Various Haikyuu x Male Reader
Mermaid AU
Couldn't stop thinking about this. so here you go have as much Haikyuu boys as I could give you in one chapter.
Let me warn you!! There will be ships here and some that you might not agree with, if so don't fight me, I'm a multishipper, I ship everything. (Except the illegal ones)
This is a pretty long chapter and a while before (Y/N) shows so please be patient on reading. Also I won't be updating fir a while due to writter's block
An Era where pirates and merpeople existed, a victorian era if you'd like to say.
"Agh Captain! Why are we sailing so early in the mornin'?!" A Buzz cut male wearing a black and white stripped shirt asks "Shut up Tanaka, you know there's rumours that there's a creature in the southwest of the ocean that caused other ships to sink, well we were tasked to find out why!" the Captain, who is named Daichi explained as the other crew boarded the ship.
"I heard other pirates are also goin there, Oh Noya! what if we see the Captain of the female ship?! Captain Kiyoko~" Tanaka sways "I know right?! and her Co-captain Yachi! or Saeko-nee-san!!" Nishinoya joined in
"Alright you simps, we get it, just get in the damn ship" Tsukishima said as he fixed his black jacket and the sword on his hip "Shut up Tsukishima! you're saltier than the ocean we sail in!" Noya insulted as he and his best bro boarded the ship before they face the wrath of their captain "That's not very possible..Shrimp." Tsukishima muttered the last part with a smirk.
"Guys quiet before Captain gets mad" a male with his hair in a low pony tail warned as soon as he saw the Captain glance at them. the three quickly shut up as soon as they also see the captain glare at them as he stirs the ship in a show pace "Alright, since Tanaka and Noya seems to have so much energy, Nishinoya why don't you scrub the deck, and Tanaka untie the sails so we can go already." Daichi sternly ordered
"Yes Captain..." the two said as they basically deflated the two quickly got to the work their assigned to "Tsukishima, go up the ladders and keep an eye for anything suspicious on the scope, Asahi ready the cannon balls, we don't know what we'll encounter in those seas." the Captain once again ordered but less mad this time
"Yes Captain." the two said with a salute before they went to their ordered directions.
"Ah. we'll nice to see you here Captain of the Karasuno Pirates." a female voice suddenly broke through the silent air "Oh, Good Morning Captain Shimuzu!" Daichi greeted the female pirate as he slightly tipped his hat at her "Same to you, but didn't I tell you to just call me Kiyoko? no need to be so formal, I was in the same Training place as you and Asahi-kun." Kiyoko said
Loud shouts were heard from the Karasuno ship as Tanaka and Noya burst through the door of the ship "HOW ARE YOU TODAY OUR BEAUTIFUL GODDESS?!!" Tanaka asked excitedly
"I'm guessing you're also heading
SouthWest Daichi?" Kiyoko asked her fellow captain, completely ignoring the two simps which caused the said crewmates to swoon obnoxiously.
This time Daichi didn't need to even say a word to make them stop, loud cracking thunder echoed through the sky making everyone flinch in surprise, fear or even both, in the distance the two Captains watch dark storm clouds form at an unnatural speed "What is going on out there?!" Daichi asked surprise and kinda worried.
"Tsukishima! can you see what's going on out there from up here?" Daichi asks the blond who salutes before looking through the telescope, after searing a few times Tsukishima spots a ship in the middle of the storm "Captain! There's a ship in there!!" Tsukishima shouted out
"What?!" Daichi and Kiyoko both ask in surprise "Yeah, I think it's Aoba Johsai's since the sails are White and Turquoise" Tsukishima reported "We should help." Daichi suggested.
"We should leave the ships a safe distance away, we could take the boats, with a storm like that, we might just crash the ships into each other." Kiyoko said before turning to the ladies in her ship "Yachi, you come with me, Saeko, Alissa, you both stay here and guard the ships." she ordered to her crew who salutes obediently
Saeko grabs a rope and ties it onto the railings of their ship before throwing it to her little brother in the Karasuno's ship "Make sure to tie it tightly Ryu!" Saeko reminded the buzz cut male who nods in acknowledgement.
"Kageyama! Asahi! Ready two boats, Kinoshita grab a bag and put some food in there make sure it's the bags that no water can get in! Make sure you all that your weapons secured to your body!" Daichi ordered as he tightens the belt on his sword to his waist, running to his office and grabbing a bag full of medical things, same done with Kiyoko.
The two pirates jump into the separate boats which were prepared by Asahi "Narita, Kinoshita, do you think you can stay in our ship with Saeko and Alissa?" Daichi asks as Kageyama, Tsukishima and Nishinoya board his boat "Yes Captain." the two boys confirmed with a smile "Alright is everyone ready?" Daichi asks the guys and two girls who nod.
the two Captains start to row their boat in the direction of the storm with care, In Daichi's boat are Kageyama, Salt Shaker, and simp #2. in Kiyoko's ship are Yachi, Volleyball Jesus, and Successful simp also known as Simp #1.
The Oceans seem kinda calm but still slightly violent in the storm but it doesn't stop raining nor is the thunder or lightning stopping "Is everyone okay in there?!" Daichi asked as he slightly knocked on the side of the ship.
"Oh- woah- Captain of- ugh- Karasuno!" a male with a captain's hat said as he tried to keep standing "Are you okay Iwaizumi" Daichi asked the captain "Just swell. We saw a- woah!- a tail in the water..before the St- ah!" Iwaizumi cut himself off as he failed in standing still, the spiky haired male now on the ground on his stomach groans in annoyance "Before the storm came. I think it's mermaids. either they're just messing with us or they don't want us in their territory." Iwaizumi finally finished, now able to say a full sentence since he just gave up on even trying to stand.
Daichi chuckled "Ah. may be come up? We want to help, don't worry we left our ship with a few crew mates a safe distance away from the storm "sure, I could use some help. I can already feel my hair turning white from this." Iwaizumi replied to the captain who chuckles with Kiyoko "Watari, you're the only one who seems to be able to stand for more than 2 minutes before falling on their face, Can you lower the ladder for them please?" Iwaizumi asks the male who nods before carefully walking to the edge and throwing out the ladder for them to climb in
Tanaka and Nishinoya tie some lowering ropes onto the boats so they could be lifted up to the ship before going up the ladders as well, Kyoutani- who is the one who lowered said ropes- quickly pulls on the ropes and tie them securely onto one of the railings from where he sat
"Captain Iwaizumi we got most the slippery-ness away, I think it's enough for us to stand now" Kindaichi reported as he and Kunimi stand by each other in a salute, the fallen crew mates and Captain stood up quickly.
"Welcome to the Aoba Johsai ship or Seijoh if you will, I'm the captain, Iwaizumi Hajime pleasure to have you here" the spiky haired male introduced before bowing with his hat in one hand.
"These are my crew, Kindaichi, Kunimi, Kyoutani, Watari and Matsukawa-" Iwaizumi was cut off by a small amount of water being splashed on his face.
the water came after a splashing sound in the water "Mermaids.." Iwaizumi said as he wiped his face "Yeah anyways that's all of us." he continued as he glared at the water below "Yeah, now I'm sure they're just messing with us. they haven't killed us yet nor have they thrown anyone off board" he(Iwa) informed the two other captains who also look to the water.
Daichi caught a glimpse of a shining grey tail which he quickly ran over to the railing to see "Daichi?" Kiyoko asked questioning the Captain's actions.
"Yeah, they're here alright." said captain suddenly said, the Karasuno Captain quickly took an empty barrel and put it on the floor "I want everyone to put all their weapons in the barrel" Daichi said "Trust me, I know what I'm doing" he reassured Kiyoko and Yachi along with the Karasunos put their weapons in the barrel with no hesitation
Iwaizumi doing the same, his crew mates on the other hand, are very hesitant "Just do what he says, I've known him for three years, he wouldn't do anything to hurt nor kill us." Iwaizumi said which his crew nods to and put their own weapons in the barrel with the others.
Daichi pushes the barrel full of weapons in Iwa's office before running back to the edge "It's okay! we don't have weapons anymore, you can all come out" Daichi said softly, the others went to the railings to see what Daichi is talking to
to their surprise a mermaid peeks from the water, only half of their face in the surface "There ya are." Daichi said shooting a smile at the grey haired Mer. (I think ya'll know where this is goin)
"Kyoutani, could you lower my boat, just enough for me to closely talk to him" Daichi asked the aggressive blond who nods and does so, making sure to lower the boat slowly as to not agitate the silver haired merman. Daichi climbs down the ladder and to the boat crouching down and smiling to the silver haired mer who's eyes shine in surprise.
The said mer perks up before holding up a finger telling Daichi to wait before diving into the water carefully, making sure no water splash Daichi "What's going on?" Nishinoya asks "I don't know, all I know is that he told me to wait." Daichi replied not looking back. the mer once again resurfaces and gives Daichi a pearl
"Oh? is this for me?" Daichi asks the mer who nods in reply "Suga what are you-" another male voice is heard before it cuts itself off "Oikawa come see this, These pirates aren't bad nor rude at all!" the silver haired male called out.
a brunette peeks out from the water and looks at the pirates who stare at him in surprise " it's not just you in the water?" Daichi asks Suga confused.
"Oh, No, There's Five of us under in here." Oikawa replied to the Captain who nods " tell them to come up too?" Daichi asks kindly. Oikawa squints at him before nodding, deeming him kind enough "Stay here Suga, talk with your lover man while I get the others" the brunette teased with a smirk before diving down, Suga and Daichi blushed at the comment.
Noya, Tanaka and Matsukawa snicker from the ship "Ooo~ Captain finally finds love!" Nishinoya teased "Shut up Noya, you act as if you don't like Asahi" Daichi countered with a smirk, Nishinoya's face burst red in embarrassment as the male in a pony tail also blush, everyone laughed, smiled, snickered or chuckled at that.
"Hey, Suga can the others come down as well?" Daichi asks the mer who nods, Kyoutani lowers the other Boat Daichi came with along with their own boat, the others slowly decended the ladder and onto said boats "Thank you Sugawara" Daichi said "No problem" the silver haired mer spoke to him for the first time which caused Daichi's cheeks and the tips of his ears to turn red
"Okay I'm back with the others love birds~" Oikawa teased before making eye contact with Iwa. "Well hello there hot stuff~" Oikawa flirted "Pff-" Daichi, Suga and some others let out, Iwaizumi's cheeks turn pink and look away for a second "Hello, My name's Iwaizumi Hajime, nice to meet you." Iwa introduced before shaking hands with the brunette.
"Anyways, let me introduce ourselves, My name is Oikawa Tooru, pleasure to meet you all, This is Sugawara Koushi." Oikawa said pointing at the silver haired male beside him. "That's Yamaguchi Tadashi." The brunette pointed at an olive haired male with freckles who's staring at a Salty blond with glasses who also stared back as if having a competition.
"Over there talking to one of your crew mates is Hanamaki Takahiro or Makki as I call him." Oikawa pointed at the pinkish haired male who's chatting with Matsukawa "Question tho, is the one talking to Makki also a dumbass?" Oikawa asked Iwa who nods "Well that's a perfect pair.." Oikawa said sarcastically which Kiyoko, Daichi, and Iwaizumi chuckled to
"Anyways, That over there having a glaring contest with the ravenette is Hinata Shouyou." Oikawa finished as the ginger continued glaring at Kageyama who's doing the same "Do you think (Y/N) is coming?" Suga asked Oikawa "He said he would..I mean, he is busy, duties and all." Oikawa replied to the male beside him with a shrug.
"N-not to be rude, but wh-who's (Y/N)?" Yachi asks "Oh, He's our prince, He agreed to hang out with us here until you guys came and turned out to be nice!" Yamaguchi is the one to reply after winning the staring contest with the blond who cursed under his breath for losing.
"Speaking of the Mer." Makki said as he looked at the water "He's here?!" Hinata asked excitedly "Yup" Makki replied popping the P.
"What are you guys doing at.. the... surface..." (Y/N) trailed off as he stared at the pirates in front of him "Dammit Oikawa." the prince said as he rubbed his temple "What?! why is it me already? Suga did it!" Oikawa asked as he fake pouted
"Uh huh. and didn't I leave you in charge for Suga's kindness, Hanamaki's joker self and Hinata's volleyball dumbass?" (Y/N) countered "K.O." Makki joked "see? Hanamaki just proved my point" the prince said "oops." The pink haired male let out not really meaning it
"I can see two more ships over there, are they yours?" (Y/N) asks pointing at the Karasuno Ship and Kiyoko's ship at the distance "Yes-" Daichi answered being interrupted by thunder in the process "Ah. I forgot about the storm." Iwaizumi thought out loud.
The prince snaps is fingers and the storm clouds gather in one spot, Oikawa throws a purple bottle at it and it disappears "Tooru..didn't I tell you to only use the bottle if it's the Johzenji's ship?" (Y/N) asks as he catches the purple bottle "I know, I'm sorry." The brunette replies.
"Let's go to an island so we can all rest, plus Shiratorizawa is going there for a meeting with me." (Y/N) told the pirates who nod.
Timeskip to the island which the Three captains sailed to and the mers swam beside them in the water
"Alright, you can tie the ships to the dock, we'll help" Suga said, Daichi's ship slowly came to a stop side ways in front of one of the docks throwing the Rope to Suga who catches it and hooks it to the wooden platform.
Same done with Iwaizumi who Oikawa helped and Kiyoko who Hinata helped. On the small Island are trees. a few huts which are evenly spaced to make a circle and in the middle is where the bon fire is made.
these said materials and structures are close to the water so they could be near the heat of the bonfire and talk with the mers at the same time.
The pirates in all three ships unboared and either look around in awe or questioningly which is exactly what Kiyoko is doing. "Did you guys do all this?" she asks the mers who're sitting on the shore, the sunlight gleaming down on their tails which shine.
"Yeah. We got the materials from Shiratorizawa and blueprints from Nekoma." (Y/N) said as he searches for something in his bag "Wow, your tails are really shiny" Yachi quietly complements.
(Y/N) and Makki looks up at her in surprise before smiling "Thank you, usually people cut them off to sell them at a high price" Makki jokes...not really.
"What?! why would they do that?" Yachi asks " Mers don't really resurface just to talk to people or look at the sky. it's more rare for us to be spotted on the surface this close to humans. some of the mers are captured and sold, either the people don't or do cut their tails off, they die eventually because their body isn't used to the heat and the lack of sea water." Makki explains to the shocked Pirates.
"Us six actually were victims of attacks, we just escaped because of either speed, or the storm clouds in the purple bottle Oikawa has" Suga mentioned as he traced a scar on his arm.
The Pirates never really saw it for the reason of them not really showing anything except their shoulders up or their tails when they dive down. Tanaka and Noya examine their bodies and notice scars on all the mers but not really Hinata or Yamaguchi.
"Does Yamaguchi and Hinata not come out? I don't really see scars like you guys." Nishinoya asks "No. we make sure these two sunshines don't get scars." Oikawa replied.
Oikawa has a scar on his lower back down slightly to his turquoise and mostly white tail. Suga has one on his upper arm above his elbow and another on his hip. (Y/N) seems to have the most. having one from his shoulder to the middle of his back. two on his right arm and one on his palm.
"Anyway. Since Shiratorizawa is coming on this island, might as well test the necklaces I was making before going here." (Y/N) said as he took out six necklaces with different coloured pearls on them. one pearl each.
"Waaahh!! Are those the ones you told me about?!" Hinata asks excitedly as he shook his fists up and down "Yes Shouyou, yes they are. why don't you try first?" the prince said with a chuckle while giving the ginger the necklace with the orange pearl.
Hinata quickly wore the necklace before diving into the water and swimming a short distance away before going out of view as he dived down again. Under the water, Hinata swims down as the pearl glints before quickly swimming up as if getting ready to jump.
Hinata reaches the surface and lands on the sand with legs and clothes on "Yes!!- Woah!-" Hinata said before falling on his stomach "Oh this isn't as easy as swimming.." the ginger thought out loud as he tried to stand up wobbling around and swinging his arms to try and balance.
"I did it (Y/N)!!" Hinata exclaimed when he successfully stood up still. The pirates stand, some sitting on the sand in confusion "Your turn Tooru." (Y/N) tossed the necklace with a turquoise pearl to the brunette who quickly catches it and dives down doing the same thing as Hinata, except he crash lands on the shorter ginger.
"Oof!-" said ginger let out "Nice landing Oikawa-san!" Hinata jokes which they both laugh at before standing (Hinata helping the brunette)
"I like our clothes!" Oikawa mentioned. He and Hinata are both wearing a white button up shirt with puffy sleeves at the end and black pants with Hinata wearing light brown boots and Oikawa wearing dark ones. there's a fabric tied to their belts them being the same colour as the pearls.
"Why don't you both try at the same time?" (Y/N) asks as he hands Suga and Yamaguchi their necklaces. Suga's being Silver and Yamaguchi's being emerald green.
The two males nod at each other before diving down at the same time and resurfacing at the same time. Suga wearing the same white button up but with a black jacket with silver accents on the sleeves and ends the same black pants, his boots being black with silver linings in them as well. his fabric being grey "Nice!" Suga cheered.
Yamaguchi's seem to be more at the comfortable side with him wearing the same button up under a beige sweater, black comfortable versions of the other three's pants and brown boots, his fabric is tied around his ankle, it being the same colour as his hair.
As soon as Yamaguchi
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