Both your parents were on another business trip and so you were left alone once again bored out of your mind, so you resulted in the only thing you ever did. Call up your boyfriend Chris.
"Hey Chris it's me." you smiled down the line.
"Hey Y/N, I'm guessing your parents are on business trip again?" he said down the other line.
"Yes they are so if you wanna come round....?" you said curling the cord on the phone.
"Do I have a choice?" he asked sarcastically
"Hmph." you sighed
"I'm joking, I'll be over in 5."
He hung up and you grinned, you always managed to get your way with him. You ran to the kitchen (not tripping over a step or anything.....) and went to the cupboard and pulled out a large bowl and then ran to another cupboard to pull out a microwave popcorn bag.
You put the bag in the microwave and moved the dials around for the bag to be in there for 5 minutes. You placed the bowl next to the microwave ready for the popcorn to go into and then ran upstairs to your bedroom to change into some more comfortable clothes.
As you pulled your top over your head the doorbell rang, "That's him!" you squealed whilst running to open the door. You flung the door open and Chris was standing there, you ran into his arms and hugged him abruptly.
He was taken back by your sudden jump but hugged you back "Hey Y/N." you smiled at the sound of his voice "Hey Chris." and he smiled at the sound of yours.
You grabbed his hand and led him into your house whilst closing the door behind him, "So what do you wanna watch then?" you asked him with excitement. He chuckled at how cute you were being "Uh I don't know." you pointed to the cabinet which was stacked with VHS tapes. "Look pick one whilst I get the popcorn."
He nodded whilst looking you up and down when you walked away, you smirked as you caught him checking you out. You deliberately wore some really short shorts to tease him.
You heard the frantic popping noise of the popcorn in the microwave, you left it for another minute before opening the microwave and pulling the bag out carefully.
"Ow ow ow." you said continuously bouncing the hot bag around in your hands and managed to somehow get it in the bowl without fail. Surprisingly you didn't burn yourself and popcorn spilled out into the large bowl filling it up.
You walked back into your living room to Chris lighting one of the candles that was placed on top of the small coffee table. You smiled at the smell of lavender whilst shaking the bowl of popcorn, "I've got the popcorn, did you pick a movie?" Chris shook his head "Yeah, thought we could watch 'Rebel Without A Cause' because I know how much you love James Dean...even though he kinda died in a car crash." you frowned "Shush!"
You jumped onto the couch sitting next to Chris purposely spilling some popcorn over his lap, "Whoopsie sorry Chris." he shook his head and tutted "It's fine." the film started and you hugged into Chris' side whilst he brushed hair out of your face.
As the film continued you started to fall into a blissful sleep in Chris' arms "If you're going to fall asleep I might as well watch another movie." you grunted in response "Yeah whatever you say Chrissie."
You could feel him chuckle at the nickname and he leant down to kiss your forehead "Go to sleep baby." you moaned "Hmm nighty night Chrissie." he smiled "Night Y/N."
He stared down at your peaceful state and thought to himself how had he become so lucky to be landed with you.
Ahh it feels so long from when I last updated, school has been mental and ugh everything is so shit at the moment, everything's falling apart including this shitty chapter. Got into a mini argument the other day and ugh don't even get me started. Ooh you guys probably aren't interested but I have a really good song you should listen to, it's called 'Hold Me While You Wait' by Lewis Capaldi, the words are so meaningful.
I also know that VHS' weren't invented in early 60's but let's pretend they were shall we.
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