Part 17

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Jared fetched two cups of coffee. One plain black, and one with two creams and one sugar. And oh, an apple.

While in the car, he took out his marker and wrote on the other coffee cup. His penmanship is terrible, it hasn't changed since high school, but that woman said she's appreciative so he still went on and wrote "Drea•‿•" on the cupsleeve.

He smiled, hopefully he got this one right.

Drea's table is the first place he thought of going to. He placed the coffee and apple beside each other in an organized manner and he proceeded to his own table with a big smile on his face. He doesn't know why. He just feels a little giddy today.

On top of his table is a closed folder with a note that says it's from his partner, Sanders. He opened that one. It's Patrick Mason's investigation profile. According to it, his alibi is clean. There are CCTV footages to prove that he's partying with his girlfriend at the night of Garrett's death. He wonders why Drea asked to do a check on him. 

He sat down, starting to get busy in the paperwork when Michaela appeared beside him.

"Jay, what happened? The boxes? Where are they taking them?" She asked, going hysterical. He stood up and decided to move their conversation somewhere else where nobody could hear.

"Sanders told me Juliet wants to dispose them for good." He answered her once they got inside the evidence closet.

Michaela was biting her thumb, it's her mannerism whenever she can't think clear or when she is trying to. Jared focused on her because he knows her too well to even ask what's wrong.

"Did you have a calling?" He asked. He knows that's what it is. Mick nods. 

"It's a vision, actually, not a calling."

"What is it?"

Michaela breathes in, deeply, as if she's about to spew a thousand words after and she's gonna lose breath. 

"Before you found Garrett's dead body, I had a vision of the fin," she put his eyes on him. "And it's just not the fin. There's a bloodied suit hanging beside it."

"It's Garrett's suit." His statement is in between a question and an affirmative.

"Yeah, I think so. But last night and this morning, the same vision appeared. I don't think we're done here. I don't think it's Garrett. I mean, we already found him and the suit must belong to him..." she paused, and there goes a big breath again. Mick's eyes were closed for a second and it's making him worried. "Listen, I saw other things in that vision this morning. It's not only the suit and the fin, it's..."

"It's what?" He asked out of worry. Michaela has been trying to complete her sentence but she can't and it's making him think of a lot of things. He's nervous. 

Mick bites her lip. "It's a signage. It says 828. I don't know if it's a door or it's--"

"The container." Jared concludes, remembering something. "In the crime scene, at the upper floor. There's a giant container that says 828."

Mick nods. "That's what I think too but there's another thing."


She frowns, inhales. "You and Drea. I saw you and Drea in front of the fin."

Jared's heart panicked when Drea's name was involved. "What does Drea have to do with this?"

"I don't know, Jared. I think it's you and her that needs to find it."

He paused, collecting his thoughts and thinking of the possibilities. What if something happens in the process and Drea gets hurt?

"Didn't you see anything else? An explosion or anything?"

"Nothing. But there's a catch, Jay."

His jaw tightened. He didn't even hear the last word that Michaela said.. "What if we're risking Drea in this? What if something happens to her?"

"I get that. But we can't tell her about this."

"Why can't we?!" 

His voice raised. Uttering a silent apology, he talks back to Mick.

"She has risked herself for us multiple times even when she didn't understand any of it, Mick. She deserves to know. And then we will see if she'd still stick with us."

Not seconds after he said all that, three knocks were heard from the door of the evidence closet. 

"Mick, Jared, you guys in there?" 

It's Drea's voice. Jared and Mick exchanged indecisive glances just before the door pushed open and swallowed Drea inside the room.

She's holding the coffee in her right hand and the bitten apple in the left. A file folder stuck against her chest. 

"What are you two talking about? But anyway, I hope I'm not late for the meeting." She joked and walked to them two, giving Michaela the folder. Mick opens it and finds a list of every container in that room that's owned by Garrett. It was positive. There's a container 828 in the list.

"This is great, Drea. But we still can't find a way to get inside that tower."

"I got it covered," she bit in her apple.

Both of his and Michaela's eyes widened. "You do?"

Drea responds with a nod and she takes out two silver cards from her pocket, both of which has a Mason Shipping Lines seal engraved to it.

"That will get us inside, but I only have two. So that makes us, Mick--"

"No, I'll go with you."

"It's got to be Jared."

Jared and Michaela spoke simultaneously. While Jared said he's going with her, he grabbed her arm fiercely, making Drea look at him with such surprised eyes. Time stops for the two of them when they're looking at each other, it's like they're stuck in their own bubble and forget that someone or anyone's there with them. 

Michaela cleared her throat to get their attention. Drea was the first to look at her.

"Why does it have to be him? You're my partner." She asked.

"It's just... it has to be him, Drea. If you're doing this, you have to be with Jar--" Mick stops in the middle of saying something. She suddenly just held her head and he knows it's aching.

"But you're my partner, Mick. And it's-- Mick?" Drea replied but saw Michaela almost dying on the floor.

She glanced at Jared but she wasn't able to say another word again because he pulled her closer.

"Trust me on this one, Drea." He says with clear assurance in his voice. 

"You have to go." Mick says weakly. She looks at them two. "Jared, go! Now!" 

He didn't complain, he didn't even think of helping her up because this is serious. 

"We've got to go," he tells Drea. 

"What the hell are you talking about? Michaela needs help!" Drea yells at him, trying to get out of his grip. He didn't let her and he pulled her out of the closet.

Jared is overwhelmed, and he's anxious. He doesn't even know why he did that... why he's doing this. Lately he's been obsessed of keeping Drea safe. He wants her away from the littlest form of harm and now that they're doing this, she sure is risking her life with him.

And she doesn't even know a single thing as to why.

"Jared, what the hell?!" Drea said as they're inside the car. "Mick needed our help! Why did you drag me out?"

He kept on a straight face. "Don't ask."

"The hell I wouldn't! I'm going back--" she tried opening the door but it was in child lock. 

"Drea, stop it. Don't think about it, it's not serious."

"Not serious where? She's dying."

"Just... let's just focus on the fin, shall we?"

"And Michaela?"

He exhales heavily. "She'll live."

Drea still won't stop talking. "Jay, what is up with you? Is she sick? Is there something I need to know?"

He was in the verge of answering, but he knows it's not in him to explain everything to her, on the other hand, this crazy gut tells him to trust her so she doesn't give her an answer until they became silent.

Drea leaned back at her chair, accepting her defeat. 

"What's the plan? I only pulled some strings so we can get in there and check but we can't stay there for long." 

Jared breathes in and then out. He replied without looking at her. "I know where the fin is."

"What? How?"

"It's in container 828."

She chuckled. "Of course. 828. What a clever idea."

"I'm not kidding, Drea." He coldly replied, now taking his time to look at her and see that he's telling the truth.

Drea's gaze became serious... and suspicious. "How did you know that, Jared?" Her voice was stern.

He put his eyes back at the road again and swallowed. He wasn't planning on answering but his guilt is slowly eating him whole. This is not how he wants things to go.

"Are you hiding something from me?" She added. Now he's panicking.

"Michaela knows it. She-- she told me."

The sound of his stammering triggered Drea's jaw to tighten. She's feeling betrayed right now.

"How did she know that? She just took a quick glance on the list I brought this morning and she's certain it's in container 828?" 

Jared grips tighter to the steering wheel and looks at her sincerely. "I will explain it. I promise, I will. Let's just focus on getting that fin out of there--"

"And how the hell are we supposed to carry that ton-weighing thing out of there?"

He doesn't give her an answer and let the silence take over. Drea leans on her chair with a serious scowl on her face.

"Let me guess, Michaela has it covered? Of course, because she can get a tow truck out of nowhere and get that thing out." She sarcastically smirked.

"Drea, don't be mad, please. I promise, I will explain."

He expected her to just be fuming mad and silent on her seat but Drea did the opposite. Even though she sounded angry and she is angry, she still faced Jared and offered him her pinky finger.

"Promise me, Jared. No more secrets."

He pursed his lips in a thin line and finally made a decision. 

"I promise," he reached for her pinky finger with his own and they sealed it with their thumbs. Drea was just about to pull off but Jared kept clinging. He looked her in the eyes. 

"You're still gonna be my best friend after this, right?" 

She smiled sheepishly as a reply and clung to his finger as much as he did to hers. "I thought we forgot about being best friends."

That's not the reply he wanted to hear, but it calmed his heart. It was an assurance that she won't hate him even if the secret he's been hiding turns out to be chaos.

Jared's not good with friendship, he just can't keep it. He grew up without siblings and his mom and dad died early so he was the loner kid. After three decades in his life, it's just now that he has found someone he can be comfortable with. Drea earned his trust like no one else did. Her humor always gets him. Now, he's got someone he can vent things out to. A living diary. A coffee partner. A guitar trainer and Japanese translator. He doesn't know what else she could be in his life but he wants to give it a chance. So no, he won't lose her.

When they reached Bayside, they started leaving their badges and guns inside the car. Drea led the way, as if she knows the place so well. The guards let them in and left them alone inside the place.

"How did you get us inside of here again?" He asked. She's being extremely resourceful with her connections.

"I know someone who's got stuff in here," she silently replied, turning the flashlight on in her hands. It's still early, but this place is too crowded with large boxes and the design didn't quite allow much sunshine to pass through. 

The two walked the wide spaces in between the containers. They can't see so well and had to go separate ways just to find that 828 box out of thousands. Drea presented an idea of them checking in different floors but Jared didn't agree. He wants to be as close to her as possible so if anything happens, he'll be right there.

Ground floor, second, no sign of Mason's 828 container. They met each other at the stairs leading to the upper floor and went there together. This time, they didn't part.

"Stay close," Jared said as he held her behind him. 

He doesn't know if Drea noticed it, but there were other beams of light that didn't come from their flashlights. When he walks anywhere, trying to identify a number written on the containers, something would sound nearby. If he's being followed then he shouldn't be the only one.

The started walking silently between those boxes and after fourteen of those things, they found what they've been looking for. 

"There we go," Drea silently smiled, seeing the gigantic container with "828" written on it. He glanced at Jared. "Now what?"

He's already dialing Ben through the radio. "Third floor, east wing. Affirmative."

Then he held Drea's hand just like what she did to him during their Japan trip. She didn't seem to mind it as well. But he's doing this for a purpose. 

When they were a few blocks far from that container, he stopped walking and cornered Drea on another giant box. He put his wounded index finger in front of her lips, telling her to be quiet. Then they were already hearing footsteps approach the place where they were earlier.

Three light beams reflected from the shiny tin surfaces of the containers. Drea's eyes widened, realizing they've been followed. Jared silently caught her and whispered, "Let's get out of here."

Holding hands, they quietly ran down the stairs and exited from where they entered. No one chased them, luckily. But who are those people? What are they trying to find? Are they Garrett's murderers? 

Jared pulled his radio out and dialed Ben again. 

"We were followed. Where are you?"

The radio reverberated from Ben's location. "They're there. They're taking it."

"Someone's after the fin, they followed us." He replied, but before the message reaches Ben, the tower's vent already opened. 

A few moments more and the box is already being towed out of the building and onto a boat. And it was all too familiar for Drea.

Jared thought it was a mission accomplished, the container is already transferred to a shipping vessel. Not until Ben dialed him again from the other line.

"Jared, that's not our cue." 

"What do you mean?"

"That's not our ship." Ben replied.


He looked again, but the ship's already moving away. 

Unbeknownst to him, Drea knows just who exactly took that container.

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