I Wish (a One Direction fan fiction)

I Wish (a One Direction fan fiction)

108,206 1,011 29

Ashlyn Brooks and her best friend Grace Matthews have plans to spend the summer at Ashlyn's grandparents house in the U.K., like Ashlyn has been doing every summer since she was born. But when they meet One Direction, everything changes. They take an unexpected trip with the boys and end up having the time of their lives, at first that is. Things don't go as planned and suddenly Ashlyn is wishing they never met the boys.…

It's Just Me... Jess

It's Just Me... Jess

4,746 133 32

Our little group of us "cool kids", we were all in the same little music club back in school. All four of us, Niall Horan, now in one of the worlds biggest boybands, Josh Devine, now the drummer of the band Niall is in, Hallie Willps, now a famous model, and me Jess Halloway, now the girl who works in a rundown family bakery. But now i'm super excited, One Direction is coming back here, maybe I can make up a little money for the ticket! But then again if I go, he probably won't even remember, afteralll, It's Just Me… Jess…

suicide notes 「 jungkook 」

suicide notes 「 jungkook 」

54,034 3,686 53

❝ usually, when people say they want to be alone, they don't mean it. they're just angry because they've been sad for so long . ❞❝ what would you know about that ? ❞ in which a strange girl leaves notes for the broken so they can make it through the day. a jeon jungkook fanfiction.-a/n:in reality, there are only 25 chapters to this. all the rest of the parts you see are either extras or journal entries by the leading female character. it's encouraged that you read the entries; however, they aren't crucial to the plot.best rank; #1 in fanfiction, #10 zico copyright 2015.completed; 7/22/16…

For you, I'll risk it all

For you, I'll risk it all

1,449 43 27

"Your hands are drenched from murder, and yet I trust them completely" She said to him as he hold her head while blood flowed from her wound.-----------"I'm in love with you" he whispered searching for her eyes "but I won't hold you back, not from him" he paused "You saved him in every way a person can be saved"----------Sometimes she thought about the normal life she could've had if she had refused the government's help and tried to save her sister on her own. The normal life she could've had if they hadn't tried to turn her into a weapon and if she had never been caught by Hydra.But that was a waste of time. Life was what it was; her sister was alive, and so was she, but nothing would ever go back to the way it was.After years on the run, would she finally settle in the arms of America's golden boy? It seemed like a good idea. The only problem was the man she hated more than she hated the government or Hydra.And she knew she couldn't have one without making peace with the other, but was that all? Hate?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm currently writing it so I still do not know how this is going to play out.Also, keep in mind English is not my first language.I will post the major TW at the start of the chapters but here's a general list:- blood- murder- suicide- self-harm- self-hate - abuse (both physically and mentally)I don't own any of Marvel's characters, therefore the rights to all MCU Characters belong to Marvel. I do own the Black Wolf story and character.…

Scared ; Ben Bruce
Run - a.i // au

Run - a.i // au

7,082 219 25

Resilience re•sil•ience noun The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness…

One Hell of a Butler (Ciel x Sebastian)

One Hell of a Butler (Ciel x Sebastian)

21,652 482 9

Ciel Phantomhive is a young earl who sold his soul to a demon named Sebastian Michaelis. Without parents or siblings, Ciel turns to Sebastian for comfort and reassurance without the intention of falling in love with him, but just the opposite happens. And despite his cold demeanor, Ciel cares deeply for Sebastian and wants nothing more than to tell him of his feelings.…

My Demons (A One Direction Fanfiction) COMPLETED

My Demons (A One Direction Fanfiction) COMPLETED

6,108 123 16

When Liam left for the X-Factor, I was torn. I wanted him to stay, but I didn't want to be the one that held him back from achieving his dreams. Liam was the one who protected me at school, and with him gone, I would be an easy target. My bullies made my life a literal living hell, worse off from the second Liam left. Liam leaving changed my life a lot, but I was about to find out just how much. Being a superstar's sister isn't easy. You have nothing in your life that's private anymore. Your life is basically known by the public; every move you make, every word you say, they know. I hate it, but I'd do it over again for Liam in a heartbeat. I'd do anything for my brother. My name is Athena Roze Payne, and I'm Liam Payne's twin sister. This is my story.…

I'm not happy |/ miles x will

I'm not happy |/ miles x will

1,627 62 7

"I'm not happy" "I know"created by mahboyholdon…



13,915 770 31

The story begins on the night where his new neighbor asks for help to stay in his apartment for only a few hours due to his lover being a psycho looking for him.Hyunjae, the mysterious man who makes Juyeon determined to help his until they not meet again.Will there be a moment of love between them?…

History. (*EDITING*)

History. (*EDITING*)

1,615 141 70

If you know you know…

starstruck ~ A Rosenali Story

starstruck ~ A Rosenali Story

4,527 276 17

rosé is a teenage famous singer with a girl group called Stephanie's child. Denali is a teenager who's been draged to a concert that she's not really interested in. what will happen when they meet…

Holdon ülő leányka

Holdon ülő leányka

5 0 1

hello, mostanság könyvek helyett verseket fogtok olvasni ezen a fiókon ugyan is meg mondom őszintén a könyvekhez nem igazán van időm/ihletem/tehetségem. Ha tetszik amit költök akkor maradj és olvass :)…

Song Lyrics

Song Lyrics

258 0 15

Existential Crisis

Existential Crisis

1,956 82 10

Why? We've all come across that word, often questioning life. Isn't it crazy that just one little word, three letters, can tear our minds apart?Why do we exist?Why am I alive?Why do I care?Why did this happen?Why this, why that.Why...Why... Why?What is this shit we call life?I dedicate this thing to @somehaveletters💗💗💗…

That Good Thug Love
Stupid Bike ➳ l.s

Stupid Bike ➳ l.s

19,352 2,236 22

Onde Louis tem um grupo de amigos skatistas e Harry é apenas um novato com uma bicicleta estúpida.Por problemas em sua adolescência, Louis acaba se mudando para Londres. É onde encontra Harry Styles, um idiota que tem uma bicicleta. Louis tem um segredo, ele odeia bicicletas.…

Piece By Piece

Piece By Piece

1,526 62 6

Every piece of our lives is magical, no matter the time or place. For each part is something big, and together they make the puzzle, the puzzle of our life. A collection of memories, of a boy and butler and what they shared, both in love and out.…

All Because Of A Concert (Jcpenny Fanific) ON HOLD

All Because Of A Concert (Jcpenny Fanific) ON HOLD

838 47 11

"I love her, but I know she doesn't love me"~"I love him, but I know he doesn't love me."-------------------------It all started because of a concert…

Instagram ft. Frenkie de Jong

Instagram ft. Frenkie de Jong

9,344 113 8

{mikkykiemeney heeft je getagt in een foto}{mdeligt_ is begonnen je te volgen}{afcajax heeft je een dm gestuurd}…