Chapter 1: The Start

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Redson never really was one for public outings. With the little time his parents had brought him to a ball, he screwed up pretty bad. Once, a peasant servant had spilt red wine ALL over Redson's BRAND NEW jacket! Redson had almost burned the pesky servant. His parents were fairly angry with him, afterwards. So, yes, enough outbursts and almost burning down of the buildings would do that. However, he NEVER expected his ABSOLUTE WORST ENEMIES to invite him over for some noodles RIGHT after he has been released from the Scroll of Memory. "Excuse me?" He hissed. "Wanna' come and have some noodles?" The Noodle Boy smiled cheekily, one of his thumbs pointing behind to Pigsy's Noodles. One arm was wrapped around the Dragon Horse Girl's neck. She was also smiling cheekily as she crossed her arms. "Why on earth would I want to have noodles with some peasants?" He glared at the two. "Well, maybe cause' you deserve it?" The Dragon Horse Girl replied. "Deserve it? What did I do to deserve it?" Redson turned his head fully towards the two."Dude, you were stuck in THE Scroll of Memory! I dunno' how it was with you, but I doubt you were peacefully sitting in some garden memory. I mean, that's just my guess since me and everyone else went in there specifically? Or something? I dunno', were you trapped in some black abyss or somethin'?" The Noodle Boy's smile was gone, but not from unhappiness. Just until Redson would answer his question. Redson would admit, it was basically just that. An abyss. Redson scoffed. The Noodle Boy seemed to hum as if he got his answer just from that. "Well, we still think you should join us." The Dragon Horse Girl had a mischievous smirk crawl up from the corners of her mouth. She looked at the Noodle Boy and after a moment of silence, he had the mischievous smirk, too. It was almost like they read each other's minds. Redson was about to teleport away in a whoosh of flames when the Noodle Boy gripped his right arm and the Dragon Horse Girl grabbed his left. Redson jolted at the touch. Touch was an unfamiliar thing for him. When he was a child, his mother would often brush his hair or pinch at his cheek, but since the imprisonment of his father, she had stopped doing that, and he had grown out of the habits. He would notice how his mother would never touch anyone during the time her husband was imprisoned. Not even a handshake. But when he came back, she couldn't keep her hands off him. She would constantly rub her hands over her husband's knuckles or lean her shoulder against his while they sat on the couch or in bed. Redson had noticed it and thought it made enough sense. But touch didn't come back to him suddenly. No, he was massively unfamiliar with it. Centuries without it had done that to him. He felt electricity ride up his arms as the Noodle Boy and Dragon Horse Girl yanked him into the noodle shop. "Wha-You-Let go this instance!" They didn't. Instead, they threw him at a chair by the counter. He was about to yell at them when he noticed the Pig had placed a bowl of thick noodles in front of him. When Redson looked over, he saw the Noodle Boy and the Dragon Horse Girl sitting down as well, breaking apart their chopsticks eagerly when they got their own bowls. Redson stared at them as they slurped the noodles. The Noodle Boy looked over at Redson. He slurped up a noodle and grinned. "Try it! It's REALLY good!" Redson looked to the bowl of noodles with a frown. He sighed. He could've just disappeared from there in a swirl of flames, but he didn't. Instead, he picked up the chopsticks, breaking them apart and pecking at the noodles. They weren't exactly fitting to Redson's taste. It could've been WAY more spicier. Overall, though, it wasn't half bad. The noodles were just soft enough, the broth was warm enough and seasoned perfectly. The small cuts of meat were cooked and seasoned quite decently as well. He hummed. "It's not...horrible." The pig scoffed cockily, which made Redson jump. He had forgotten he was there. "In another word, it's the best noodles you've ever had!" The pig smirked. The Noodle Boy slurped the last few drops of his broth and sighed contently as he put the bowl down. He looked over at Redson and smiled as if he was waiting for Redson to say something. "What?" The Noodle Boy grinned further. "They are decent, at best. Could use a LOT more spiciness." Redson crossed his arms. The pig glared at Redson when he said that. "Picky eater, I see." He muttered. Redson rolled his eyes at that. "I'm not saying it's bad. Just that it doesn't entirely suit my tastes." The Noodle Boy hummed. "But, it's otherwise good?" Redson scrunched his nose up. He groaned slightly. "Yes, it is otherwise good." He noticed the Dragon Horse Girl was smirking at him, like he had lost a bet or something. He turned back to his bowl of noodles, picking up the chopsticks and eating the food. It would be a waste if he didn't eat it. The chatting resumed shortly after he did.

So, he stayed longer than he intended. His plan originally was to eat the noodles and go home, but he had been so distracted yelling at the peasants. He realized he needed to head home quickly. "Ugh, I have to-PUT THAT DOWN!" Redson scolded the Dragon Horse Girl as she picked up his race car keys. He yanked the keys away from her and scowled. "Unlike SOME peasants," Redson huffed at the Dragon Horse Girl. "I have a place to be!" Redson started walking towards the exit when he heard a low groan. "Awwww, do you have to?" It was the Noodle Boy. Redson raised his brow. "What-Yes, I have to!" Redson scoffed. The Noodle Boy frowned. "Man...Well, we'll hang out again, right?" The Dragon Horse Girl then turned to Redson, a smile on her face expecting him to say yes. Redson was a bit taken aback by that comment. "Sorry?" He tilted his head slightly. "Well hang out again, right?" The Noodle Boy repeated himself as he spinned around on his chair slowly. Redson didn't seem to understand any better. Hang out? Again? Since when did this become a "hang out?" Redson was a bit touched that the Noodle Boy wanted to hang out with him again. Wait, was that right? Was touched the right word? Redson grumbled to himself. The Dragon Horse Girl grinned. "So, that's a yes?" She answered for him. Redson scoffed before leaving the small shop. He got into his race car and turned on the ignition.

When Redson finally made it to his fortress, his parents hadn't been at the dinner table which was strange. They would almost ALWAYS have dinner together. The whole family. Though, Redson sort of understood. To be fair, they had been released from the Scroll of Memory after a few days. It would make sense if they didn't have any energy to have dinner tonight. He shuffled past the dining room and to his workshop. He closed the door behind him. He took his jacket off and threw it onto his chair. He sat down at the chair and leaned back, sighing slightly. What a day. Well, what needed fixing now? Bull clones? New weapons? The kitchen stove? He groaned. Yeah, not likely. He hated not having something to do. He hated not being able to do something even a little bit useful. He looked at old blueprints on his table and rolled his eyes. He could..think? That was an option, he supposed.


The hell was he supposed to think about?

He supposed he could think about...things he wanted..


What did he want? He..wanted his parents to rule over the world, or all of China at least.

Did he really want that, though? Huh. Now that he thought about it, not really. He would fight with his parents, of course and wish for their success, but if they laid down their weapons and said they didn't want full reign over China anymore, he would..he would be completely fine with that. He hummed. He supposed that was ok. I mean, surely there are MANY more things he wanted, right? He thought for a long moment but had no luck. A thought creeped up from his mind abyss. It whispered in the back of his head: "What about a lover?" Redson stared at his desk for a long moment. He..he never really thought about that much. Not anymore, at least. During the beginning times of his father's imprisonment, he wanted nothing more than someone's hand to hold for comfort. Redson had a habit ever since he was small where he would intertwine his hands together, pretending one of them was someone else's. He sought comfort during those times. He did this with his hands whenever he was uncomfortable, sad, nervous or anxious. Feelings like that. He did his best hiding his true feelings. The weak ones, at least. Happiness, sadness, softness. His only ever showed his strong emotions-or what he thought to be strong. Anger and malice. Coldness or hatred. However, his little habit would still slip into place often. He didn't think anyone would really notice, though. People didn't really pay much attention to Redson. His own parents certainly didn't pay close attention to his hand motions. So, yes. A lover would be...nice. He had an idea of what he wanted. The voice in his head squealed out again: "But who would be willing to love you?" Redson frowned as he bit the inside of his cheek. He even found himself twining his hands together. He groaned. Honestly, he didn't expect anyone to love him. He had a..reputation seeing his status as the creator and previous wielder of the Samadhi Fire. Demons and mortals feared him. Feared a small child. Even after it was removed, demons still kept their distance or squealed a little if he even came into view. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He decided he should just go to bed. He grabbed his coat and headed out of his workshop. He made his way to his room and attended to his nightly routine. Changing, brushing his teeth, brushing and combing through his big head of hair, and then finally, sleeping. He lay in bed that night slightly annoyed. It was just too much to ask to SLEEP, WASN'T IT? He groaned. He closed his eyes, though, and eventually drifted off into a slumber.
It wasn't very good, but he was able to get some form of sleep.


The next week or so went by slowly. He had had to fix some bull clones on occasion or fix the oven his father had broken when he hit it just a bit too hard when trying to get it to work. But overall, that was it. When the week finally ended, he had noticed he had run out of bolts. "Wonderful." He hissed. Now he had to head out into Megapolis. He gathered things he would need and went out to his garage to his race car. He sat down on the faux-leather seats and started the engine. He just couldn't wait for the 2 HOUR LONG DRIVE.

Redson had gone to multiple hardware stores and had no luck with ANY of them. What was this treachery? How were ALL of the stores out of bolts?! He huffed as he stomped along a sidewalk, small little flames swirling around him. He eventually ran into a pole because of how mad he was. He was straight up about to burn the pole where it stood, when he heard a familiar voice. "Woah! Redson! Over here!" It was the Noodle Boy. He was waving his arms around with a stupid grin on his face. Redson stared for a moment and looked off into the street, acting like he didn't know him. The Noodle Boy frowned at this. He started to walk over to Redson. When he got over to him, he elbowed him softly in the shoulder. "Wha-How was that necessary?!" The Noodle Boy only giggled. "Calm down. Just a way of saying hi!" Redson rolled his eyes at that. Quite an interesting way to say hello. The Noodle Boy grinned at the eye roll. "So, wanna' hang?" Redson raised a brow. "What?" The Noodle Boy repeated himself. "I'm sort of in the middle of something." Redson crossed his arms. The Noodle Boy smirked teasingly. "Really? Cause' a little while ago, it looked like you were busy running into poles." Redson sputtered and whipped his head to glare at the Noodle Boy. The Noodle Boy rocked back and forth on his heels as Redson scrambled for a defense. "That-! Ugh!" He almost punched the pole in front of him. "Sooooo, is that a yes?" Redson had almost completely forgotten the question that was previously asked. Redson was about to refuse when the Noodle Boy interrupted. "Great! C'mon'!" The Noodle Boy gripped Redson's wrist and pulled him along. Redson twitched at the touch, warmth rising up through his arm. "I didn't even-"
"Ah, you didn't have to!" The Noodle Boy grinned happily. Redson knew he wasn't getting out of this one. He sighed. "Where are we even going?" The Noodle Boy beamed at him. He seemed ecstatic that Redson actually asked. "Shopping!"
Shopping. Really? Shopping. Redson groaned. It was fine. He had gone out to buy something, anyway. Even if it wasn't the right something. So, he sighed and stood up. He ripped his wrist away. "Fine."

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