It was a typical Saturday morning, you and your brother, Gordie, walked to the treehouse to meet up with the 'gang.'
It was another hot summer, not as bad as last years summer, but it was still hot this year, you were wearing some short shorts (much to Gordie's dismay) and a striped shirt. You wanted to stay cool but also try and impress your crush Teddy.
When the two of you reached the treehouse after minutes of walking, everyone was already up there, "Where were you two slowpokes?" Teddy said whilst cackling. Gordie shook his head whilst picking up some cards "Uh I recall we were walking here to hang with you boneheads so now if you don't mind I wanna play some cards."
You sat talking to Vern about something whilst the other boys played cards whilst insulting one another every five minutes. As you were talking you couldn't help but notice Teddy glance at you every so often. You smirked and blushed slightly every time you caught him.
As time went on the conversation of height came into light, "Hey I still can't believe that Madi is taller than Teddy." you laughed "Yeah I know, I'm gifted." everyone laughed and continued to pester Teddy.
"Madi's taller than Teddy, Madi's taller than Teddy." everyone as well as you chanted, Teddy's face grew redder and redder as the time went by.
"Ugh everyone shut the fuck up!" Teddy yelled, Chris smirked with the others and they all shouted "I don't shut up I grow up and when I look at you I throw up." you were the only one who didn't join in as you could see how worked up Teddy was getting.
"You know what, fuck you guys!" Teddy shouted and left the treehouse, you looked at the other boys and clapped.
"Well done boys, I'll talk to him." they pointed at you "Hey! You joined in too." you stared at them whilst pulling up the small door "Difference is I knew when to stop." and with that you went to look for Teddy.
You saw he was sitting at the bottom of the hill that leaded up to the treehouse, "Hey, I'm sorry about that." you said softly whilst sitting down next to Teddy.
"Yeah I know that you're sorry Madi but it just doesn't help, I feel weak when you say you are taller, I know you're taller but I just feel weak." Teddy rambled.
You placed a hand on his shoulder "Why do you feel weak?" Teddy pushed up his glasses and started rambling again. "Just you're taller and just I can't protect you and stuff and, just, I, you're just always protecting me instead. And I should be protecting you not the other way round."
You pulled him into a hug "Awh Teddy you don't need to protect me." he looked at you "But I do though." you shook your head "Why?" he hung his head low "Because I like you Madi."
You fell back "Y-you like me." he blushed and scratched his neck "Yeah I do a-and I totally g-get that i-if you don't like m-me then it's fine." he rambled on again stuttering and mixing up words.
You just raised his head with your hand and smiled "I like you too you doofus." with that you both grinned goofily at one another and leaned in to kiss each other.
You had always dreamed of Teddy being your first kiss and finally the time had come and it was 10 times better then what you had imagined. Fireworks and butterflies and all sorts erupted into your stomach and made your body tingle all over.
"Whoop Teddy! Get some!" you heard Chris yell from the treehouse window. You both pulled away and laughed "Oi move Chris. Oh my god Duchamp that's my sister, you swore to never touch her. Ooh when I get my hands on you." Gordie yelled but in anger.
You and Teddy just kissed again overhearing Gordie "Oh no dude that's my sister, he's tonguing my sister eww."
Sorry this took so long but I hope you liked it LLaughtrackk
I kinda made it so Teddy admitted his feelings first instead of you which I hope is okay. Anyway hope you enjoyed it, thanks for requesting.
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