Chapter 10

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"Okay sir" we greeted him and came out.

"Kids wait I forgot something. Come back in"

"What is it?" Seokjin went back in.

"You can't use your full names in the field. You have to select a stage name. You can add any meaning to your names if you prefer or you can usse just a name too. Either way, you have to select them now as I have to send them to the main office. I called you here to tell that but I forget with these problems"

"I'm JK" Jungkook blurted out as soon as Mr. Sejin finished.

"It means?" Mr. Sejin asked.

"Jung Kook. JK"

"Okay. Write here and sign" Mr. Sejin gave him a document.

"What should I take?" Seokjin asked me.

"Whatever for me" Jimin told me.

"I'm RM" Namjoon declared.

"And that means?" Mr. Sejin asked him.

"Rap monster"

"Do you rap?" Mr. Sejin's first joke of the day.

Hah hah hah

"I'm Jin"

"Then I'm Jimin"

They also got their names.

"I'm Suga"

They all had theirs.

"Will you take V? V for victory?"
Mr. Sejin asked. I nodded.

"Can we leave now?" Jungkook asked Mr. Sejin.

"Why is he always asking to leave?" Jin whispered in my ear.

"Food" I whispered back.

"And kids, another message. You'll have to start your diets from today onward. You had your breakfast, right? I'll send the diet plan to your dorm. Don't eat anything till evening"

"What?" Both Jungkook and Jin exclaimed.


"Shall we eat today and start the diet tomorrow?"

"No way. You have to start today itself. Go now"

Jungkook went out blaming Jimin angrily.

"I told you that we should eat first. No one listened. Now how can we eat?" Jimin didn't say a word for himself and started eating as soon as we reached the dorm.

"Mr. Sejin won't come, so let's eat. No one will know"

Jimin told us with food in his mouth.

Following him, other five also started eating from here and there. I also found a box of sweets and started eating.

Knock knock

"Kids, I'm coming" Mr. Sejin came in.


"No sir we are just...." they started muttering various reasons.

"Ah you are already on the diet? Okay then. Diet today  and start eating from tomorrow on. Here's the diet plan. Adjust it as you wish"

"Tae, you didn't forget that you have to go to the college tomorrow, did you?"

" No sir"

"You can't eat fish or meat, right?"

"Yes sir"

"You have never eaten them?"

"No sir"

"That's the issue..."

"Why sir?"

"You'll have to prepare food separately"

"It's okay sir. I can cook for myself"

"Okay then.
I'll send the ingredients needed for a week. Cook as the diet plan says. And we'll send the dinner. Start cooking tomorrow"

"Okay sir"

"I'll get going then"

"Sir" Jungkook screamed.


"Come and join our diet"

Jungkook handed over the box in Jin's his hand to Mr. Sejin.

"Thank you kids. Good bye" he went away with the whole box. Jungkook only asked him to take one piece,

Great! The next fight...

We ate, cleaned, and started chatting.

"How many spoons  are there in 30g?"
Hoseok asked reading the diet plan.

"One" I answered.

"One?" Hoseok shrieked.


"How do you know?"

"I have read it somewhere"

"Well then. We can eat only one spoon per day from tomorrow onward, is it?"


It was the morning. Ones who agreed to cook were sound asleep. I started cooking alone as I couldn't wake them up.

"I'll get going. I'm late" Yoongi went out without the breakfast.

Jin came to help me after some time.

"I can cook"


"Yes but my sister orders from outside on those days. Hah hah hah"

Jin was the best.

"Ah Jimin, we cooked so you have to wash the dishes after the lunch" Jin shouted at Jimin who was trying to run away from our eyes.

Though he said so, I had to wash the dishes myself. Namjoon came and helped for few minutes and went away with some silly excuse.

Although Jin and I were going to the same University, I had my lectures at 8 and Jin had his at 9. Jungkook and Jimin had to be at school by 7.30. Most days Jimin had morning classes and went school at 6. I help Jungkook to get ready and leave the dorm with him at 7 o' clock. I drop him by his school and go to the college. I'll have to walk for at least fifteen minutes from the entrance to the buildings. Jin said that he was going to leave at 8.45.  He can take a taxi.

The lecture has already started when I entered the lecture hall. I had been walking for more than fifteen minutes, it seems. I must bring a wrist watch tomorrow. Some students came even after I went in, maybe because it was the first day. The teaching was started today itself after an orientation of one hour.

They didn't give notes like they did in schools. The lecturer spoke and we had to write them down as he speaks. I could manage it.

I went back to the dorm alone. Jungkook said that he could come with Jimin. Jin must have gone already because his lectures ended two hours earlier than mine.

I was planning to go to the dorm, have the lunch quickly, and then go to the studio, and looked at the watch of the kid who was next to me in the bus. It was 2.15. I decided to go straight to the studio as I didn't have time to go to the dorm. It was 2.40 when I got off the bus by the studio.

Others had started practice.

"I'm sorry. I'm late"

"It's the first day in the college right? It's okay. Change quickly and come"

"Okay sir"

We came to the dorm after practicing till night. No one had the dinner because of our diet. I studied until 1 a.m. though I was a bit hungry.

The next morning also was the same. No one woke up, so I finished cooking alone. Jin scolded me for that.

"Why are you always cooking by yourself. Make others also do them"

"They are not used to it, Jin. I can cook until they get used"

"How can they get used when you don't give them a chance to?"

Jin stopped Jimin when he was about to go.

"Wait a minute. Listen, Taehyung can't cook everyday, can he? One can cook a day in each week. We can exchange the day with others if we got a chance to go home. Okay?"




"Do you have an extra watch?"

"Yes I have"

"Can I use it until I buy one? I didn't have time"

"Ah. Take one" Jin told me showing four watches.

"Give me a normal one"

"Every watch is normal watches. Not for money. Take this, it matches with your outfit. Take any of them in mornings. You don't have to ask me"

"Thank you" I wore it.

"Let's see. Yah what are you doing?" he stopped me.


"Watches should be worn in right hands. Haven't you ever wore a watch?"

I nodded to say no.

It was only then Jin understood what he just said.

"It's okay. Forget it. You can go now" Jin said after making me wear the watch properly.

I could organize time because of the watch. The distance between the college gate and buildings take twenty minutes. My lectures end at 1.30. Twenty minutes to the gate How can I manage to go to the studio by two o' clock?

I ran to the studio today, but it was 2.35.

"I'm sorry, sir" I apologized.

"When do your lectures end?"

"At 1.30, sir"

"How can you come here by 2?"

"I'll come by time tomorrow, sir. I'm sorry"

"I'll talk with Sejin and try to do something. Go change and come quickly"

"Okay sir"

I couldn't make it by time for the whole first week. All I could do was apologizing.

I started running by the college to make it there by two, at least today. But it was 2.15.

"I'm sorry"

"Go and change quickly. We can't do this everyday"

I felt dizzy in the dancing practice. I didn't feel better although I stopped twice to drink water. After some time I drank the whole bottle of water.

"Taehyung..." Jimin screamed as he saw Taehyung faints.

"Bring that water, quickly"

"Taehyung, Taehyung..."

"He doesn't respond. Call Sejin and ask him to bring the doctor"
To be continued...
Fiction by Roshell 🍃

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