Tveir (2)

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         "I'm listening." Loki said amusedly.

They only narrowly missed me, whoever they were inside that contraption, but as I conjured Frostbites once more, Loki's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"What was it like?" He asked.

I spun around to face him, vision red with irate rage. "What?"

"The wedding?" He continued, circling around me, as if analyzing what I had become. "Becoming the future queen of Asgard? Spending all your time with a man you do not love... or do you now?"

I let out a low snarl, and as quick as I could manage, which was quite speedily considering how much I wanted to smash his head in, I placed my sword edge on the back of his throat. In my other hand, the long weapon formed into an intricate ice dagger, which I settled over the surface of his neck. He was a little too close, our noses almost touching, but I wanted him to get a good look at the anger in my blood red, inky eyes.

"There was never a wedding, Loki. Nor will there be one." I growled. "Don't forget what you've done, I sure haven't. We aren't friends anymore and if you tease me one more time, like the manipulative child you are, I'll severe your head from the rest of your body."

He seemed to process my information for a moment. "You took my advice. I'm glad to see you doing what you want from now on."

I scoffed. "What I want? I want to hurl you off of Asgard. I want to see the look of fear of your face as you fell, and to compare it with how you looked as you tricked us last time."

"Surely that can't be true, (Y/N)." He leaned forward, so that the sharp edge of my dagger sank lower into his skin. "You're a living contradiction, (Y/N). You say we're not friends, and yet, why do you think we're so close?" His eyes fell down over my lips as I narrowed my gaze, and moved back.

I pushed him hard in the chest, causing him to stumble back onto his ass with a groan. "Don't do that do me, Loki. I'm not playing games today." I turned my gaze down onto the forest, wondering if Thor was handling himself, or if I should come to his aid. "I feel nothing for you, Loki." I said, once I had decided to watch over the prisoner instead. "You've lied, and made me out to be a fool. All I feel is anger when I look at you."

He laughed, standing up onto his feet. "I've told you before, and I'll tell you again, (Y/N). You never were a good liar."

My hands clenched into fists as I deconstructed my weapons. "Do you expect me to forgive you, Loki?"

He paused, contemplating his answer, before he merely said, "No." He shrugged. "I don't expect anything of you. I only hope."

"Hope?" I retaliated, before I ultimately sighed and searched my feelings. There were a lot of layers I needed to make sense of, and I knew it wouldn't happened overnight, but, "I don't know. Maybe some day."

"That's a beautiful necklace you're wearing." He changed the subject. "Carved from the Casket and gifted by Thor, no doubt about that. I noticed you seemed different. Embracing your giantess features?" He gestured to the blue veins that ran up the cracks of my armour and over my face.

"At least one of us is." I shot back. "Why didn't you tell me about that, either?"

        He scoffed. "You always claim to be the truthful one. Why didn't you tell me about your curse?"

        "I couldn't, Loki!" I argued, feeling tears return to my eyes, so I hastily blinked them away. "My mother told—"

        "And you just had to be the obedient little girl." He shot back, turning away from me.

"And you— you... you.." I stammered, stopping to catch my breath before things got out of control. "You kissed me. You kissed me and I didn't even know I was kissing you. All those times when it what just me and you. And after you died... I'm questioning my entire life, Loki. Because of you."

There was an awkward silence between us for what felt like eons, each avoiding the others' gaze.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, finally breaking the tension. "I shouldn't be putting everything on you, that's not fair of me. I have a part to play in all of this. I was just so stupid, and I should've told you about the curse, you're right. I just... I was afraid of what you or anyone else would think of me."

       "No, stop it, (Y/N). Just stop it." He shook his head, taking a hesitant step towards me. "You have every right to be mad at me, and yet you're the one apologizing. I never meant for it to get out of hand. I saw the way you looked at me, or who you thought was Thor, and I didn't want that to end. I'm sorry."

      I took his hands in mine frantically, causing his eyes to meet mine, which had by now cooled down and returned to their normal colour. "Then hand over the Tesseract and come home, Loki. Please."

       "I can't." He pulled away. "If I'm not allowed rule on Asgard, then I'll rule here."

       My eyebrows knitted together in desperation. "Loki, pleas—"

      My plea was cut shot as a burst of energy and the distinctive clang of metal on metal pushed me over into the god of mischief.

       We stumbled backwards until I laid on his chest and he grunted from the sudden impact.

        "Thor." I cursed under my breath. No doubt, couldn't put his hammer down and make peace when he really needed to. I shook my head to push away the dizziness. "Sorry..." I began lifting myself off of his body.

         His grip on my forearm stopped me. I looked into his greenish-blue eyes, and he looked back into my (colour) ones. I felt his breath on my cheek from our closeness, and I didn't dare move a muscle.

        "It's been far too long since I had a chance to look into your beautiful eyes, (Y/N)." He whispered, so sincerely that I bought it for a second.

        I narrowed my gaze and quickly stood to rush into Thor's aid, ignoring his dejected expression. I was about to leap off the cliff side when I heard four words that had me frozen in my place unlike anything my powers could do.

        "I still love you."

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