As Aiko was walking toward the school, she noticed a large crowd surrounding the front gate. Once she got closer, one of the reporters noticed her and rushed up. "How is All Might as a teacher?"
Another rushed up, "What is it like being under the advice of the Symbol of Peace?"
More rushed toward her, asking questions of the same caliber, until Aiko was completely overwhelmed. "Holy shit these people need to calm down!" Haru exclaimed, unsure of how to help.
"U-uh... I have to get to class..." Aiko stated, trying to push through the crowd of reporters.
One with a brown ponytail grabbed Aiko's arm and said, "Come on, just one little statement? You kids need to learn how to respect the press if you want to become heroes."
Aiko gulped and stuttered, trying to give the woman what she wanted, "U-um... A-All Might..."
Aiko was so caught off guard and nervous that no words came to mind. However, a moment or so later, a hand reached through the crowd and grabbed the collar of Aiko's jacket, pulling her away from the crowd and toward the school. Once safely on the inside of the UA barrier, the hand let go of Aiko's uniform. Aiko turned and said, "Thanks for the-" she noticed that a lone figure was walking away from her.
The only thing that she was able to tell about him was that he had wild violet hair.
When Aiko walked into the classroom, she was surprised when Ashido approached her and said, "Morning!"
"M-morning," Aiko replied shyly as she walked to her seat.
"Hey Gessei!" Kirishima said happily.
"H-hey," Aiko said.
"What do you think we're doing today?" he asked.
Aiko just shrugged, unsure. Moments later, Aizawa walked into the classroom and said, "Alright, I viewed the footage from yesterday's training. Bakugo, you're talented, so don't sulk about your loss. And Midoriya, I see that in order to win, you broke your bones again. If you want to be a hero, you need to find a solution. I won't take the excuse that you can't control your quirk, got it?"
Midoriya nodded, "Good. Now, everyone else did well, so onto today's business."
Everyone tensed up, expecting something like from the first day. "You need to choose a class representative."
Everyone sighed in relief, 'A normal school thing!' they all thought. Almost instantly, the class went up in a roar of people arguing about who wanted to be representative, and nearly everyone wanted to. Aiko was one of the few who did not want the role. She lowered her head, overwhelmed by all the noise, and hid her face in her arms. Then, from beside her, she heard Iida stand up and propose that everybody vote. Haru then walked over and said, "Not to freak you out, but someone is staring at you."
Aiko lifted her head and looked around to see that someone was, in fact, staring at her. It was a boy with red and white hair. She hadn't learned his name yet, but his appearance was intriguing to say the least. His hair was perfectly split down the middle, his eyes were different colors, one being a bright blue while the other was a dark gray, and he had a large mark around his left eye. He was staring at her with an intense yet blank expression devoid of any emotion, which made Aiko feel very uncomfortable. She quickly averted her gaze and looked back down at her desk.
Todoroki shrugged to himself and thought, 'Interesting quirk. She may be an obstacle...'
Once everyone passed around a piece of paper, Aiko stared at hers and thought about who to vote for. 'Hm... what about Iida? He seems to be really serious, so he'd take the job seriously. He also seems to be a natural leader. Yeah, I'll vote for him.'
Aiko wrote his name down and folded her paper, passing it to the front. Aizawa counted the votes, writing them on the board. Midoriya won with 3 votes while Yaoyorozu got in second with 2, making them the class rep and vice rep. Midoriya went up there and was stiff as a board. "Alright, who voted for Deku?!" Bakugo exclaimed furiously.
"What's got his panties in a bunch?" Haru asked.
Aiko damn near did a spit take, covering her mouth quickly and catching the attention of the classmates around her. Aiko stared at Haru with an 'Are you serious?!' look, to which he only shrugged and chuckled slightly.
"One vote...?" Iida whispered, slightly upset.
The class was dismissed to lunch, and as Aiko was about to make her way to her isolated table, Ashido ran up and grabbed her arm. "Come on Gessei! You're eating with us now!"
Aiko let Ashido pull her along, only to see that the table she was being pulled to consisted of Kirishima, Kaminari, a boy with black hair, who she hasn't spoken to yet, and Bakugo. Aiko gulped as Ashido pulled her into a seat between her and Kaminari and across from Bakugo and Kirishima. "Why the fuck did you bring Ghost Face?" Bakugo growled.
"Because she's my friend!" Ashido exclaimed proudly, putting her hands on Aiko's shoulders.
"Also Ghost Face? I can't tell if I should praise him for the movie reference or be disappointed for the lack of originality," Haru joked, sitting next to Kirishima.
Aiko rolled her eyes and began to eat her food, looking over and noticing the scratch still on Bakugo's face. Aiko felt guilt course through her body, knowing Haru was the one to scratch him. "Um... Bakugo?" Aiko asked, catching the blonde's attention, "I just wanted to apologize... I didn't know Haru was going to scratch your face, he's just protective of me, y'know?"
Bakugo scoffed and said, "Whatever."
"I'm not sorry," Haru sassed, causing Aiko to give him a pointed glare.
The black-haired boy then perked up and said, "We haven't really talked, but my name is Hanta Sero, nice to meet you!"
"Aiko Gessei," Aiko replied as Haru stared at Sero.
"Bruh he's kinda hot. He's got like an exotic vibe to him," Haru remarked, causing Aiko to choke on her food.
"Are you ok?" Kirishima asked, slightly panicked.
Aiko coughed up the rest of her food and said, "I'm ok. Haru just said something stupid."
"Oh yeah, how'd you even meet Haru?" Kaminari asked.
"Oh, he was alone in a park me that... me and my friends would play at all the time. I went up and talked to him, that's actually when my quirk first appeared. We didn't realize it though until I went incorporeal in front of my dad," Aiko explained.
"What does he look like? Is he hot? How old is he?" Ashido asked, causing Haru to chuckle.
"Um... he's a year older than us. And he's about Bakugo's height, his hair is lime green, his eyes are hazel-brown, and he has pretty tan skin. Well, tan for a ghost," Aiko explained.
"Tell them about my muscles!" Haru exclaimed, flexing.
Aiko sighed and said, "He also wants me to tell you all that he has muscles."
"Oo! Would you date him if he was alive???" Ashido asked.
Aiko and Haru burst into a fit of laughter. "Why are you laughing? Are you two like already dating?" Kaminari asked, which only made the pair laugh even harder.
"Absolutely not. I see him more like an annoying older brother. Besides, he's gay," Aiko explained.
"Ohhhhh," Ashido and Kaminari both said, causing Sero and Kirishima to chuckle.
"You two are dumb as fuck," Bakugo growled.
Suddenly, alarms blared throughout the building, alerting all the students. "What's happening?" Aiko asked.
A third year ran by and said, "It's a level three! Someone's broken in!"
Everyone started running to evacuate, causing Aiko to run with the group. Pretty quickly, however, everyone got swept away by the crowd. Aiko started to get trampled and quickly made herself incorporeal. "Haru! A little help! Boost me up so I can find them!" Aiko called out.
Haru made his way through and lifted Aiko up, hoisting her up on his shoulders. She looked around and saw Bakugo struggling against the crowd, fighting other people and making it worse. "That way!" Aiko exclaimed.
Haru moved them over there as Aiko exclaimed, "Bakugo! You're only making it worse!"
Bakugo looked at her and growled, "It's these stupid fucking extras who are not watching where they're going!"
Aiko growled and made her hand corporeal, reaching it out to him, "I'll help keep you up, but you gotta stop hurting others!"
Bakugo stared at the girl in front of him, who was seemingly floating midair, weighing his options. Either, continue to be pushed around and it being difficult to stand, or accept this random ass girl's help, continue to be pushed around, only it will be easier to stand. "Fuck..." he muttered before taking her hand, looking away, "You tell any of the other extras about this and you're dead!"
Aiko grinned, "I figured."
Bakugo growled and asked, "Why the fuck is your hand so cold?!"
"I guess it's part of my quirk," Aiko explained, Haru walking closer to make it easier on the pair.
After a minute, Iida went zooming through the air and hit the emergency exit sign. "Everyone! It's just the media! Calm down! We're UA students for Pete sake!" he yelled.
Everyone slowly calmed down and filed out of the hallway. When there was enough room and Bakugo was no longer being shoved, Aiko let go of Bakugo and incorporealized her hand. Haru then reached up, grabbed Aiko's hands, and lifted her up and over his head to get her off of him. Bakugo watched curiously as Aiko seemingly hoisted herself up midair and flung down, perfectly controlled. "So you had your stupid ghost friend help you?" Bakugo asked as the pair followed him back to class.
"Yeah," Aiko said, catching up to Bakugo and walking alongside him.
Bakugo glanced down at the shorter girl and 'tsked.' When they reached the classroom, Ashido ran up and asked, "Are you guys ok? We lost you in the crowd!"
"I'm okay, I went incorporeal and Haru had me on his shoulders," Aiko explained.
"Thank goodness. Don't want your pretty face getting all banged up," Kaminari joked, causing Aiko to roll her eyes and shove Kaminari away.
"I'm not that pretty," Aiko remarked.
Ashido gasped, "There's no way you just said that."
"Bitch what did I tell you about body positivity!" Haru scolded.
"You are literally one of the prettiest girls I've seen," Ashido stated.
Aiko blushed, "A-are you being serious?"
"You bet your ass, bitch!" Ashido exclaimed.
Aiko looked around at her new group of friends, who were all happily talking, and smiled.
Maybe high school won't be so bad.
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