Chapter 6: Love just HAD to be so complicated, didn't it?

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Well, Redson could say he was officially busy now. All the love stuff that once took up his entire frontal lobe was replaced with his new ability. Why did he have to be special? Don't get him wrong, sure, it was a nice ability, but why did he have to have it? He was fine with having strong powers, but not some heavenly miracle! Some might say he was overreacting, and maybe he was, but, what if it turned out like how to Samadhi Fire did? People fearing him and not wanting to be his friend? He CERTAINLY didn't want that. Especially since he actually had friends now. So, he didn't tell MK or Mei. He didn't hang out with them for a while, too. He spent his time studying creation. He pulled all-nighters more than he usually would scouring the books his parents gave him. He heard a song from his phone late one night, which was weird to him. He didn't expect one of the two to be up this late. He picked it up and clicked on the notification. It was MK. He smiled softly. Two dings followed soon after.
You up?'
What do you need?'
Redson didn't expect MK to answer so quickly.
'Just kinda bored
I really wanted to talk to you'
Redson's heart skipped a beat. It was the little things now that made Redson fluster, as much as it pained him to admit.
Well, okay.
What did you want to talk about?'
'I dunno ; ; '

Redson chuckled. Okay, then.
'What are you doing right now?'
'I was drawing ('ー`)
It don't look any good though'
'I doubt that.
Show me.'
A photo of a sketchbook came through after about 30 seconds. Redson honestly didn't know what MK was talking about when he said that the drawing didn't look good. It was a few doodles and then some people, but they still looked amazing!
'You're kind of dumb.'
'I honestly don't know what you mean.
You always say your art is bad,
I could stare at it forever.'
Redson stared at the text he sent. Uh. Was that too...forward? Three little dots started to pop up.
Redson stared at the heart next to the little emoji. He could feel a hope swell in his chest. Was this a sign that MK might've liked him back?
Oh. The hope quickly died. Died and rotted.
'It's fine..'
He sighed and glanced at the books on his table. He yawned and stretched his arms before putting the phone down and continuing to read, occasionally stopping to pet Diǎnhuǒ or reply to a text from MK.

The next day, Redson looked like an absolute mess. Plus, he and Mk spent the half the night planning a little hang out between the two of them, so, he had to get ready for that too. Problem was, how was he supposed to go without this creature following him? Diǎnhuǒ followed him EVERYWHERE..if he took a shower or went to the bathroom, the creature would just sit outside the door! He stared at Diǎnhuǒ. "Okay, Diǎnhuǒ. This is between you and me. I can't have you following me around today, I have plans with..someone." He didnt say MK's name in case Princess Iron Fan was listening. Diǎnhuǒ just tilted his head. He sat and seemed to lock into that spot. "Okay..that's..normal, I guess?" Redson raised a brow at the little highland fire bull demon. He got up and started to walk and noticed how Diǎnhuǒ didn't follow him. He grinned triumphantly and patted the creature on the head. Diǎnhuǒ replied with a happy yip. Redson left soon afterwards.

Redson had no idea why MK chose a movie theater. They were watching Monkey Cop for Heaven's sakes. "Why-What gave you the idea that I would like this?-"
"Shh!" MK shushed him. Redson sighed and just sat down in his seat. The ads rolled in and there was a small pause before the movie came on with DEAFENING music! Redson nearly jumped out of his seat. It made his ears hurt.
Quick Author Note!
Redson has bull ears and horns(etc) in this!(I should've mentioned that sooner🥲)
He groaned and sank into his seat. He had a headache after the first thirty minutes of the movie. He got up out of his seat. "Where are you going?" MK whispered. "Just going to pop out real quick." Redson whispered back. "Oh," MK looked a little disappointed. "ok. Can you bring some more snacks back?" Redson nodded. MK grinned happily. Redson felt like he ran out of the theater. He rubbed the top of the bridge of his nose to help his headache in some form. He then looked around for a water fountain. He did get some snacks for MK because-well, because MK asked for it! He shimmied his way back to his seat next to MK and tossed the snacks in his lap. "Oh! You actually got them!" Redson looked at him funny. "Pardon?"
"Usually, you don't get us snacks." MK remarked. Redson felt embarrassed by that. "Oh.." MK grinned warmly. "Thanks!" Redson smiled slightly, though, it was hard to see in the dark. "Yeah. You're welcome."

The movie absolutely sucked. The fight scenes were too...easy. But, MK liked it, so what else mattered? As they were leaving, Redson noticed two girls who were beaming at him and MK. When they realized he noticed them, they practically ran up to him and MK. "So, uh, hi! This is sort of a weird question, but are you guys like, dating? We're wondering because we're kind of the only gay couple in our part of town.." She chuckled awkwardly. Redson's ponytail burst into a flame. "WHAT?" MK, too, looked flushed. The girls giggled. "Okay,, what about a date?" Redson's face felt hot. MK looked like he couldn't fathom reality right about now. "N-No-" Redson stuttered out. The girls seemed to sigh in a disappointed manor. "No...Ah, but soon! Soon!" They ran away giggling and holding hands. Redson slowly, VERY slowly, turned his head to MK. MK looked back at him. Redson pulled his vision away. His heart was practically beating out of his chest. "That was..uh, something?.." MK chuckled awkwardly. "I guess?..Let's uh, let's just go.." And so they went.
How in Heaven's name did that situation even happen?! Redson spent DAYS thinking about that. Had he exposed himself? Exposed his love for MK? Well, wasn't he going to do that soon? He said he would, but did he really mean that? His head spun like his swivel-seat did. And obviously, his mother noticed his behavior. "So," She was filing her nails and getting ready to have a spa day. "love problems?" He sighed. "Love problems.." He groaned and leaned back in his chair. "What kind?"
"The embarrassing kind." He thought for a second. "Actually, I think I exposed myself." She giggled at his statement. "Love does that to you. Exposes. What exactly did you 'expose?'" He thought back to the moment. "My unrequited love for him." He groaned and almost fell out of his chair. "Don't say unrequited. You don't actually know if he loves you back or not." She tried soothing him. "I suppose, but.." But, how could he? I'm his enemy-am I, though? Plus, how could someone like me, furthermore love me? That seemed like quite a hard feat. "Anyway, you shouldn't worry so much. Love is a complicated thing-"
"Why must it be so complicated, though?" Princess Iron Fan seemed to think for a long moment. "That, I can't tell you. But, I think it's mainly relationships." She smiled softly. "Like with you and me. You announcing that you were in love brought us closer with each and every one of our little talks. That's how I see it, at least." He thought for a moment. She had good points. "Yes..that makes enough sense..for once.." She chuckled at the last two words.
So, what now? Did he confess? Or did he wait? He just wanted to be able to hold MK's hands again. Yeah, being touch-starved didn't help his situation of love at all. At least he was forced to go go-karting with Mei and MK. That seemed to take his mind off things...for a while, at least. Mei and Redson were leaning against a wall, watching MK swerve and spin around in the go-kart. "Why in the world is he so violent with that thing?" He scoffed with a chuckle. Mei chuckled too. "Y'know, it's kinda' easy to see." Redson turned to look at her. "What?" He raised an eyebrow. "That you're hopelessly in love." Redson stared blankly at her. WHAT. HOW DID THE DRAGON GIRL POSSIBLY FIND OUT?!? "How the-" He was about to yell. "Question is, are you gonna tell him?" Redson's jaw dropped. "Let-let me get this straight-"
"But you're not-" She seemed to snicker at her little retort. "SHUSH!" He snorted. "So, not only do you know I'm desperately and utterly in love, but you know who it is?" He tried his best not to scream right now. "A-Yup." She popped the "p." Redson walked away, set a go-kart on fire, then came back. "Why must things be so COMPLICATED?" He had a smile on, but it was one of pure anger. "Not my fault. You're REALLY obvious." Was he really that bad at keeping love at bay?????
"But seriously," She looked up at Redson. "are you gonna' tell him?" Redson thought for a long while. He looked at MK chaotically steering the go-kart. "I don't know.." She seemed stumped at this. "I know you want to, you're just scared of the outcome, right?" Redson sighed with a nod. That was pretty much the case. "I can't believe you of all people found out." She giggled. "I picked up some stuff from a long, long time ago.." She chuckled. "Back when-actually, I think he should come out to you himself?.." Redson had no idea what she was talking about. Was he straight? That seemed like a big, fat yes.. "Uh-huh..yeah, I totally know what you mean by that.." He said in a sarcastic tone. She started muttering about how she would get him to tell Redson whatever this thing was that he needed to know. Redson rolled his eyes. "Do you..have any advice?" Mei sighed. "Like, with confessing? Not really.." Redson sighed. He kind of knew she would say that. "Sorry, dude.. I know you want to express your feelings to him, but I wouldn't know where to start with that guy. He is REALLY bad at listening-" Redson grumbled. "Well, I know that much.." Mei giggled at his statement. MK came running up to them, gasping for breath. "Redson! You have got to try the go-karts!" Redson backed up a little. MK was a little too close. "Why me? Mei's right ther-ERRRAAAHH!!" MK tugged Redson by the collar of his shirt and basically dragged him to the go-karts like a kid with a doll. Mei found this whole situation funny, since she was happily chortling at the scene occurring. Redson was thrown into the driver's seat if the go-kart and MK went in the passenger side. "Why am I driving?" MK smiled. "Cause' I wanna' see how good you are at it!" Redson raised a brow. "Uh-huh.." He sighed. "Fine.." MK beamed at him. He put his hands on the wheel and started driving.
The go-kart crashed. Crashed. Redson was turning and a HUNK OF SCRAP METAL WAS THERE! WHY WAS THAT THERE? WHO LEFT THAT THERE? He has to pay for it since 'The driver must pay all consequences.' WELL, MAYBE THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY CONSEQUENCES IF SOMEONE DIDN'T LEAVE THEIR MOTHER'S GRAVE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TRACK!! Redson was practically seething with anger. But, if he were honest, he was a bit more worried about MK. He took a breath. If he hurt MK..he wouldn't know what to do. He breathed a little and turned to MK. " okay?.." He tried speaking gently. MK seemed a bit shocked at Redson's question. "Yes.." He said slowly. A wave of relief washed over Redson. "What about you? You got a big chunk of your paycheck ripped away." Redson sighed. "It doesn't matter..It's just money. Besides, I don't care how much money I lose as long as I'm-uhm..y'know.." Redson turned his head away. MK chuckled awkwardly. "I-I don't-haha.." Redson frowned. He turned his head back to him. "With you.." Redson turned his vision back to the ground. He didn't look at MK, but he had a feeling he was going to say something goofy and tease Redson about this forever. MK spoke up. "Yeah..that's how I feel." What. 'That's how I feel.' WHAT. What did that mean? Redson was pretty sure MK didn't exactly feel what Redson felt. "Uh..I don't know if you really do.." Redson muttered out. "Why?" Redson realized what he had said. He was NOT going to confess right now. NO. WAY. "NOTHING. Never mind!" Redson laughed nervously. MK frowned. "Tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeee." MK droned. "No! I'll tell you when-when I'm ready.." Redson grit his teeth.
Redson seemed angry with himself. What did he mean by 'I'll tell you when I'm ready?' Whatever he meant, it seemed to cause him distress. "You good?" Redson looked at MK and sighed. "Yeah, I guess." Hmmmmmm, let's see, how could MK get Redson to tell? "You don't have to tell me ALL of what's bothering you.." Redson had his thinky face on. "If I tell you, you cannot, ABSOLUTELY CANNOT, tell the Dragon Girl. She already knows too much.." He shivered. What! What did Mei know that MK didn't? Unfair! "Ok.." MK nodded. "I sort someone.." He forced the words out. Wait, what? In love with someone? Oh, jeez. MK wasn't sure if his chances with Redson skyrocketed or was burned down by an asteroid. "Who?.." Redson glared at him. "Okay, okay! Sorry, I won't ask." He said with an awkward grin. "I..don't know how to confess to them, but I really want to."
"So do it." MK offered. Redson frowned. "Never mind.." MK made an offended look. "What?" Redson probably didn't even know, but this was bothering him pretty badly. Maybe he did know and he was trying to get it to stop? MK didn't know. "If you love them, then tell them. And if they reject you, then that's their loss." Redson chuckled. "My mother said something like that to me before.." MK grinned. "Is that a good thing or..?" Redson smiled softly. MK absolutely loved his smile, that is, when he actually smiled(truly, not his silly little maniacal laugh or smile). "I suppose it is." MK nodded. Mei trotted along. She had started gossiping with one of the employees at the go-karting place. "That guy has some SWEET gossip!.." She muttered to herself. She noticed MK and Redson sitting together. She gave Redson a snarky grin. "Oh, I see.." He stood up and scowled at her. "Stop. Just STOP." She chortled. Redson rolled his eyes. MK had no idea what was so funny to Mei, but he found the situation funny. After that, they went to the arcade.

Author's note:
Hi! I honestly didn't know what to do with this chapter..anyway, I hope the scenes where there was SLIGHT romance were decent!🥲
Drink water and eat food daily!

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