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Baldi: Hello reader! It's been a long time since a non disastrous play has occurred......actually, right now the schoolhouse is being reconstructed!

Baldi: We are getting a renovation of new floors! Show them princi!


Baldi: So right now the schoolhouse is closed for a bit. Oh, and if you are wondering where I am rn, I'm in front of the construction sight of our schoolhouse.

Principal: Sadly, during construction, the stage got destroyed along with other stuff. So, to keep you nice but slightly weird people entertained, Baldi thankfully recorded in class scenarios that will hopefully entertain you all. By the way, Baldi. How did you record our students and staff?

Baldi: ummm..............surveillance cameras?


Baldi: So, reader, you may come to my house-

Principal: Wait why not my ho-

Baldi:OKAY. come to the principals house to view some video footage of the class and us doing weird pop cultural scenarios.

Principal: Bye everyone! We will see you back at the schoolhouse when it's done renovating!

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