Chapter 10

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I stay at Stiles's house for the next week. Things have changed with him. He's in shock from the whole nemeton situation I think. Seeing things like that and being in those situations is normal for a witch and a werewolf and even a hunter. But not a human. He get's night terrors often. Actually 3 times a night to be exact. One at 11:40 - if we're asleep by then. He always yells don't let them in and they're close. Then I wake him up. The next one is at 2:55. He yells how they're here and he can hear them close. So I wake him. The last one is the worst. Always. It's at 3:17. He get's physical and has panic attacks. He yells that they're coming at us and he needs to get out. So I wake him. I normally get 3 hours of sleep a night because i'm awake, waiting to save him. We don't talk about his nightmares because he is afraid of them.

***Stiles POV

I open my eyes to see bars of light shining into my face. I try to move but i'm contained. I begin banging and screaming help but I can't move. I'm trapped in a locker I think.

"HELP" I begin yelling and pushing on the door even harder. Finally, the door comes off and I throw myself onto the floor beside the locker bank. I stand up to find the lights are flickering. I walk through the door to the hallway. It's pitch black. I keep walking to a room with the door open. It's Mr. Bakers English room. I walk in and see the nemeton. No desks, no chairs, no bags. Just the nemeton. My heart beat rises and I can feel floods of sweat coming off. Behind me the door shuts and I try to open it. It's locked.

"Help! GET ME OUT! HELP!" I yell as I bang the door. I rest my head on the door and close my eyes as I am quietly pleading for help. I open my eyes and turn around to find not the room with the nemeton. But a forest. I turn back around and the door is gone. I am completely in the forest. I see the nemeton in the distance and I begin running to it. This is the place that gave the monster life. This is the place Caroline went and almost died. This is the place I almost lost my fucking dad. The only family I have left. I reach the nemeton and start kicking and pulling off bark. I scream louder and louder. Until I fall to the ground out of fatigue.

"HELP." I yell one last time as I close my eyes. I feel someones arms around me from the back. I open my eyes and i'm in my bed. Caroline's holding me.

"It's okay. It's okay Stiles." She's telling me. She's holding my down and I realize I need to stop objecting her embrace. This happens so often. These god damn night terrors. I haven't really slept in a while.


At school the next day I walk in with Scott. Caroline wen't to find Allison probably to talk about how horrible I am to sleep next to. I don't blame her.

"Scott?" I ask him. He totally dozed off of our conversation. I see him looking at his shadow in terror.

"Stiles.. Am I me?" He asks me.

"What do you mean? Your not a wolf if that's what you mean." I tell him

"Stiles I'm seeing things. I keep thinking i'm changing. Kind of like when we didn't know Caroline and I couldn't control myself." He tells me

"Somethings happening to all of us." I tell him.

"I'm having night terrors. Three a night and I wake up screaming every time. Have you ever heard of Sleep Paralysis?" I tell him.

"No." Scott says.

"It happens because during REM sleep your body is basically paralyzed. It's called muscle atonia. That way if you start dreaming about running, you don't actually start running in your bed. But sometimes your mind can wake up before your body does. So for this split second, you're actually aware that your body is paralyzed. And that's the terrifying part. It turns your dream into a nightmare. You can feel like you're falling, like you're being strangled, or, in my case, like you're at the center of a grove of magical trees where human sacrifices took place. " I scare myself by telling him what i'm experiencing.

"Shit. What can we do?" Scott asks.

"I don't know." I tell him. We walk to our lockers and I grab my lock. I look at it hard and see that the numbers are gone. They're replaced with symbols.

"Dude? Whats up." Scott asks me.

"Um, nothing." I say. The numbers appear after a solid 10 seconds of confused looks.

We head to our classes and decide to meet everyone for lunch.


In English I walk in and sit at the back. I look up to see a new teacher. Thank god. I wonder what his name is so I look to the board. I don't see his name I just see symbols. I stare at the board in confusion. Why can't I fucking read. I start mumbling to myself "come on" and "try" quietly. I don't think people can notice but then again I am not focused on them. I start getting scared. I look into my backpack and pull out a book from my backpack and study the title. I can't fucking read it. Shit.

"Mr. Stilinski!" I hear and my head shoots up from my desk. I see I've left a puddle of drool on my desk.

"How was your nap?" The teacher asks.

"What?" I reply. I didn't know I was sleeping. I look at the board. I can read it. I dig into my backpack "Allies and Axis". I can read the title now.

"Mr. Stilinski!!" I hear again.

"Sorry! What was the question?" I ask him.

"Why are you still here?" He asks me. I look confused. And I gaze around the room. Everyone has left. How did I miss that?

"Get out! It's lunch." He tells me. A trigger goes off that i'm suppose to meet Caroline at her locker. I grab my stuff and go.


Caroline and I head to the table where Scott and Allison are. We all sit down and pull out are lunches.

"So." Caroline says. I haven't talked to her a lot all day.

"How is um. Everyone." Allison asks.

"Great. Fabulous." I say in my signature sarcastic tone.

"Caroline?" Scott asks.

"Yeah?" She replies.

"Is there any change that um, Jenn- I mean Juli- I mean Darach is going to well return?" He asks.

She looks up from her phone. "No. I don't think so. I feel that everything is now balanced. No more animal suicides or human sacrifices." She says.

"Plus, she's dead. And it's not like she has a pack to finish what she left off." Allison adds. No one answers her.

"Okay cut the crap. Stiles what the hell is going on with you and Scott, why do you look so fucking afraid of yourself?" Allison asks.

"Um, well, I have sleep paralysis. And I can't read a thing. And I didn't notice my whole class left. And I think I can't read because I think I'm dreaming." I reply.

"What the hell?" Caroline tells me.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Allison asks.

"It happened like 10 minutes ago. I'm still in shock I guess." I tell them

"What about you?" Allison asks - referring to Scott.

"Well um. I keep thinking i'm wolfing up. Like I see a wolf shadow and my hands will turn into claws and I will see red eyes in my reflection." He tells us.

"What the hell!!" Caroline says. A girl walks up to our table. She has black hair and she looks Japanese.

"Excuse me." She says.

"Yes?" Allison says in a very bitchy tone.

"Um. Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I'm Kira. Can I sit?" She asks.

"Yeah sure. Your in mine and Stiles history class right?" Scott asks. I totally forgot about that class.

"Yeah." She says.

"I think you are experiencing bardo. It's a state between life and death." She tells me. Either she didn't hear Scott talk about him being a werewolf or she's avoiding it.

"Wait i'm dying?" I ask her.

"No. Well not yet." Kira says. She explains us the stages of Bardo. She tells us this:

1st Bardo: the soul starts to encounter spiritual beings that may be frightening because of their power. They are accompanied by terrifying lights and sounds. 2nd Bardo: Spiritual travel, where the soul travels the ocean of consciousness. The dangers are guilt and fear, for someone who has not done sufficient spiritual training. A soul may be caught here, unaware that it has died and unable to attain enlightenment. The goal of the soul in the second bardo is to wake up and lucid dream, so it can move toward a state of spiritual awareness. A guide, saint, or guru can help guide a soul out of this bardo. 3rd Bardo: Reincarnation. A soul is presented with images, and its attraction or repulsion from those images determine where it will be reincarnated.

We all look terrified at what we now know.

Kira - you just made 4 new friends



Stiles lock:

Stiles book:

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