Aiko was having a rather normal day of school, which was something she wasn't quite expecting. Who'd have known that hero school would also cover regular topics like math and English. They were dismissed to lunch, so Aiko got some cheap food and sat by herself at a random table, eating while Haru talked about random things. However, after lunch was finished, Class 1-A was sitting in their seats before, "I am... entering the classroom like a normal person!"
Everyone's eyes were drawn to All Might, who was hanging through the door oddly. Aiko's eyes widened like saucers, her mind drifting back to the day he saved her and her family. All Might then introduced today's lesson, combat training. He clicked a button and a bunch of suitcases popped out of the wall, surprising Aiko slightly. "Oo! They upped the tech of this!" Haru exclaimed, bouncing over to them.
Aiko went over and grabbed her suitcase, walking silently toward the locker room. When she got there, she opened her suitcase and smiled, pulling out her hero costume. It consisted of a light gray bodysuit made of a thick material, a blueish black utility belt full of first aid supplies, and a thin, wispy blueish black cloak.
"Perfect," she whispered after she put it on, admiring it's looks and the way it fit perfectly.
She then tied her long ebony hair into a ponytail and walked outside with everyone else. All Might complimented the class on their costumes, and Haru gave Aiko a smug look. "You're lucky that I helped you design it, otherwise you'd look like an idiot," he stated.
Aiko rolled her eyes and heard a pair of footsteps approaching them. 'Someone must have taken longer,' Aiko thought before turning around to see Midoriya in an... interesting outfit. Aiko glanced between him and All Might and gasped slightly. 'Their spiritual energy... it's almost identical...' Aiko thought to herself, 'It's also almost as if both of them have... multiple spirits within them?' Haru walked closer and looked at Midoriya. "Dear lord he looks awful," Haru remarked, breaking Aiko out of her thoughts.
"Be nice!" Aiko whisper-yelled at Haru, getting Midoriya's attention.
"Wow Gessei, you look cool!" Midoriya exclaimed.
"Thanks Midoriya. I like your costume," Aiko replied.
"Thanks, my mom designed it," he explained.
"She should get a new hobby," Haru remarked.
"Haru!" Aiko scolded quietly.
"Haru? Oh! Do you mean that spirit that follows you around?" Midoriya asked.
Aiko nodded and said, "Yeah."
They were then interrupted as All Might began explaining the exercise. Iida raised his hand and said, "Sir! There's an odd number of students in this class, how are we supposed to split into even groups?"
"Ah yes, we'll just have to have a group of three!" All Might stated, pulling out two boxes, "Now draw for your teams!"
Everyone lined up to draw and Aiko found herself toward the back of the line. "Young Gessei, it seems you're going to be our outlier! Everyone put one of your team's balls back into the box for Gessei to draw from!"
They did as he said and Aiko put her hand into the box, picking up a ball labelled A. "Looks like you're with us!" Uraraka exclaimed happily.
Aiko nodded and followed them, watching as All Might pulled the lots for the first match. A and D. Aiko looked over and saw that mean boy, Bakugo, and Iida. "Oh no..." she whispered.
"Welp, you might be joining me in the spirit realm sooner than we thought," Haru joked.
"Ok, what's the plan?" Aiko asked.
"Well, Kacchan is probably going to go off on his own and seek me out..." Midoriya explained, "So it'll probably be a good idea for us to split up. I'll fight Kacchan and the two of you go fight Iida and look for the weapon."
"No offense Midoriya, but I don't think you'll be able to fight Bakugo by yourself. I'll stay and assist you while Uraraka looks for the weapon," Aiko said.
"Yeah, especially since he seems to hate you," Uraraka pointed out.
"You guys are right... ok. We'll do that," Midoriya said.
All Might then called for the start of the round, so they all went inside. "Haru, can you look for the weapon?" Aiko asked.
Haru nodded and ran through the building. Within minutes, he came back and said, "Fourth floor. Iida is the only one guarding it."
Aiko repeated the information to the others, and moments later Bakugo came blasting down the corridor. "Go Uraraka!" Aiko yelled, making herself incorporeal.
Bakugo then started screaming at Midoriya, blasting away part of his mask. 'They must have known each other for a long time before this,' Aiko thought to herself, sneaking behind Bakugo.
Bakugo stormed toward Midoriya, only for Midoriya to grab Bakugo's gauntlet and throw him over his shoulder. Aiko pulled out her capture tape, gave one end to Haru, and both of them ran toward Bakugo in an attempt to bind him to the floor.
The crowd of students watched this in confusion. "How is that tape holding itself up?" Tsu asked.
"Gessei always seems to be interacting with some unseen force..." Tokoyami remarked.
"That's apart of Gessei's quirk! She is able to interact with those who have unfortunately passed away. According to Aizawa, she has one spirit in particular that is always assisting her," All Might explained.
The class muttered in awe, confusion, fear, and disbelief. Mina and Kirishima both looked down, thinking about the rumors about Aiko.
"She talks to herself, she's crazy!"
"She's super creepy, she claims she can speak to ghosts."
"Stay away from her!"
Both of them felt ashamed. 'All of those rumors... they were just misunderstanding her quirk?' Kirishima thought to himself.
'I feel so bad... Ishida never told me it was Gessei's quirk that she was talking about... she just told me that Gessei was weird and creepy...' Ashido thought.
Before Aiko could trap Bakugo to the ground with the tape, Bakugo rolled out of the way and blasted at Aiko's feet. The blast didn't affect her as she was incorporeal, but they did end up missing Bakugo with the tape. Midoriya took this opportunity to run away as Bakugo started focusing on Aiko, pissed that she wasn't affected by her blast. "5%?" Aiko asked, staring at Bakugo.
"I'd say 10%," Haru replied as Aiko took that much energy from him.
Bakugo stared in confusion, but then grit his teeth. "Whatever stupid game you're playing, you better cut that out! You're not better than me!" he shouted, running toward Aiko.
He blasted at her again, only for it to go through her completely as she flung a punch at him, corporealizing only her arm just in time to hit him square in the jaw. Bakugo reeled back and everyone in the observation room gasped. "She actually hit him!" Kaminari remarked.
Bakugo growled and turned back to see Aiko looking slightly somewhere else, still flickering strangely. 'She must be able to control what is and isn't touchable,' he thought to himself with a growl. "Don't you dare look down on me!" he screamed, rushing toward her.
Aiko flinched slightly and watched as Bakugo stormed toward her. 'Is he really not picking up on the fact that he can't touch me?' she thought to herself, reeling back her arm for another punch, making it corporeal.
However, Bakugo jumped up and blasted in her face as she swung forward to hit him, shooting up and grabbing her arm, smirking when he was able to touch it, 'I was right,' he thought to himself. Bakugo then shifted his weight and pulled Aiko around, tossing the significantly smaller girl over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. In the confusion, Aiko's body became corporeal again, and moments later she landed straight on her head. "Aiko!" Haru yelled, running over to Aiko, who was lying on the ground, barely conscious.
Bakugo then ran over to blast her one more time, however, Haru growled and scratched Bakugo's cheek. Bakugo felt his skin start to ache and burn and stared at Aiko who was lying on the ground in confusion, her eyes barely open and seemingly dull. He scoffed, figuring she was out for the count, and walked away to find Midoriya.
Moments later, Aiko's world went black.
"Ugh..." Aiko groaned.
"Oh thank goodness!" Haru exclaimed, rushing toward Aiko.
Aiko opened her eyes to see that she was in the infirmary. Recovery Girl approached the bed and said, "Oh good, you're awake. You should be more careful out there, young lady!"
"S-sorry..." Aiko whispered.
"Lucky for you, all you had was a concussion, so I made quick work of that and you should be good as new," Recovery Girl stated, "You're good to rejoin your classmates."
Aiko nodded and got out of the bed, Haru fussing over her the entire time. "I'm fine, Haru," Aiko groaned.
"Is that the spirit that follows you around?" asked Recovery Girl.
Aiko nodded, "He's fussing over me at the moment."
Recovery Girl chuckled, "Well it sounds like you have yourself a good companion. Now, off you go."
After Aiko changed out of her costume and into her uniform, Haru and Aiko made their way back to the classroom to find that everyone was just kind of chilling at their desks. Everyone turned to Aiko, causing almost everyone to jump up and run to her. "You were so cool!" Kaminari exclaimed.
"I can't believe you managed to land a hit on Bakugo!" Hagakure exclaimed.
"It was quite impressive," Yaoyorozu stated.
Aiko blushed slightly, unsure of how to handle all the compliments. That was until, "I wish you'd step on me."
Aiko froze, paled, and looked around for who said that. Eventually, she looked down to see a boy who didn't look much older than 10 and had weird purple balls on his head. "E-excuse me?" Aiko asked.
"Sorry, I should introduce myself. I'm Minoru Mineta. And what might your name be, hot stuff?" he asked.
Aiko cringed and Haru said, "Oh fuck no! No one's perving on my Aiko!"
Haru stormed forward and used as much energy as he could to shove Mineta into a desk. "Thanks Haru..." Aiko said quietly.
"Wow, I didn't think Haru would be that strong," Uraraka stated.
Haru smirked smugly and said, "You bet your ass I am!"
"Who's Haru?" Jirou asked.
"Oh, he's Gessei's ghost companion, the one All Might was talking about," Uraraka explained.
Aiko then heard a scoff and looked around to see Bakugo leaving the classroom, only he had a couple of scratches on his cheek. Aiko looked down slightly and impulsively ran out to the hall. "Bakugo, wait!" Aiko called out.
She caught up to him as he stopped and turned around with a frown on his face. "What?" he growled, obviously bothered by something.
Aiko flinched a bit before gathering every ounce of her confidence. "I just wanted to say that you did a really good job and you were a challenging opponent. I hope to battle you sometime again!" she said very quickly, obviously nervous, with a slight bow.
Bakugo's eyes widened slightly in surprise before he scoffed, "Yeah, whatever."
Aiko stood up straight again and watched as he walked away. She went back into the classroom and was greeted with more people surrounding her. Yaoyorozu asked, "So Gessei, how did you control what parts of your body were and weren't corporeal? That must've required immense concentration."
"Um... my cousin taught me how. It's the main technique he uses for his quirk, permeation, so I asked him for tips," Aiko explained.
"That's really impressive," Tsu remarked.
Aiko blushed, "It's not that big a deal..."
Then, Midoriya came into the room, so everyone surrounded him. Aiko was about to leave when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked around and saw Ashido standing there, causing her to freeze. "Y-yes?" Aiko asked.
"I just wanted to say..." Ashido started before bowing deeply, "I'm really sorry for spreading all those rumors about you in junior high! I didn't know that everything Ishida said about you was just because of your quirk! She told me a bunch of bullshit and I believed her! I'm sorry, please let me make it up to you!"
Aiko stood in a stunned silence, her eyes as wide as saucers. Haru walked up and yelled, "Damn right you should be bowing!"
"Y-you don't have to do that. I appreciate the apology though..." Aiko reassured.
Ashido instantly shot up and smiled, "Friends?"
Aiko smiled and looked at Haru, who nodded. She turned back to Ashido and said, "Friends."
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