Core Memories

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Hi everyone! This one shot is inspired by the one tik tok trend where you name your core memories. Basically, it's key moments in your life that you haven't forgotten & mean a lot to you. There are going to be five in this one shot all relating to You and Spencer's growing relationship.

1. When our eyes met.

Your first day at the BAU. You had extreme jitters about this day, as you nervously tapped your foot on the ground of the elevator.

Once the doors opened, you walked towards the glass doors and slowly opened the door. Everyone turned and their eyes met your nervous ones.

A man, now know as Derek Morgan, introduced himself first, and then you met everyone else.

The last person you almost shook hands with (but found out about how kissing is safer than shaking hands) you thought he was just gorgeous.

He stood there nervously, stumbling over his words and tucking pieces of hair behind his ear. For a brief moment, you both just stood there, your y/e/c eyes staring into his light brown eyes.

You almost felt a spark ignite in your stomach. You both felt in your own world, like no one was around watching you. But, in reality, everyone was staring at you both, wondering when you two were going to start dating.

Hotch then cleared his throat, making you and Spencer look away from each other, a deep blush forming on each of your cheeks.

That was just the beginning.

2. Poker

After four months of being on the team, you and Spencer have gotten closer. You trusted Spencer with every bone in your body, and he felt the same way too.

After a brutal case, Spencer sat across from you. He had one leg over the other, playing with a set of cards

"What are you doing?" You tiredly asked, sitting up and adjusting your blanket to cover you more.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to play." Spencer smirked, starting to put the cards on the table in front of you both.

"Oh no, Pretty boy," You laughed, shaking your head, "Why should I even play? I don't even have a chance."

Spencer shrugged, "C'mon, just have a little fun, let loose. You seem the most affected by the case, so you need a little fun right now."

You bit your lip, thinking, "Fine. Don't cheat."

Spencer put up his hands in defense, "I won't, I won't."

You both started to play, and after a little while, he won.

"Ha!" he yelled, "I won, I won." He teased.

You rolled your eyes, "What did you expect? Isn't this not fun for you anymore?"

"I looooove winning."

3. First Kiss

It was a little into January, snow falling occasionally in Quantico.

You walked into the BAU with a puffy vest, a purple scarf (which was Spencer's), and black leggings. It was a paperwork day, and everyone always wore comfy clothes.

Later that night, you and Spencer would be going on your first date. He said that he had a bunch of things planned, and you were so excited.

After a long day of paperwork, Spencer took your hand and lead you to his car.

"Ok, first, are you hungry?" Spencer asked, turning out of the BAU's parking lot.

You nodded and he drove you to your favorite Chinese place. You both ate and just talked about everything going on in each other's lives.

He then took you to a library. It had a couch near a big fireplace, and he just read to you. It might sound weird to anyone else, but this was just what you and Spencer liked to do.

His left arm was wrapped securely around you, his right arm holding up the book. You had your head laid on his shoulder, occasionally looking up at him and smiling.

After the library, you guys took a walk around town, holding hands.

"This has been such a good night, Spence." You softly said, looking up to him and meeting his eyes.

"I'm glad, I wanted this to be perfect."

You held onto his hand tighter, "It was."

All of a sudden, light snowfall started to come down from the clouds.

You turned to Spencer and smiled wide, "Snow!" You yelled and he laughed at you.

You stuck your tongue out and the snow fall on it, "You're such a child."

"I know! I will always be a child at heart." You replied. You both sat down on a bench, looking at the stars.

"So, I was wondering something." Spencer nervously asked, his finger softly tracing over your knuckles.

"What's up?" You popped the p.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

You nodded instantly, "Yes!" You threw his arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Yes, silly! I'm your girlfriend now."

He put both of his hands on your cheeks and pulled you into his face, your lips meeting his instantly.

You pulled away softly, and he put a stray piece of hair behind your ear.

4. Loosing you

One of your biggest fears was loosing Spencer. You loved him so much and you never wanted him to leave, get hurt, or change how he feels about you.

So, when you had a case and Spencer was kidnapped, you instantly thought of the worst things that could happen to him.

JJ found you, sitting outside of the sheriffs department , "Y/N, it's going to be okay."

You looked up at her with tears in your eyes, "You don't know that. If we don't find him, he's going to die and you know that. The unsub isn't going to just not kill him. He's going to stick to his MO and I'm going to lose him." You started to sob and she pulled you into her embrace.

The team worked extra hard to get Spencer back safely, and get the sick bastard in jail.

You wanted to shut down, but you knew you couldn't. You needed to work hard to get Spencer back.

So, when you finally found the unsub, you ran into the house, trying to find Spencer. You walked into the backyard, the only thing giving you light is the moon and the stars. You looked towards the big shed that stood in the backyard, seeing a light on.

You pushed open the door, "FBI."

There Spencer was. He was all bloody, cuts and scratches covered his body.

The unsub, Larry Karner, put his hands up in surrender and you put handcuffs on him, giving him to Morgan.

You ran over to Spencer sitting in the chair, unconscious.

"Hey, hey Spence?" You spoke softly, starting to un tie him. He started coming back into conscious, "Hey you. It's me. You're okay." You smiled, tears falling down your cheeks.

You helped him stand up, and then walk to the ambulance. The paramedics checked him out as you sat next to him, "I promise I'm okay, it's just a concussion and some cuts and bruises." Spencer told you, putting his arm around you.

"I know, I was just." You started, "I was just so scared I was going to lose you."

Spencer kissed your temple, "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

5. Life with you

It is now a couple years later, and you couldn't be happier.

You stood in your kitchen, feeding your one year old, Noah. Your  daughter came running into the kitchen, showing you a painting she made.

"Oh my goodness, this is amazing, Delilah!" You exclaimed, hanging it on the fridge.

You had stopped working at the BAU when Delilah was born four years ago. Spencer told you that if you wanted to stay, you could but you thought it would be better for the kids to have a parent at home all the time. You now work at a college near by teaching criminology, and Spencer still works at the BAU.

You loved teaching and being at home with the kids. Spencer didn't always go away on cases, but he occasionally did. He wanted to keep himself safe so he could be in the kids lives too.

The front door opened, and Delilah ran to the door, "Daddy!" she yelled, hugging his legs. Spencer crouched down and picked her up, hugging her tightly.

"Hi princess, how are you?"

"I'm good. Did you get the bad guy?" She asked, playing with his tie.

"Yea, of course. All of your uncles, aunts, and I got the bad guy." Spencer kissed her cheek, putting her down and coming into the kitchen.

He gave you a peck on your lips, "Hey, you." You blushed, leaning into his chest, "How was the case?"

"It went good, I missed you guys though. So, next case I'm not going."

Noah then put his arms up when Spencer looked towards him, "Up?" Spencer asked, picking him up. Noah giggled and Spencer tickled his stomach.

You and Spencer had gotten married 4 years ago. You actually found out the night of your wedding that you were pregnant it's Delilah. It was perfect. Life, was perfect with Spencer.

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