Recording to bbieal the musical

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Recording with muck-ups: *start*

Dane: *points at the camera* Don't make fun of me. This won't be good-

(Music starts.)

Dane: *dances weirdly* A mysterious package arrived at my door. Inside was a game I never heard of before.

Dane: It looked pretty dated, but since it was free; I booted up my ancient Hewlett-Packard PC.

Dane: I put in the disk, it started to run; then braces myself *harshly* FoR eDuCaTiOnAl FuN!!!

Dane: *mocks Baldi* WELCoME TO bALdIs BaSiCs in education and learning!

Dane: what.....I'll start again-

Dane: And braced myself for educational fun!

Baldi: *gets super close to the camera and makes weird noises*

Baldi: Welcome to Baldi's basics in education and learning!

Baldi: *does something weird with eyes and then does Hilda Berg laughter* Okay I'll do that again.

Baldi: Welcome to Baldi's basics! In education and learning. *cracks into laughter and then says lines like a hippie*

Baldi: Welcome to Baldi's basics. In education and learning.

Dane: All I need is seven notebooks, to break out of this game. Trapped inside of Baldi's basicssss in Baldi's pretty unnerving.

Baldi: *creepily* I hear every door you opennnn.

Dane: I dare not doubt his claim. And he filed a legal claim.

Baldi: *puts hands on headphones* We are the world. We are the children~

Dane: I found the next notebook on a desk before long.

Baldi: *is wearing ONLY a thong* I get more angry each time I wear a thong.

Dane: The numbers were jumbled, indescribable math. I knew from the smacking I incurred Baldi's wrath.

Dane: out in ha-*laughs* I'm like: Something got slapping. Somebody got killed-

Dane: out in halls, I heard a loud crack; Baldi was there and he was on the attack!

Dane: Can't escape from Baldi's basicssss I cant get past it's a bully.

Bully: *holding candy* Gonna take a piece of your C A N D Y. *stops and drops candy*

Bully: I dropped my candy. ;-; *looks at you which is the camera* Gimme a piece of YOUR candy. >:)

Dane: Now I'm as good as dead! *forgets script* EEUuU-

Dane: Let me out of Baldi's basicsssss for love of all that is holy.

Dane: Should've set this game on fireeee and gone right back to whatever I was doing on the couch beCAUSE I WASN'T SLEEPING.

Prize: I am coming.....I see you.....

Prize: see you........reader......I am going to find you.....and I am going to HuG you...........hAHa-

Dane: *weirded out but carried on* What the fudge does this thing do?! It closed in fast and cornered me-

Prize: I'll hug you. For. Eternity.

Prize: I will no longer hug anyone without proper authorization. Please do file a restraining order against me or shut down my Twitter.

Dane: A student named playtime appeared in my way; she pulled out her jumprope and said: *best impression of playtime* Let's Play! *macaw noises*

Dane: She pulled our her jumprope and said:

Play: Lets Play!

Play: Oh that's the end. How is that the end.

Arts: E-Everyone Welcome to P-p-p-Playtime learns how to work an i-iPod.

Play: *giggles* I'm Sorry, I've never had one before guys. :D

Dane: I tried to escape but Baldi burst through the door....So I began skipping rope as I had never before!

(Dane and playtime both cutely play jumprope together.)

Play: 1,2, Oops you messed up!

Dane: 1,2 Oops you messed up!

Play: 1...

Dane: 2...

Play: 3...

Dane: 4... AAAA-

Play: That makes me sad!


Play: *more dramatic* That makes me sad....*fake sniffles*

Baldi: oh, perfect oh, brilliant! And our award for best actress in a musical: goes to miss playtime! Oh tragic! Oh pitiful sobbing!

Play: *smiles and bows*

Dane: I ran like the wind and heard the principal call as I dash through the door way:

Me: 1,2,3,4,5, nights at Freddy's!

Everyone: *boos and kicks me off the stage coz mah singing sucks.*

Dane: I ran like the wind and heard the principal call as I dash through the doorway:

Principal: No running in the halls. *points at the camera to teach the kids at home a lesson* No running in the halls. 

Principal: No making cringeworthy chapters in the halls.

Dane: His finger was pointed; his expression quite stern.

Principal: Detention for you; when will you learn. *takes off headphones* Nailed it. -w-

Dane: The timer ticked down; the bacon drew near;

Principal: *dancing*

Dane: 2 seconds more and the BREAKFAST BE HEREEEE-

Dane: *dramatically as if you had survived an apocalypse* The timed ticked down; the smacking drew near; ONE SECOND MORE BEFORE BALDI BE HEREEEE-

Dane: Outta time in Baldi's basicssss and Baldi's one step behind me. Only missing one more notebookkkk but sweeping time appeared.


Principal: Sensitively.

Sweeps: *seductively* Gotta Sweep Sweep Sweep~

Sweeps: *sings a verse of a song that I do not know of and do not care enough to look up. He sings it in sweep-language.*

Dane: No way out of Baldi's basicsssss and Baldi's certain to find me.

Dane: Can't escape or use the sodaaaa and there ain't no notebook hereeeee.

Dane: *sees me on the microphone* There's a bug on this thing, what is this, what is this? What is this things on the microphone. EW!  aAA, AAAAAA-

(The End. That was one of many videos Baldi has stored in his basement. Bye-)

Prize: HuG-

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