[Have this pre-written story as an apology to what's happening, I'm sorry again]
Tsukishima Kei x Male Reader
Soulmate AU
Whenever you fold paper into a plane and throw it, it always goes to your soulmate's direction.
Tsukishima stares at the dumbass trio plus an extra dumbass trying not to laugh as Yamaguchi beside him stared at them confused. "Waahh!! Tanaka-senpai!! Your soulmate's writing is so pretty!!" Hinata yelled out as Tanaka hugged the paper to his chest with a goofy grin on his face.
"It kinda looks familiar tho! Ryu!! you should write back!!" Noya said excitedly to the buzz cut male who nodded with the same amount of excitement
"What a bunch of Idiots.." Tsukishima muttered with a smirk, Yamaguchi beside him snickered "WE CAN HEAR YOU SALTYSHIMA!!" Noya yelled out "Did your soulmate even send you a letter yet? I bet they didn't!" Noya boasted
"What are you so proud about? Your soulmate hasn't sent you one either" Tsukishima countered which caused the second year to deflate and sulk in a corner "Nice one Tsukki!" Yamaguchi praised "Urusai Yamaguchi." Tsukishima replied.
"Gomen Tsukki!" the freckled precious first year replied with a smile. Tsukishima's eyes turned to the gym's doors, his gaze focused on the white paper airplane going through the doors. Everyone's attention went to that piece of paper.
The paper airplane flew to Tsukishima. landing on his blond hair "Wah!! Tsukki! Your Soulmate wrote to you!!" Yamaguchi exclaimed excitedly "I can see that Yamaguchi" the blond said as he took the paper from his head and carefully unfolded it.
Good Afternoon, Tsukishima.
I hope you're having a great day, I'm sorry if I'm interupting something, you don't have to write back immediately. I can for sure wait, If you're having a bad day, I want to remind you that my friend tripped and landed on his face onto the pavement in front of multiple students
That is all for today.
Have a great day Tsukishima
Yours Truly, (Y/N).
The Blond covered his mouth to prevent from laughing at his soulmate's go on trying to make his day better and may I say that it did work like a charm. Yamaguchi, Noya, Tanaka, and Hinata stare at Tsukishima in disbelief.
"T-Tsukki..laughed??" Yamaguchi questioned "GAH!! TSUKKI LAUGHED!!!" He repeated when he processed the new found information "What made the Salty extra salt middle blocker laugh?!" Tanaka asked "Is it the end of the world?!!!" Noya yelled out panicking.
"Oi!! Shut up!!" Daichi yelled out Suga and Ennoshita stared at the situation sweatdropping, "Yaho~ Sorry for the intrusion!" A soft voice echoed through out the gym.
Everyone turned their gaze to the owner of the voice, at the doors of the gym stood a male with (H/C) hair that slightly curls up, Hazel eyes that shine in the light. Around is neck is a strap of a camera he's holding.
"Wassup Tsukki?" the male asked as jokingly saluted to the blond "(Y/N)-san!" Yamaguchi said excitedly before running to the male and giving him a big hug "Hello to you too Tadashi-kun~" (Y/N) said as he placed a hand on the shorter male's head "What are you doing here (Y/N)-san?" Yamaguchi asked as he pulled away from the hug.
"What? I can't visit the two greatest people in my life?" (Y/N) asked as he jokingly pouted "Oh, well I guess you can" Yamaguchi replied as he giggled.
"Anyways. Tsukki! I heard your soulmate sent you another letter!" (Y/N) said excitedly before giving Tsukishima a subtle wink, Tsukishima catching on what the male wants to do nods as an answer to the previous statement "Did your soulmate give you one yet?" Tsukishima asks the third year who wraps an arm around him "Yeah, she's so pretty too~" (Y/N) replied with a smirk.
the words 'She' and 'pretty' gained Noya and Tanaka's attention "Wanna see the picture she sent me with thr letter?" (Y/N) asks proceeding with the plan "Ooo! I wanna see!" Yamaguchi jumped in, oblivious to what the two are planning "Here ya go Tadashi! isn't she beautiful?" the third year asks trying to hide the scheming smirk on his face as he hands the first year the photograph
"Eh?....EH?!!! KIYOKO-SENPAI?!!!" Yamaguchi yelled out shocked. Noya and Tanaka snap their heads to the first year's direction while the others just normally turn their heads with wide eyes.
Noya and Tanaka sprinted to Yamaguchi's direction and examined the photo. and it is indeed a picture of Kiyoko slightly smiling at the camera. "HOW DARE YOU STEAL OUR GODDESS!! YOU PROBABLY DON'T EVEN DESERVE HER!!" Nishinoya yelled out as he pointed at (Y/N) accusingly.
Speaking of the Goddess. Kiyoko entered the gym and looked at the scene in confusion before meeting eyes with (Y/N) "Oh, Good to see you (Y/N), what are you doing here?" The female asked "Visiting precious first years and my soulmate~" the male replied to his fellow third year "hm. that's nice" Kiyoko replied before going to the storage room
"Pff-" Tsukishima and (Y/N) let out "I-I can't hold it in anymore!-" (Y/N) said struggling to contain his laugh along with the blond. the players in the gym looked at the duo in confusion as they burst out laughing with Yamaguchi looking at the laughing Tsukishima as if he just said he's god.
"T-Tsukki..is laughing..." Yamaguchi muttered before he realized what they did and started laughing with them "O-oi! what are you laughing about?!" Tanaka asked "Kiyoko isn't my soulmate. man! I haven't had a good prank like this in ages!" (Y/N) clarified when he calmed his laughter down "Then who IS your soulmate?" Hinata asked.
"Oh how rude of me. Kon'nichiwa. I'm Oikawa (Y/N) A third year here in Karasuno, Tsukishima Kei's soulmate!" (Y/N) announced with a shit eating grin "Tsukishima's soulmate?!!" Noya asked "Oikawa?! You're related to the grand king?!!" Hinata asked with stars in his eyes "Unfortunately" Tsukishima answered ignoring the second year "We're cousins" (Y/N) added "But don't worry, I root for Karasuno and I won't tell Tooru any of your strategies. And you should really stop calling him 'Grand King' shortie. it's boosting his ego up so much you could basically see rain forming in the clouds" He mentioned.
"Shortie?!" Hinata exclaimed "I may be small but I can jump! I could probably jump over your head!!" He declared "Oh really? why don't you try Tiny sprout?~" the third year challenged "Wow, His personallity is as terrible as yours Tsukishima" Daichi admitted as he walked up to the blond
"mhmm. Since the truth of him being my soulmate came out, He'll probably be coming to every match, practice or not just to try and intimidate our opponents, it's both a win and a lose since you and Sugawara-senpai will have to take care of another dumbass child" the middle blocker explained.
"Well if it means more moral support, then I think we can handle it." Suga joined in on the conversation "I actually can't wait to see what happens when we have a match and he cheers" He added
"It'd be very interesting." Tsukishima estimated (did I use that right??)
Good Afternoon, morning and evening my great precious gorgeous readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Like I said previous chapter if I don't post that means my internet is going crazy and just stop working, so please be patient if so!
Requests are still CLOSED!! for the time being due to this internet problem!
Thank you for reading!
[This is my favourite chapter out of all I've written]
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