"Where did you get that pendant?"
Like she did earlier, she hid the pendant under her clothes.
"It's nothing, just a lucky charm. Why?"
Olive's forehead creased. "I just think I saw it somewhere."
She lightly chuckled. "Did you and Mick ever go to a jewelry shop together?"
"Yeah, we did."
"That's why. She also told me she's seen this pendant somewhere."
Drea was almost hopeful that Olive knows where the other half is, or who has it. But then she had second thoughts of trying to fins that boy.
Like she told Olive earlier, she didn't make a promise, that's why she shouldn't be guilty about commiting to anyone else. Similarly, she didn't give back a promise to wait for that boy and as rational as she thinks, maybe he didn't even mean to keep that promise. They were little, and it was stupid to vow something as heavy as that. But she's even more foolish to hold on, to wait. She's gathered all the unclouded parts of her mind but those weren't enough for her to stop believing in his promise.
She's getting married soon, she's giving people a chance, and somehow starting to feel something towards someone. Meeting him again at this point in time would be pointless, but the greater part of her still wants it to happen. At least to thank him for being her anchor in life, and say goodbye right after.
But as she always said, he's her first love. And she never made herself available for anyone unless it's him. Right now, things are starting to change. Maybe she's already trying to put someone first before Jerry.
When she and Mick arrived back at the office, both of them started sorting out paperwork and finishing them all without a break. Every fiber of focus was present in her body as she was doing that and she didn't even think of dozing off. She's had an extremely good day to even be tired, but when the clock stroke nine and everything she needed to accomplish were finally done, she felt her sore muscles start to complain. She leaned by her chair and put Jared's pillow around her neck.
Great. Now she's thinking of him.
Her eyes wandered around the almost empty precinct. It's only her and a few others working overtime. When she looked at Jared's cubicle, it was empty. He's probably already home. Michaela's table is also empty so she decided to call it a day.
She stood up and got her car keys, greeted a few people goodbye and then proceeded to the parking space. Drea is tired and obviously well-spent but something rings a bell in her head, something she seems to forget. When she entered the car, that's when she remembered.
The passenger seat had a paper bag above it. When she caught that, she found the set of strings and strap that she bought earlier. She left it in the car on purpose because Michaela thinks those were hers but no, it's for Jared. Her plan of going home right away is cancelled because she had to take the road to Jared's house.
It was a ten minute drive to his residence and she even had to take another route to avoid the heavy traffic. His car's outside, that's how she knows he's home. She parked her car beside his and went out to hit the doorbell.
One single ring amd his door was open. Jared is still in his office clothes but without the jacket. He's bearing a bowl of mac and cheese on his left hand and used his right hand to unlock the door and let Drea in without even asking why she's here at this hour.
He's pouty. Doesn't look like he's okay. He seems to have had a rough day.
Oh, and he's really pouting this time.
She walked to his living room. The TV is on. That's the only light source in the room because all of his lights were off. And instead of football, it's Loud House he's watching. A few brochures and file folders were scattered on top of the table in front of the couch together with a cup of hot cocoa.
"Where's your guitar?" She inquired. Jared was just walking back from the kitchen. He fetched himself another bowl of mac and cheese. While on the way, he picked up the guitar that Drea was asking for and then sat back on his couch.
She followed him and occupied the remaining space of the couch, got the guitar of her lap and started undoing its strings.
"You're extra grumpy today," she says while loosening the strings. Jared glanced at her with a pout.
"Did you come here to tease me about being terrible with knives and crying over an onion?"
That made Drea laugh. "No, I didn't want to remember that."
"Then what?"
She raised the container of the strings she bought. "Came here for your guitar."
"My finger is hurt, I can't practice tonight."
"Oh it's fine, I'll just do this baby's makeover and we can teach you some songs after your cut has healed," she finally looked at him after all the old strings were ready to be disposed. "Why did you even steal that knife from me?"
Jared narrowed his eyes as if thinking of an answer but he just ended up looking away from her and focusing on the TB
"Hey, I'm asking you," she lightly hit his arm but it wasn't enough to get his attention. He even took a spoonful of macaroni in his mouth as an excuse to not talk. Drea grinned. "Were you worried I'll get hurt so you did it instead?"
Jared shakes his head. Before he could even take another bite of his food, Drea snatches it away.
"Then what?" She asks, hiding the bowl behind her just so he would answer.
"I didn't want to set up the table with Michaela. That's all."
Suspicious as she is, she just answered a quiet "okay" and gave him back his mac and cheese. She stared at him for one more minute before getting back into business.
The room is dim and the light from the television is unstable so she struggled in seeing the dirt to wipe. Drea had to get her eyes closer to the thing just so she can manipulate it correctly. When she was done cleaning it, she got the set of new strings which are wrapped individually for identification. However, she can't see well in the dark and therefore can't read which string is which. Next thing she knew, Jared is walking towards the wall. He opened the lights.
Drea lifts a gaze for him, not sure if her eyes are saying thank you or they're just judging Jared or both. There is it again, her heart is fluttering, and he's actually just standing in front of her.
"What?" He asked and then put down his bowl of mac and cheese to pick up a book from the table. "I didn't turn the lights on for you. I'm reading."
Then he let himself fall on the couch, making it bounce. Drea just didn't mind it, he's so moody.
She thought they'd go their individual jobs, she thought he's gonna read that file in his hands, but as she was putting the strings in their places, Jared's eyes peep on her every second. If he hears something snap or break, he will look right away. When Drea was already tuning the guitar, he didn't mind reading anymore and all his attention were on her, guarding the strings so that they won't overstrech and hit her again. His hand is just below Drea's vision. If anything snaps, the book he's holding in that hand would catch it.
Both of them were tensed, worried that something would fly in the air but when Drea successfully tuned the E string, the breaths they held for so long finally came out as sighs of relief.
"There we go," Drea panted and then smiled. To her surprise, she finds Jared smiling to her as well.
She collected the paper bag and finally attached the strap she bought for Jared's guitar. Without saying anything, she hung it, passing through his head and settling on his shoulder.
Jared pulled out his right arm so it can support the guitar. It looks good on him, the only thing missing is a cowboy hat and he's officially a country singer.
"You make a good country singer," she snorts. "Except for the beard, I don't like it."
His eyebrows wrinkled. "Anyone who doesn't love my beard is free to leave my house."
Drea chuckled and stood up with her hands in the air. "Okay then, it's getting late anyway."
When she took a few steps away from his couch, Jared stood up as well, removing the guitar around his body and then turning the TV off.
"I'll drive you home. It's not safe."
Her cheeks wanted to flare up and now she's trying so hard to cool down.
"You do know that I'm a cop, right?" She replied, acting like it sounded funny for her but to be honest it was sweet.
He was just about to reason with her but his phone rang and it was a call from his partner. Drea's phone chimed too so they had to excuse their selves in front of the other to attend to their phones.
For Drea, it was good news. It's a message from Juliet saying she's inviting her and her fiance over to her home at eighth floor, room 828, Capistrano Building. 8th of January at eight PM. That's four days from now.
Jared moved to the other corner to talk with his partner on the phone and Drea excitedly waited for him to come back and to tell the good news. But when he came back there, it's nothing but storm that's going on in his eyes.
"What's wrong?" She worriedly asked.
"It's the containers," he exhaled. "They're being disposed tomorrow."
"What? Why so suddenly?"
"I don't know, it's Juliet's orders."
She silenced. Both of them did. There was no plan. They can't just bunk in there and interfere with the process.
Unless of course they're permitted to do so.
A light bulb lit up in Drea's head and she ran outside without saying anything. In the verge of entering her car, she looked back at Jared, but he wasn't at his door, instead he's standing a few steps near her.
"I think I can do something," she says, opening the door. When she was inside, Jared still won't take his eyes off her so she smiled and put her seatbelt on. "Don't worry, Jay. I'll be careful."
That's when he finally distanced himself from her car. She drove slowly until she was out of his sight and the highway maniac came back to life when she knew he's not watching anymore.
She fished out her phone and dialed a number. This is a sure string to pull.
"Sammy," said the voice that answered her.
"Can we meet tonight?" She asked right away.
With a sinister smile, the person from the other line replied. "Of course. I've been waiting for your call."
Drea never liked the sound of her voice so she cut the conversation short. "I'm hanging up," she said.
And that's what she did, press the red button for the caller who goes by the name...
...Katherine Fitz.
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