

"This is a jet, right?"

"Is this where we shoot?"


"I told you to sleep because you have the shooting. Your faces would've looked tired if you stayed up the whole flight"

Seon did the photo shoot as he was good in photography.

"Seon, they must look like billionaires"

"Sure, hyung. Ask Novah to edit these. She is good in that"

"I will"

We did the shoot behind the jet, on the stairs, and t the end, in the jet. We could finish tthe shootingg within an hour.

"Okay boys. Let's go now.
Kids were surprised when Seon said.

"Are we going in this?"

"Yes. Didn't hyung tell you that too?"

"I didn't, Seon. How can I take my kidsย  like that when everyone else goes luxuriously?"

"Hah hah hah"


We came to US and came to the hotel I booked.

"The booking is under the name Kim Taehyung right?"

"Yes sir"


People surrounded me when I came. I purposely avoided being disguised. Now everyone will know thhat we stau in this hotel. I booked only one room for us.

"You have to stay together. So be in one room. We have enough money but your safety is more important. That's why I booked only one room"

I came to meet Seon after shhowing them the room.

"Hyung, I'm running late. Shall I leave now?"

"Okay Seon. Take care. Thank you for everything you have done"

"Don't mention it"

"Seon, your gallery will be famous if our band came to visit it once. But grandpa will know about it if I did so"

"You still call him grandpa after all he has done?"

"Shh. You shouldn't say anything bad"

"Good night hyung"


"Kids, rest now"

Itold them, going in. Then only I saw that they all had washed themselves and changed the clothes.

"Oh you already washed? Give me a minute. I'll have a quick wash and come"

"Ah I ordered meals. Eat when they arrived"
I told them, going to the washroom with my towel.

"Okay hyung"

"Didn't I tell yall to eat?"
I asked because they hadn't started eating although the meals had arrived when I came out of the washroom.

"We waited for you, hyung"

"Oh. Let's eat quickly then"

We started eating. I was anxious about the kids more than ever. We talked after the room service came and took the leftover.

"Did you all tell your homes that you landed safely?"

"Yes hyung"

"Wubin, keep everyone's passports with you. Keep your essential things in side bags. Phone, purse, medicines of there's any, and Park Ho, keep your glasses also in the side bag"

"Okay hyung"

"I have to go for rehearsal tomorrow. Meanwhile you should go to the museum. Go in the day, when a lot of people are there"

"Okay hyung"

"Take your sidebags. They must be with yoy until you come out of the museum. Come out at about 12. There's a minor road from the museum to the park. Walk along that road.

I'll give you a number. Call that number when you are in the museum.

Go wherever she says. She'll drive the vehicle. Thereafter, work as she says.

A lady will come to pick you. Kids, I have my faith on you. Don't make any kind of trouble"

"Hyung, is everything alright?"

"Yes Wubin. Everything is still alright. But I am not sure that they'll remain okay in the future. That's why I try to keep you all aaway"

"Okay hyung. We'll work as you day"

"Now, sleep. I have something to do. Wubin, I sent you a twxt. Save that number.

Now sleep. I'll come later"

I came to the living room with my books. I didn't forget to take my books no matter whete I go. I had everything in my mind although I haven't writtwn an exam in 2 years. Joseph, who helped me earlier is in his third year of the medical life. I had to write exams with junior batches as I missed few semester exams.

"No hyung. We are all okay"

Wubin came to the livng room in a phone call. He went out as he saw me.

I planned to stusy for at least half an hour, but I couldn't concentrate as my mind was a mess.

"Sorry hyung. Hyung called me"

Wubin said, coming towards me. I forgot to hide my books as I have got used to yhe new apartment, so Wubin saw the books I was studying.


"How did you know?"

"My hyung studied them until morning those days. Ar you also studying medicine?"

"Mm. But that's a secret, okay?"

"I can keep secrets"
Wubin winked at me and went to the room.

I was happy that they have finally stopped calling me sir.

At the end, I kept my books aside and went to the room.

"Kids, aren't you sleeping yet? Why is this bed empty?"

"It's for hyung"

"Forย  me?"


"One bed for me and one bed for 5 of you?"


"Seriously? Stop the nonsense and sleep properly. I'll go to the sofa"

"Hyung, you sleep here. I'll go to the sofa"
Wubin said.

"Have you slept in a sofa earlier?"

"No hyung"

"After I enrolled in Bighit, the time I slept on sofas is much larger than the time I slept on a bed. I slept on a sofa for 4 years. So go to the bed. Sofa is okay forr me"

"But that's not right, hyung"

"Then all of us can sleep here. Can't we move them closer? Are they fixed?"

"Move ot then"

I took my pills and came to the washroom. Now I was careful enough not to put siringers into hotel bins after that issue.

"Let's sleep then"

Kids moved further and further when I fell onto the bed.

"Kids, sleep properly"

I shut my mouth and slept as they didn't listen to that.

Even though they moved further last night as of I had leprosy, in the morning we all we like a newlywed couple. I thought there aren't any troublemakers like Jungkook until last nght, but now I know I wa wrong.

"When will they come to pick you, hyung?"
Wubin asked me, searching for his toothbrush.

"At 9"

"Then go to washroom first. We'll wait"

"No Wubin it's okay. I have some work to do before that"

My phone got blurred when I when I was about to make a call. My chest started to hurt like earlier.


"Is everything alright?"

"Hyung, are you okay?"
I felt like vomiting when kids asked me.



Wubin opened the door while brushing teeth when I bamged at the door. I pushed him away and ran in even before he come out.
To be continued...
Fiction by Roshell ๐Ÿƒ

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