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Sooooo, hi! I would like to say thanks for anyone who has read this so far! It's not a lot of people but it still means a bunch! I'm probably going to ask some questions in this "update" for scenes or how I should progress with this. To start:

What the hell is fluff? I see the word in various fanfics but I have absolutely no idea what it means. It's not weird, is it??
So, sorry if the chapters are kind of short! I try to make them at least 3000/4000 words! I do this because I don't want them to be short! But after reading some other fanfics on here, I'm wondering if maybe I should or just stick with the pace I'm going? I'm also wondering if I should pick up the pace with Redson recognizing his feelings? Idk! I know people come here for Spicynoodles but I don't want it to escalate TOO quickly, y'know? But, if that's what you want then I don't mind at all! I know I started this update for other various reasons but I completely forgot so I may or may not add onto this?
Anyway, have a good rest of your day! Drink water and eat food!!<3

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