"You're safe now, I promise"

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Prompt: The BAU finds you after a kidnapping case.

mention of rape and torture

"Okay everyone, we're going to LA." JJ started, handing out the files. Spencer opened up the file, closely examining the crime scene photos.

"Looks like there is an excessive overkill." Spencer muttered, "Their wrists have marks which shows they were restrained."

"Is there signs of sexual assault?" Derek asked, looking up to JJ in the front of the table.

"Yes, they're also held for two days. LAPD suspects that all he's doing to these girls is torturing them, raping them, and then killing them."

"He seems like he has a type, y/h/c hair, y/e/c eyes, and successful women." Garcia noted, "All the women he has taken are either lawyers, doctors, etc."

"There is someone being held by the unsub right now, her name is Tina Burke. Her boyfriend reported her missing this morning after she never came home from work."

"That means we have less than 48 hours to get Tina home and safe. Wheels up in 30." Hotch stood up, everyone following him out.

2 days later...

"A body was reported. It looks like Tina." A police officer told JJ, Derek, and Spencer.

"Where?" Spencer asked, walking over to his geological profile.

"Behind a dumpster on Elk street." Spencer moved his fingers slowly around the map, finally finding the street, "It's in his geological profile."

When they arrived at the scene, the body was Tina Burke. Spencer and JJ headed over to where she worked, a hospital in the unsubs geological profile to talk to one of Tina's co workers.

Spencer and JJ walked to the front desk, "Hi, we are here to see Y/N Y/L/N."

"Oh, hi that's me." You answered, putting down your board.

Spencer observed your features, finding you very attractive, "H- Hi, Im Dr. Spencer Reid and this is SSA Jennifer Jareu. We would like to ask you a few questions about Tina Burke. Is there somewhere more private we can all talk?"

You nodded, "Yeah, I have an office just down the hallway."

Once you got inside your office, Spencer and JJ sat across from you on your couch while you sat at your desk.

"Were you close to Tina?" JJ asked softly.

"Only in the workplace. We mostly worked together. She was the nurse always on duty while I was here." You rubbed your arm, tapping your foot on the floor nervously.

"There's nothing to be nervous about." Spencer reassured you, "We are just asking you questions."

You nodded, continuing to answer the questions they asked you.

"Thank you for your time, if anything else comes up, here's my card." Spencer gave you his card, placing it gently in your palm.

"Can I still call you even if I don't have any new information?" You whispered to him. He smirked, "Y-Yeah, you can." he stuttered,
stumbling over his words.


Later that night, you finished your rounds and said goodbye to your patients and headed to your car.

You pulled out Spencer's card and smiled, getting your phone and punching in his number. From the hour you were with him, you grew an interest and wanted to get to know him better.

"Hi, this is Doctor Spencer Reid." He answered.

You smiled big, "Hi! It's Doctor Y/L/N." You giggled.

He laughed along too, "How are you?"

"I'm good. Anything new that can help you with the case yet?"

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Nope. I can tell we're gonna be here for a while. No new missing persons yet."

"Aw, I'm sorry." You answered, putting the keys in your car door to unlock it.

"It's fine, these cases usually take a while. he said, but you never answered.

"Y/N?" he called your name into his phone.

He heard a muffled screaming in the background, and then the call was hung up.

"Shit!" he yelled, running over to the rest of the team, "JJ, remember Doctor y/l/n?"

JJ nodded, "I was on the phone with her."

Derek whistled, "Get it, pretty boy!"

"Derek, this is not the time!" He yelled, turning back to the rest of the team, "I think she was kidnapped by the unsub. She suddenly stopped talking and I heard muffled screaming in the background of the call. I mean think about it; she's the unsubs type: y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes."

JJ nodded, "She is. Spence, did she tell you where she was?"

He shook his head, "No, but she might be at the hospital."

"Okay. Reid and Rossi, go to the hospital. The rest of us will stay here to work more on figuring out who he is."

Once Spencer and Rossi pulled into the hospital parking lot, Spencer walked over to a black SUV.

He put on a glove and picked up the phone that was laying on the ground next to the car, "This is her phone and her car." He sighed, defeatingly, "He has her."

"We need to run this for prints. He might've gotten sloppy and his finger prints might be on here." Rossi suggested, patting Spencer on his back.

"You do that, I'll stay here and ask anyone if they saw anything.


You woke up groggily, squinting your eyes to get used to the light above you. You looked around and finally saw that you were in a dark room.

You wrists were tied tightly behind a chair, and your ankles were tied to the legs of the chair. You had tape over your mouth, and your head was pounding.

You looked down at the floor and you saw blood dripping. Great, he must've knocked me out. You thought.

You started moving your hips, trying to move the chair.

"I wouldn't do that, sweetheart." A man with dark, brown hair, brown eyes, and a tall, muscled body appeared.

He walked over to you, slowly moving his finger across your cheek, "You're about to have the best 2 days of your life with me." he smirked, taking off his belt.


"Think of the profile." Hotch reminded the team. It's now been 14 hours since you were last seen. Spencer's anxiety consumed him every second you were with the unsub.

"Strong man, between the ages 25-30. Doing this in revenge of a woman in his life that let him down. More dominate, alpha male type." Hotch read the profile.

Rossi came running in the room, "Prints came back. It's a guy named West Anderson."

Spencer quickly called Garcia, "Garcia, West Anderson."

"Gotcha, my crime fighters." The room was silent besides Garcia's typing. Spencer tapped his finger tips against the table impatiently.

"West Anderson. Divorced his wife 3 months ago due to violent abuse chargers against her. During them being married he was in the hospital 12 times. And here's our trigger. 2 months ago she died due to unknown causes."

"Garcia, address." Hotch demanded. She told them the address and they all went into the SUVS, putting on their bullet proof vests.

Rossi motioned for SWAT to quietly unlock the door, and they all headed inside. Spencer stood by the basement door, and Derek came to support him.

Spencer and Derek slowly walked downstairs, his gun in the air.

West had a gun pointed to your temple, and you finally met eyes with Spencer. Tears were running down your bloody face as you started to kick around. West pushed the gun farther into your temple, telling you to stop.

"West Anderson, FBI." Derek told him, keeping his gun towards the unsub.

"If you move or shoot, she dies." West spat, eyeing the two profilers.

"Okay, okay." Spencer put down his gun and put it into its holster.

"Listen, you don't have to kill her. I understand that your wife hurt you both physically and mentally. She's gone now though, she can't do anything to you anymore. Just because she hurt you doesn't mean you have to hurt Y/N." Spencer tried to talk the unsub out of killing you.

West started to cry, "She hurt me so much. I don't think I can ever recover."

Spencer sighed, "I know, I know. You didn't deserve what she did whatsoever. Now, let go of Y/N. She isn't your ex wife. She's just someone that reminds you of her."

West slowly put the gun away from your temple and dropped it, putting his hands up in the air while sobbing. Derek ran over and aggressively put him in handcuffs, bringing him upstairs.

Spencer ran over to you and slowly pulled the tape off of you mouth. You sobbed as he untied your wrists and ankles. He put his FBI jacket over you, as you were only in a tank top and underwear.

He pulled you slowly into his arms, "You're safe now, I promise. No one is ever going to hurt you again." He continued to whisper soothing things into your ear as you cried into his shoulder.

After a couple minutes of just being in Spencer's embrace, he helped you into the ambulance.

"Spencer, can you come with me please?" you whispered. He nodded climbing into a seat and grabbing your hand.


After getting tons of tests and a bunch of doctors checking up on you, you were in your hospital room with Spencer. It turns out you had a broken rib, a concussion, a busted lip, and just a bunch of cuts and bruises.

"Can I ask you a couple questions?" Spencer asked, "It's procedure."

You slowly nodded, "Okay, now what did he do to you?"

You gulped, "He grabbed me from behind when I was talking to you on the phone. I was struggling in his arms and he hit the back of my head with a rock and then I was knocked out." Tears started to form in your eyes and Spencer put his hand on top of yours.

"I finally woke up in the basement where you found me. I was tied to the chair and there was blood dripping from my head; also I had tape over my mouth. He then took off his belt and started to hit me with it."

Spencer bit his lip and wiped some tears away from your face, "You're so strong. Is there anything else?"

"He punched me and kicked me, that's basically it."

"He didn't.. rape you did he?" Spencer whispered.

"No, no. You guys came in the house before he could do that." You sighed, "Spencer, you and your team are amazing and I don't know how I can thank you." You smiled.

"Listen, it's our job, but I was a little nervous because I do like you and care about you a lot." Spencer confessed, rubbing the back of his neck.

An idea popped into your head and you tapped his nose, "I know how to repay you." Spencer nodded, "Let me buy you dinner." Spencer raised his eyebrows playfully.

"Deal or no deal." You put out your hand.

"Deal." he said, grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles.


i made a little longer one :)
hope you guys had a good day!

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