Chapter 10: This Is Comfy

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So, their parents knew and were good with it.
The only challenge now?
Telling. Mei.
She was going to be annoying about it. So annoying. She was probably going to snap pictures or ask millions of dumb questions.

Redson, Mei, and MK all met at their favorite cheese tea shop(not so much Redson's favorite, but it was okay). "So, what's this 'important' thing you both needed to tell me?" She sipped her cheese tea, watching them expectantly. "Don't be annoying about it." Redson hissed at her. She feigned offense. "Why, I never!" Redson rolled his eyes. MK frowned at both of them. "Calm down. This is important." Redson leaned back in the chair and Mei leaned back in hers with an eye roll. "...Can you say it this time?" MK chuckled as he turned to look at Redson. Redson shifted nervously, but nodded softly. "Yeah..sure. Seems fair.." Mei raised an eyebrow. "Like I said before, don't be annoying." He glared at Mei and she glared right back. He cleared his throat and slowly spoke-

"Me and MK are sort of involved..romantically. As in, we're sort" MK gave Redson a pat on the shoulder. "That-That was excellent." Redson frowned. Mei just stared at them for a few moments before barraging them with questions, which was expected.

"Wait, what!? When!? Have you kissed yet!? Did-" MK chuckled nervously. "Uh..two weeks ago and..yes..haha..." MK blushed a bit, Redson did, too. Mei smirked. "Hold on, I need to get a picture.." She muttered, digging out her phone. What is she doing?

"Can you guys ki-"

"NO!" Redson flushed. He quickly turned to MK. "DON'T DO WHAT YOU DID LAST TIME EITHER!!" But of course, MK did just that as soon as the words left his mouth. Mei, of course, snapped a bunch of pictures. Why did everyone want a picture of them kissing????

Redson fell out of the chair. "I hate you both.." MK giggled cheekily. "Oh, yes. You hate us very much." Redson huffed as MK helped him back up. "You're infuriating.." Mei smirked as MK helped Redson up. "Soooo, we still on for drinks next week?" MK perked up, turning to Mei. "Yeah! You're coming, right, Red?" MK looked back at Redson. "I don't think I necessarily have a choice.." Redson muttered with a sigh. MK smiled. "Great!"


Later that day, MK and Redson were hanging out in MK's apartment. It seemed they hung out a lot more, now. Redson and MK were sitting beside each other, MK doodling and Redson staring off into space. MK glanced over at Redson and cracked a mischievous smile. MK gently placed the sketchbook and pencil down beside him before reaching their hand out and gently scratching just under Redson's jawline. Redson was snapped out of whatever he was thinking about, his eyes widening. A low, consistent sound began and MK looked around confused.
What is that?? A cat??
MK paused at Redson's somewhat panicky face. "What's wrong?" Wait..
MK raised a brow before gently scratching underneath his jawline again. The purring noise increased in volume and MK grinned. "Hold up..." Redson flushed. "Are-Are you purring?" MK giggled. Redson only flushed more. Redson grabbed MK and shook him somewhat aggressively. MK only laughed. "Don't. Tell. ANYONE..." Redson stared MK in the eye. "PLEASE." MK chuckled at Redson's desperation. "I dunno..I might record this and show it to Mei." MK smirked. Redson looked horrified. "NO. PLEASE. DON'T DO THAT." MK laughed. "I'm just kidding. This will be our little secret." MK grinned. Redson sighed a breath of relief, sitting back normally. "It's cute. You should do it more." Redson blushed, rubbing the back of his neck with an embarrassed noise. MK liked how easily Redson blushed now that they were actually dating. MK nudged Redson.
"Hey," He smirked. "can I get cuddles?"

Redson sputtered. "What? You..want cuddles??" MK nodded, giggling slightly at Redson's reaction. "Why? That's so random.." Personally, Redson wouldn't mind cuddling. "I just want em'. Can I have some?" Redson nodded slowly. "I mean, I guess so..." MK beamed at him before pouncing on him, knocking him onto his back on the bed. Redson let out a small 'oomf' sound, not really expecting that. MK wrapped his arms around Redson and hugged him tight.


Awww, he's still purring!
MK thought, admiring their boyfriend. "I think you deserve a kiss." Redson flushed, which made MK feel proud of himself. "Why? I didn't do anything??" MK huffed. "You don't have to do anything to deserve it.." MK mostly just wanted to kiss Redson, actually. MK pressed a small peck to Redson's chin, slowly making his way to their lips. MK placed a soft kiss on Redson's lips and giggled cheekily. "You little.." Redson trailed off. MK pecked them on the lips again. "You love meeeeee.." MK said in a sing-song voice. Redson rolled his eyes before shifting in the bed slightly, getting comfortable and then wrapping their arms around MK, holding him close. "So what?" Redson huffed. MK smiled.

Redson loved it when MK smiled, especially at him. "I love you, too, you big ol' grumpy demon." Redson happily nuzzled into MK's shoulder, purring a bit louder. MK grinned.

The sound of Redson purring was probably his favorite sound, now. MK pressed a kiss to Redson's temple before slowly dozing off. By the sound of it, Redson was, too.

One day, MK and Monkey King were training on Flower Fruit Mountain like they usually did. MK sat down on a log, Monkey King throwing a peach at him. "So," Monkey King started, biting a peach and then speaking between bites. "how's it going with the prince?.." MK blushed a bit. This was..kinda weird.. "Uh...good..great." MK took a bite of the peach. "He's uh, treating you well?.." This conversation was very awkward. " that we're dating, I see these other sides of''s nice..or something.." Monkey King nodded slowly. "Right.." Macaque rose up from the shadow of the tree Monkey King was sitting against. "Hey, Peach." Monkey King flinched and leaned to the side slightly before realizing it was Macaque. "Oh, hey, bud!" Macaque took notice of MK. MK was so glad Macaque was here to interrupt the very awkward conversation. "Come to bother us?" Monkey King threw a peach at Macaque, who dodged it easily. "Ah, no actually. I've come with an invitation..or whatever it is. Anyway, the big guy's holding a small party thing at the beach and's inviting everyone. I'm just seeing if you two are up for it?" MK nodded. He was always down for a party. "Sure. Could be fun." Monkey King took another bite of the peach. "Got it. Bye." Macaque disappeared into Monkey King's shadow after planting a quick kiss on his cheek. "Wait...he didn't tell us the time...or day.." MK realized. "'s probably the something." Monkey King sighed. "Someone'll tell us." MK shrugged. "Probably." MK smiled as a monkey walked crawled over to MK. He'd definitely invite Redson. It'd be fun!

Author's Note:
Guys...I..I think the next chapter is the last😭🙏 IGHDIDN KSKXSBS
If I'm being honest, I completely forgot about what happened in earlier chapters.
I forgot Diǎnhuǒ even existed. Like what
We're gonna forget Diǎnhuǒ was even created, Kay? Cool. This chapter is uhhhhhh disbdbj but I'm SO GLAD THAT I GOT MK AND REDSON CUDDLING🙏 Anyway uhhhh I gotta go find motivation🥲
Drink water and eat food!!

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