Chapter 27

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•Team Foresta•

Aria, Lussuria, Fon, I-pin, Torikabuto and Skull arrived in the other side of the seashore, ahead was a forest where they could feel their target, Aoba Koyo’s location. Fon can’t help but narrowed his eyes, from their location they could clearly feel the presence of the Eclipse Flame, the flame that he admits not wanted to face again.

“Do you have a plan in mind Aria?” Fon questioned the Sky Arcobaleno, he knew her capability when comes to tactics like the previous Sky Arcobaleno, Luce.

Aria thought for a moment before sighing, “The enemy is kind of troublesome. From what I had gathered from Tsunayoshi-kun, not even ambush would work against it. All I could think is fight head on and see how we can fare against it.”

“I see.” Fon took a deep breath to calm himself.

Lussuria was humming as he searched something in his small notebook until he found it. “Ah~ Aoba Koyo Forest Flame user of Simon Famiglia. According to Haya-chan this guy is a combat battler like me and Ryo-chan. Kyaaa I can’t wait to meet him!”

Everyone can’t help but sweat drop, is this really the Sun chosen by Xanxus?

“Umm… so we’re going to battle head on then?” Skull questioned as scratching his head. Aria took a deep breath before answering, “But we need to be careful, we don’t know the capability of the Eclipse Flame in different vessels… maybe different to Ieyuji-kun or same, still need caution.”

“I agree.” Fon glanced to I-pin, “Don’t go ahead too much or do any reckless thing I-pin, the Eclipse Flame is dangerous. I hope you remember what I taught you before coming here.”

I-pin smiled and nod, “Aye.”

Inside the forest was a man who’s calm but dangerous. It was Aoba Koyo of Simon Famiglia, silently growling, glowing red eyes and drooling. From how he acts it’s like he’s waiting for the coming prey to come. A minute he felt the prey, Eclipse Flame leaking out from his body and stood up. He glared the direction where he felt the prey coming his way.

“Grrrrrrr” Aoba took a stance like a wild animal, ready to strike anytime.

The presence was coming closer in top speed, the more it come closer the louder his growl had become. Hearing the hush sound from the bushes, Aoba immediately dashed forward.

The first one to show up within the group was Fon who made the first clash between him and Aoba. Fon had immediately used his Storm flame for protection against the Eclipse Flame enveloping Aoba. Even in small body, Fon was able to give a punch that could push him away.

Using the timing, Lussuria appeared on the side, fist envelop by Sun Flame. “Sorry that I have to ruin your beautiful face!” Lussuria punched Aoba that made him roll on the side even so he immediately recovered and dashed forward.

Suddenly Aoba’s vision began to fuzzy for unknown reason. Little far from the target was the hidden Mist user, Torikabuto spreading his mist to create an opening for Lussuria to dashed forward and gave a Sun Flame kick. This made Aoba flew up from the sky, below were Fon and I-pin in ready position.

I-pin ate a special gyoza that she carried before making her attack that combines the material arts ability, “Gyoza-kempo!

It hit Aoba that gave I-pin a temporary time to control his body to stop in midair. Fon took the opportunity to strike, “Exploding Dragon Fire Dance!” A big and strong red storm flame dragon appeared out of his fist and hit Aoba.

Aoba growled in pain as his red eyes glowed, he struggled and broke free from I-pin’s gyoza control and now dashing down to attack the two infants when a gun was heard. The bullet pierced his shoulder that made him land down on the side. Within the forest was Aria, holding a gun in serious expression. She may not a fighter but she won’t let herself be useless in this battle. With her was Skull, hiding near the tree due fear.

“Now, let’s bind him and-” Aria was interrupted when Aoba gave a loud roar and punched the ground. To their astonishment the land shake.

I-pin lost her balance while Fon endured his standing until it’s too late for him to noticed that Aoba was behind him. Before he could block or protect himself, Aoba gave a powerful Eclipse flame kick. Fon felt his bones crack that made him gasp in pain.

Aria was widening in fear for the Storm Arcobaleno, “FON!”

Fon was thrown and smashed on the tree before falling down. Aoba dashed forward to give his end when Torikabuto intervene with his illusion that caused mental pain, using this distraction for I-pin to take revenge by giving a powerhouse kick with her Storm Flame.

Torikabuto will never admit this but within him he would never approved a child like I-pin to join this battle but she’s chosen as Ieyuji’s Storm Guardian, same for Tsunayoshi to Lambo but he knew the circumstances between Lambo and I-pin were different still… He decided to keep the girl on watch and don’t let any harm come to her. With that in mind, after I-pin gave her powerhouse kick Torikabuto dashed forward and keep the target busy.

Aria on the other hand was kind of panic until Lussuria’s voice brought her back to reality. “I’ll check him, you girl focus on the battle. Give me time.” It’s all she needed before nodding and went out from hiding to give distraction for Torikabuto and time to time I-pin to make an attack. Skull tremble in fear after seeing his condition.

'You got to be kidding me... that thing is more than I had expected.' Skull said mentally, sweating.

Lussuria the only Sun user approached the down Arcobaleno.

Lussuria check his condition to see he had taken a critical one. He immediately flared his Sun flame and wrapped it around the infant. ‘To think a simple attack could give this much damage… no wonder Ryo-kun and his family feared and never wish for it to exist.’

Fon was twitching, trying to get up which immediately made Lussuria panic. “He-hey come on stop moving and let me heal you first. Your spinal cord almost crack, do you want to be paralyzed? Just wait until I’m done treating you.”

Fon could do nothing but obligate, he gritted his teeth in frustration. ‘To think an earthquake would distract me… Tch!’ Even a calm storm could be dangerous.

Torikabuto gave few punches before releasing his illusions, wavering the environment and making everyone gone invisible. This confuse Aoba because his illusion was affecting his instinct. Aria noticed this and took note to be used later, for now they had to distract him as far as they could until Lussuria finished treating Fon.

The Cloud Arcobaleno who can't take it anymore smash his head on the tree to stop his fear. 'Your an arcobaleno Skull, the immortal Skull! Go there and help them! Get on to it you bastard!' Making up his mind he took out his gun and run to join them.

Aria was shooting to give distraction as Torikabuto continue his work making everyone invisible while Skull went to position and began shooting him continuously as he shouted, "Eat this!!!" Even confuse, Aoba was able to detect the coming bullets and began running around to dodge them. Skull didn't stop as he continue shooting him.

I-pin ate another special gyoza that made her hand palely glow with addition of her Storm Flame and dashed forward to her running enemy. Skull gave her a good opportunity as he attack on the side to change his path of running where I-pin is coming. Good distance between him and her, she jump and gave her punch, “Gyoza-Fist!

It hit Aoba’s back that made him yelp in pain before glaring behind him and attempt to kick the one who had done it. Thanks to her constant training against Ryohei, I-pin swiftly twist in midair to dodge his kick.

‘Now to do what I had learn from Master.’ I-pin gathered her flame to her palm then released it. “Dragon Fire Dance!

This directly hit Aoba that made him pushed and slammed on the nearest tree. Torikabuto found it amazing for a young child like I-pin, maybe being small does have an advantage. For Skull his eyes within his helmet was blinking and sweating, feeling even if he's part of Acrobaleno the early generation would surely surpass him.

“GRAAAH!” Their attention returned back to Aoba who had immediately stood up like he never felt pain and immediately dashed forward heading to the illusionist.

Aria immediately took support as she began shooting him but the bullets only turned to ashes when it touched the Eclipse Flame around Aoba. This shocked Aria, ‘When did it become stronger?’

Aoba’s advance heading to the illusionist continue, Torikabuto was about to something dangerous which was to take him head on when the Varia’s Sun appeared before Aoba and kneel him up. Aoba flew up from the impact and above was Fon who finally recovered. He spins as Storm Flame envelop his whole body and gave a spinning kick right through his back without hesitation that slammed him on the ground.

Skull yelled in cheer, "Oh right!"

Aria was relief to see Fon had finally came back to action. I-pin was overjoyed too, “Master you’re alright!”

Fon smiled and nod, “Thanks to Lussuria’s fast healing.”

Lussuria giggled, “Well Ryo-kun taught us Sun Flame user what to do in many case scenarios. I must say Ryo-kun is a very talented doctor.”

Aria can’t help but think how come the Sun Guardian of Sawada Tsunayoshi… more like the whole Guardians could coupe up with his unique antics, then again uniqueness wasn’t that bad. Someone very unique surely brighten up the mood, like the Sun he should be.

“He’s coming, stay alert.” As Fon said that, they saw Aoba standing up and growled loudly.

Aoba glared the infant before roaring in his loudest like a wolf. Suddenly strong wind was surrounding his body and the Eclipse Flame flared even more. Fon could distinguish this as his strength adding to the next level, like activation in Sun’s characteristic. Aria could see this too which gave reason to make her twitched, the beast is coming.

Aoba dashed in great speed that eyes can’t follow up, Aoba claw Fon who’s thankfully using Storm Flame as his own shield for protection but it wasn’t enough that send him flying at the same time, clothes were cut and scratches in both arms.

I-pin saw this in horror, “Master!”

“Watch out!” Lussuria was too late to warn the child as Aoba appeared on her side and kicked her. I-pin who can’t hold his tremendous force was slammed five times on the trees before falling out. Body were bleeding his dizziness coming. This made Lussuria twitched, “Now you done it…”

Lussuria flared his flame that spread around his body, making it spark as Sun Flame increasing his strength all over his body. He got this idea from Ryohei who used his animal weapon named Garyuu to shoot him with Sun Flame to increase his strength.

Skull glared the target, "Heh, time to get serious." His body glowed in purple, gaining him a large amount of muscle, though his infantile body stays the same size. "Armored Muscle Body!" He envelop himself with his Cloud flame from his pacifier then dashed forward to the target.

Lussuria charge forward heading to Aoba. Torikabuto on the other hand spread his hands to release his powerful illusion as much as possible. The surroundings began to waver that normal people would begin to feel sick, Aoba was able to endure it but thanks to it that he failed to notice Lussuria’s coming punch and Skull's coming headbutt. Two attacks hit him both front and back really hard, then Skull made a follow up round kick that send him up. Lussuria dashed to chaise him then began punching him continuously.

Aria who got a time to approached the youngest of the group studied the enemy and her comrades. In honestly she was quite surprise to see Skull getting well in this situation, he's not an Acrobaleno for nothing after all. Eyes switch to see Fon getting up and charge forward to join Lussuria. Torikabuto kept the support for the two. I-pin was trying to stand up but the pain in her body prevented her from it. This concern Aria.

“You shouldn’t get up, leave this to us I-pin.” Aria said in soft tone like a mother. I-pin wasn’t sure, “B-but…”

“Don’t worry, you done enough. Just stay back.” Aria smiled in assurance. Normally it would work but I-pin shook her head telling no, “I… I’m a fighter… I can’t let my family fight alone. I don’t want to become a burden.”

Aria became concern, now that she remembered someone like her was on this battlefield. The Lightning Guardian of Sawada Tsunayoshi, Bovino Lambo. ‘Now I get it… if he could come and fight with the rest why can’t I… it’s a kind of mindset that kept them push forward no matter what.’ Aria nodded to that, understanding her. “Then rest for a while, when your strength return keep your strength to minimum but flame to maximum. Okay?”

I-pin smiled, knowing she finally understand her feeling. “Okay.”

Aria smiled to that before switching to seriousness as she faced the target. ‘It won’t be good if we keep this longer… how are we supposed to subdue him?’ Aria kept thinking strategy, calculating and observing.

The continues attack of Varia Sun and Storm Arcobaleno continue, making Aoba had enough as he released his loudest growl that spread his Eclipse Flame furiously his surroundings. Lussuria and Fon created a barrier using their own flame but the Eclipse Flame was so powerful that it pushed them away and even hurt them from the process. It continued to spread more that reach to Torikabuto and Skull’s location. The illusionist used his flame from his Mare Ring to block it but due to its strength, it also pushed him and even got hurt. For Skull he tried to fight it back with his body strength and flame but no effect, it made him roll away.

"Gwaaaaaaaa!!" Skull's yell as being rolled and burn by Eclipse Flame.

The Eclipse Flame didn’t stop and continue spreading furiously. This alert Aria as its coming to their way, seeing I-pin still haven’t recover she had no choice but to concentrate her flame within her Sky Pacifier, making it ignite to its Sky Flame. The flame spread around the two as it was thankfully block the Eclipse Flame in right time before it hit them. Still the strength was pushing them of breaking her flame, Aria kept pushing, not letting I-pin get hurt anymore.

“Nghhhhh…” Aria kept pushing, not giving up.

This scene made I-pin useless, her body won’t comply and the fact Aria was protecting her made it worst. ‘Wha… what should I do? Am I… Am I…”


She suddenly remembered one of her conversation with Lambo late night at Sawada Residence before Lambo and Yamamoto left to Italy.

They’re on the roof where they’re watching the night sky silently. They had invited Fuuta but he told he’ll help Maman so he’ll catch up with them later. So for now, the two were alone.

“Lambo”I-pin called, taking his attention. She asked, “What happen to you?” Lambo tilt his head in confusion. She clarified, “You’re so different. The first time I met you then the time you showed up with Tsuna-nii in the beginning of the Ring Conflict. It’s like… the Lambo I know and the Lambo I see now is different.”

For that Lambo could understand. Because for one he’s no longer a child, well mentally because he’s an adult back in their world. Meeting his Tsuna-nii’s son, protected him until death. Another was the real Lambo here died, I-pin never get a chance to meet the real Lambo nor experience the greatest childhood which was why when he noticed how his Hayato-nii and the others acting at their teenager life, he can’t help but do the same. It’s their only tribute for the lost lives of their parallel self, letting them know even how dark and painful life could be, there’s still happiness and endless love for both friends and family.

“Hmmm” Lambo began thinking, knowing he can’t really say the truth about them to avoid complicated situation according to their agreement. The only think he could do was grin like how a child should do, “Who knows.” He began laughing.

I-pin glared the Child Cow, “Lambo I’m asking seriously!”

Lambo kept laughing before grinning, “Well… In truth I’m not really sure how to respond.” That he admits, then smiled. “You just have to do what you think is right.”

That question the Chinese Assassin, “Do what is right?”

Lambo nodded before turning up in the night sky, “Yeah… I have chosen to fight for Tsuna-nii’s sake, to the point I would sacrifice my life for him.” His eyes became something that’s too foreign for I-pin, like the child disappeared but instead an adult version of him was showing somewhere around sixty’s.

He continued, “Tsuna-nii and the others are working hard for the family, they won’t rely on me because I’m the youngest and Tsuna-nii prioritize my safety than his own. That fact made me grateful and angry, because I’m his Lightning Guardian who’s supposed to be his shield and yet he won’t let me. That’s why I had decided, for the sake of Tsuna-nii and the people I had turn to love, I will continue proving myself for the sake of the family and myself.”

I-pin became speechless for his declaration, ‘So this is what Master was talking about… such strong resolve for the sake of the sky… do I… feel the same way?’

Sensing her trouble, Lambo turn to I-pin and grinned like a child, matureness and adult eyes disappeared like a blink of an eye. “Well that’s how I think, kind of funny according to Hayato-nii, very well from Takeshi-nii and extreme from Ryohei-nii.” He tilted his head, “How about you I-pin? Who are you as a Storm?”

“Who… am I… as a Storm?” I-pin questioned, not understanding. Before she could ask, they heard a familiar voice calling for them.

“Lambo, I-pin are you there?” The person came out under, it was Fuuta. He smiled as he carefully climbed up to join them. Lambo began to whine as he rolled around the roof, “Your late Fuuta!”

“Sorry Lambo, here I sneak this for you.” Fuuta gave his favorite grape candy which delighted Lambo as he took it and immediately chew it without saying thanks. Fuuta didn’t mind, he turned to I-pin who’s staring Lambo. This worried the ranking child, “You alright I-pin?”

“Eh? Ahh… I’m fine.” I-pin said with a smile, convincing him she was. Fuuta could only nod before giving a lollipop which she took with a thanks before putting it in her mouth. As she does she can’t help but think his question. What is she as a Storm?

‘As a Storm… as a Storm I…’ Another flashback, her last conversation with Gokudera from the ship heading to Simon Island.

“What am I as a Storm? What kind of question is that?” Gokudera questioned.

 I-pin didn’t meet his eyes, nervous but still answered. “I asked Lambo before… how come he became so… different. The Lambo I know was childish, selfish and complainer. But ever since the announcement of the Ring Conflict, he… change, like the Lambo I know disappeared. So I asked him and…he told me how he is as a Lighting.” She paused, “After that, he asked me how I am as a Storm. In truth I don’t really know. The way Lambo say he is as a Lighting are all for the sake of Tsuna-nii and everyone else but I… I don’t know what kind of Storm I am… As Yuji’s Storm or… something else…”

‘I see… not that I could blame her for asking that.’ Gokudera thought as he scratched his head. He took a deep breath before answering, “I-pin the only one who could answer that is you. Either for the sake of someone else or your own.”


“Well I could give

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