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We were smoking again in Kyra's room.  It was comfortable and warm in there, and I smiled a goofy smile as the pain in my belly ebbed away and euphoria took over once more.

We were sitting side by side, listening to music again, and I was watching the little specks of light as they glinted off the sea glass, casting brightly coloured shafts of sun on the roof.

"See those colours?"  I pointed, and Kyra followed my gaze, nodding.


"Imagine if a little man crawled out of one."

"Why the hell would a man crawl out of one?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, picturing it perfectly in my mind, "to go and find food?"

"You had to mention food, didn't you," Kyra complained, resting his head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong with that?"  I wondered, fiddling with one of his dreads, admiring the black cord wrapped around the length, creating little crosses all the way down.

"Nothing, but now I'm hungry," he answered, then paused before continuing.  "Well, I'm not, but, jeez I've convinced myself that I am."

"Why is food so much better like this?"  I wondered, starting to feel hungry, but not hungry, at the same time.

"I don't know," he agreed.  "It even feels good.  Like, your taste buds are happy, and your feel spuds are also happy..."



"You said feel spuds," I giggled, unable to help myself.  "They aren't spuds!"

"When you say taste buds, you say it all together, and it sounds like spuds."

"What the hell are you on about?"  I laughed, and Kyra laughed too, sitting up.  

"Okay, okay, let's start again."

He held his hand out to me, smiling helplessly as he took mine.

"Hi, I'm Kyra..."

"We don't have to start that far back!"

"Well, it's too late, beautiful stranger, we already have."

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