Chapter 28

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•Team Palude•

Team Palude arrived to a small village, the place looks deserted but from the traces they knew people used to live here. Belphegor was chuckling while Levi was silent as he observed their surroundings. Two Funeral Weathers were cautious and so was Brina.

Seeing nothing than deserted village, Kikyo questioned the Arcobaleno. “Are you sure she’s here.”

“Of course, I will never be mistaken.” Mammon or Viper answered in matter of fact tone.

Zakuro scratched his head, “It’s here huh… I feel like she’s not here…!” He said looking around before he halted. This questioned his fellow guardian and comrade, “Something wrong Zakuro?”

Zakuro ignored him for the sake of searching the powerful and terrifying sensation. It took a while for him to find the location and glared, “Looks like its expecting us.”

“You found her?” Brina questioned. Zakuro answered, “Yeah, she’s ahead over there. From the looks of things, she’s waiting for us to come.”

“Shishishi the prince is excited.” Bel grinned for a moment before becoming serious, “So any plan?”

“Who cares about plan, let’s just finish this.” Levi said which unexpectedly Mammon rejected, “The Eclipse Flame is a dangerous flame Leviathan. Even if you had learned the way to use flame it’s not enough to be confident.”

“Now that I remember, according to Byakuran-sama you had fought alongside Sawada Tsunayoshi against the Eclipse flame within Sawada Ieyuji.” Kikyo stated which gave everyone a fact only Mammon had an experience fighting against it.

Mammon wasn’t flattered, “Dashing like idiot would lead us to death.”

Brina began thinking for a moment before speaking, “I don’t know about this idea but… let me know if this is okay.”

They began discussing plan.

The location of the target, P. Shitt was alone inside a certain abandon home. She was silent but Eclipse Flame was wrapped and still calm. Her eyes were close but tearing blood, like a silent plea of help and pain.

Nothing was there but silence, darkness around, isolating her from the light.

It stays like that until the flame around her flare up, as if sensing danger coming. P.Shitt opened her eyes, all were red like no longer a human. With a quick move, she turned around and swayed her right hand behind her direction, destroying the wall with her Eclipse Flame. From that direction, Belphegor was almost hit but luckily evaded with a grin.

“That was close.” He murmured to himself, sweating from luckily dodging it.

Mammon appeared behind her and put his illusion to work as tentacles appeared and wrapped around her. P.Shitt glared the infant as the Eclipse Flame burned stronger that burned his illusion. Before she could strike the Mist Arcobaleno, Levi appeared from the ground and tried to stab her with his sword like umbrella with Lightning Flame but was dodge.

Levi twitched from her fast reflexes. Brina appeared from the destroyed roof and began shooting. Of course P.Shitt slashed them with her hands and dashed forward heading to her.

Brina had her lightning flame wrapped around herself to defend from her coming attack but instead of that, a Storm flame blasted behind Brina and hit P.Shitt, pushing her away.

Brina glared the Funeral Weather of Storm, “You bastard! That could have hit me!”

Zakuro grinned, “Sorry for that but at least I saved your ass.”

Kikyo appeared behind Zakuro and shook his head, “Have the argument later and focus on our job shall we.” Brina could only grunted before facing their target.

It was just a moment that P.Shitt dashed really fast with released multiple Eclipse Flame balls, heading to all directions. Everyone scattered around to dodge them, even went outside the abandoned home to keep dodging them. P.Shitt followed them by jumping up and landing at the top of the roof. She kept crying in blood then screamed, making the Eclipse Flame flow below her, becoming a different substance that melted everything it touch.

Bel can’t help but whistle, “We haven’t done much but she started to make things hard for us shishishi.” Mammon hummed, “If ever I get my lesson from my last encounter against Eclipse Flame, they are truly troublesome.”

Kikyo glared the target, ‘Byakuran-sama had warn us about its possible capability but who would have thought it would be this.’

Brina loaded her gun and get ready, “We should finish this and fast.”

“Hmm? What? Worried for Ieyuji?” Bel asked with a smirked. Brina glared coldly, “Say that again and this bullet of mine will go straight to your own skull.”

Before things could go further Mammon interrupt them, “As much as I want to watch as how things go… it seems our enemy wanted attention.”

As if on cue, she began to release more fire balls, destroying the surroundings even more.

Kikyo’s hair waved as it flared in Cloud Flame, slashing the coming fire ball in his way. He narrowed his eyes, ‘As far as we could see, her specialty could be more about in range… just like her flame represent, the swamp flame.’

Kikyo gazed on his team where they dodge or block the coming fireball, he saw Belphegor dashing forward then throw his knives wrapped in Storm flame, P.Shitt easily burned them. Zakuro followed up by giving a punch which was blocked by the Eclipse Flame itself.

‘The flame became her armor? No, this is…!’ Zakuro was almost hit by her surprised tentacle eclipse flame if not for Kikyo to pull him away. Landing beside the Funeral Cloud he spoke in serious tone, “Kikyo that woman compressed the flame to create a strong defense, it would destroy herself if this keeps up.”

Kikyo hummed, ‘So the Eclipse flame doesn’t mind destroying its own host for the sake of protecting itself… such selfish flame.’ He gave his order, “I’ll do the support, do whatever it takes to stop her movement.”

“Yeah.” Zakuro dashed forward to give another attack.

Feeling his coming, P.Shitt faced Zakuro as she’s about to attack but raining bullets had blocked her way, facing the responsible it was Brina who kept shooting her Electric Bullet. This made her growl but thanks to the distraction that Zakuro successfully got near to her, wrapping a storm flame in his fist he took a punching position. P.Shitt turned to the near opponent but too late to do anything as Zakuro burst a storm flame on his elbow to strengthen his punch against her.

This cause her to be blown away, ahead was Levi who had all his parabolas out pointed to the target with great spark of Lightning Flame. “Super Levi Volta!

It was a direct hit that made her roar in pain. Out of nowhere floating knives burning in Storm Flame appeared surrounding P.Shitt, the responsible was Bel who’s chucking, “Take this, Cutting Knives Waltz!” All knives surrounding her attacked in all direction giving more damage.

“GRAAAAAHHHH!!! UGHH!” P.Shitt steal herself with Eclipse Flame to reduce the damage, the others of course won’t give her a chance to counter attack.

Mist Pacifier glowing, Mammon released a powerful illusion which cause P.Shitt to waver due the pain of her head.

Brina used the opportunity to reload her flame within her gun pointed the target, getting the amount needed she released her new technique, “Cannone Elettrico!” Pulling the trigger, it released a powerful blast of electricity. It hit and as it does the Super Levi Volta of Levi joined forces with Brina’s Cannone Elettrico, making the lightning flame of both side even more stronger.

Kikyo can’t help but to be amaze before readying himself as his hair flared in Cloud flame twirl around as if charging for his next attack. ‘Zakuro successfully got her off guard, Levi and Brina had restrained her while Mammon used his illusion to prevent her way of thinking. This could be a chance we’re waiting for.’

Getting his preparation complete, he swayed his hair as it released a powerful blast tornado like Cloud Flame that as it advance it multiple until it hit P.Shitt who growled more in pain.

“Now’s our chance!” Zakuro shouted. Bel chuckle as his wires became visible due to his Storm Flame spreading around it before swaying them forward around the target then tightly wrapped around her.

P.Shitt struggle from her strain, not letting be caught. Bel kept his hold but she’s pulling him as she struggled which made Kikyo help the Varia’s Storm by having his hair wrapped around her as well with bursting Cloud Flame. This only strengthen their strain around her.

“Girl the Sin!” Mammon shouted. Obligated, Brina took out the small bottle containing an amount of Vongola Sin and was about to open it but halted as they heard P.Shitt’s loudest roar, making the Eclipse Flame burst around her to the point it quickly burned both wire and hair, moving straight to the owners.

“Shit” Kikyo can’t help but curse as the Eclipse Flame running forward due to his hair, he can’t stop it.

Thankfully Levi got in time to cut his hair before it actually burned him. Twitching, Bel cut his wire and gave more space between him and her, he brought out his knives as he ready for another struggle to keep her still.

Brina mentally curse, having no choice but to retreat the bottle back to safety.

Unnoticed Mammon actually glared the target, ‘What a persistent flame… hmm?’

Mammon noticed something under her, the land she’s standing was changing turning into a magma, the only difference was the color it produced and how they’re coming out. It’s beginning to spread which made them prepare for the coming trouble.

As it does, Mammon can’t help but had flashback when he asked information about their target, P.Shitt.

“P.Shitt the Swamp Guardian of Simon Famiglia, part of the Earth Element. She’s very confident girl but almost flirty, intelligent but prideful who fights for her own reason and not for others. She prefers to be called Shitopi-chan, I don’t know why thought.” A brief explanation about their target from Sawada Tsunayoshi.

They were currently in the deck where Tsuna was actually discussing his plan with Reborn, Hibari and Ieyuji when he came and asked question about their target which Tsuna complied to answer.

“So what’s the Swamp flame’s description?” Mammon questioned next.

Before Tsuna could answer that question he was beaten by Hibari Kyoya. “Swamp Flame has the ability to ferment any inorganic substance causing it to decay and not rot away.”

Mammon hummed, “So a field type flame.”

“Something like that and surely more in range battle.” Tsuna added before tilting his head, “Why ask Mammon?”

“Gathering information might help dealing their target is one of the essential procedure Dame Tsuna.” Reborn reminded which made Tsuna faintly blush for forgetting such important thing. “Oh you’re right.”

“Hey does that mean if ever they’re possessed they’ll be fighting depending on the flame they possess?” Ieyuji questioned which made Reborn mentally applaud for showing his growth.

“Could be… I’m not entirely sure to be exact.” Tsuna admit, having some trouble for still lack of knowledge about the Eclipse Flame. Hibari gave them their confirmation, “We only deal with it twice still we don’t have enough information to tell much.”

Mammon processed the whole information he had heard before giving his nod, “That’s helpful.”

“I hope it is.” Tsuna said smiling to the infant illusionist.

Mammon eyed the brunette who acts more mature, like he had live more than their age supposed to be. Heck not only him but his whole family. Mammon can’t help but question why Reborn who hates being kept in the dark and mostly being ignorant didn’t question this. Remembering his small talk with Colonnello and Fon there’s a possibility he already knew but decide to silent his mouth.

‘Thinking about it, Fon too had acted strange when we’re gathered… maybe he knew already too. Why are this people keeping secret from us?’

Reborn was silent as he observed the Mist Arcobaleno, he knew very well everyone will surely suspect something about them because for one they’re not actually hiding it and two they kept mentioning things that’s none understand. Thankfully in his part this people decide to enlighten him before he could torture them just to find his answer.

‘In any case I will focus the job on hand before this.’ Mammon nodded for himself before facing them, “I’ll see what those people are capable with before arriving our destination.”

Hibari gave a “Hn” saying 'a good action to do right now while they wait'.

Tsuna and Reborn nodded as Mammon decided to leave. As he does he overheard Ieyuji questioned them about him.

“See how his group are capable with? Does he plan being a leader or something?” 

“Not really Yuji-kun, it’s more like seeing how he could blend with their strength.” Tsuna answered. Ieyuji found it confusing which made Reborn kick his head. Ieyuji shouted, “What was that for!?”

“Listen Baka Yuji, in forming a group each of you should know each other’s capability and weakness to make the teamwork stable. Taking action without knowing a thing about your team will only lead your team to be separated.” Reborn lectured before smirking, “For Mammon he knew very well how to adjust and support to strengthen the team even though he prefers to be alone. Do you understand Baka Yuji?”

Ieyuji scratch the spot Reborn had kicked before nodding, “I guess so.”

Mammon who heard everything could only huff, he will never deny he prefer being alone but the fact the Sun Arcobaleno told them he knew how to adjust and support was deadly wrong! All he’s doing was filling the holes, that’s all there is!

‘Now it’s happening but unlike the description the Cloud had told, this one gives destruction and death.’ Mammon thought as the spreading became faster. He who’s the only one who could float in midair dashed forward.

Bel chuckle, “Shishishi this is getting difficult.” He throws his knives with Storm flame.

Mammon combined it with his illusion to make them disappear as he kept moving forward.

Suddenly the magma below began to erupt everywhere, not only endangering Mammon who’s already on its field but also the rest and their surroundings. Kikyo swayed the coming magma away with his hair but noticed the burn it had given. It immediately returned normal thanks to Kikyo’s flame which was Cloud in properties of multiplying and expanding.

Brina gave a reload to her gun then pointed the target, “Proiettile Ellectrico!” She shot her with her electric bullets.

All were hit but didn’t take damage, only to rot which to her shock. The eruption began near her that would almost hit her but thankfully Zakuro dashed in great speed to save her.

“Pay attention woman.” Zakuro said, attention still focused on the target. Brina gave a sigh of relief, “Thanks.”

Bel was jumping around to dodge the eruption which only made him irritate for not being able to get near to his target. For Mammon even if the situation he’s in was dangerous, he kept going forward ignoring some drop of those magma hit his cloak that began to melt his clothing.

Levi saw this which made him shout the Mist Arcobaleno, “Mammon stop! Are you planning to kill yourself!? MAMMON!!”

The Mist Arcobaleno ignored as he kept moving forward. The Eclipse Flame around P.Shitt had flared up then it went forward heading to Mammon, the infant didn’t mind as he prepared himself making the Mist Pacifier flared in flame that soon surrounded his body.

‘Combat is never my forte… but…’ Mammon kept moving forward until him and the Eclipse Flame clash. Both side were pushing forward, not backing out until Mammon was able to push a bit and still going. ‘Ughhhh this… is… tough!’

“That kid, what the heck is he doing!?” Brina can’t help but said it loudly.

Kikyo wanted to move forward to give assistance but the magma below was spreading and this time faster than before with eruption happening everywhere. Having no choice, he pulled himself back go get the safe place, “Damn it…”

Zakuro took his position before releasing a blast tornado like Storm Flame heading to P.Shitt but unfortunately the magma around her had erupted, blocking his attack.

Levi was running on the side to get behind Mammon, as expected it would be hard due the erupting magma. He can’t help but think they’re not actually fighting on the abandoned village but inside a volcano. Still that didn’t stop him as he kept moving forward until he got into position. Throwing the rest of his parabolas that soon floated in midair as its all pointed behind Mammon, Lightning flame enveloped each parabolas in great amount of power.

Lightning Lunge!” The whole floating parabolas dashed forward in great speed.

More eruption happened to block the attack but Levi controlled each parabola to change each of their direction to keep them moving forward. From his expression, it shows struggles and determination so from the looks of things this attack supposed to be a straight attack but learn to change their direction according to his will.

‘Damn it! This is really hard than I thought… still…!’

As he kept them control, he can’t help but had a flashback in the time he first tried the new technique.

He was deep within the Namimori Forest when he tried this attack to destroy the big rock ahead. It was a long struggle but finally completed it. He felt the satisfaction that finally he able to find another way to attack and this time with the new found power Deathperation Flame.

Levi was startled when he heard someone clap, turning around it was Sasagawa Ryohei the Sun Guardian of Sawada Tsunayoshi. He was grinning as he clapped.

“THAT’S EXTREME AMAZING! I CAN’T EXTREME BELIEVE YOU LEARNED A NEW ATTACK FOR ONLY FEW DAYS!” Ryohei shouted in great glee that made Levi sweat drop but in the end glared the man, “Why are you here?”

“To see your EXTREME progress.” Ryohei answered which thankfully decreased volume than before.

Levi looked away from him, hating the fact someone was watching him while he trained. Ryohei mentally chuckle before crossing his arms.

“Since you mastered it, I think you should put them in the next level.” The Sun user said that made Levi glance the man, “What?”

“That attack is really good and powerful if it really hit your target. The problem is what if it didn’t? Did it extreme cross your mind the possibility?” He questioned.

Levi can’t help but fully face him who shows something he can’t comprehend. The person in front of him had an aura that shows matureness, like the person he’s facing wasn’t a teen but an adult older than him. Is that even possible?

Ryohei smirked, knowing what he’s thinking. He glee, “LET I EXTREME HELP YOU!”


“I’ll help you. I may not EXTREME good like Octopus Head and Master Pao Pao but I’ll EXTREME try.”

Levi wasn’t sure what to think when he proposed to help but in the end even it took time, it was worth it.

“GWAAAAAH!” Levi increased the power each of the advancing parabola that took down few eruptions. Bel chuckle, “Shishishi I won’t let you take the whole show.”

Bel took out more than knives in blazed of Storm Flame, wires were also enveloped by his Storm flame. “Shishishi… eat this!” He throws them forward in great amount of power and

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