Einn (1)

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If you couldn't tell, I'll be titling these chapters in Icelandic. I'm unfortunately NOT Icelandic, so I apologize if some or all of the future chapter title numbers are wrong.

I'll also be skipping forward quite a bit in the movie, to the scene where the Avengers have Loki in their plane, and Thor arrives to snatch him, which is about 44 minutes in. This is mainly because first, it'll take quite a lot of chapters to write 44 minutes of a movie in my style of writing, and second, because I feel it's not fair of me to just steal the contents of a movie, and describe them without adding something of my own, (I.e (Y/N) Ísveig).

I know I basically just did that with the prologue, save for one line Selvig said, but I needed the prologue so future readers could quickly realize what the setting of this book is going to be.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to clarify, on with the story.

The S.H.I.E.L.D jet flew through foggy clouds, and over mountains tops with dense forests below.

"Is he saying anything?" Fury asked Natasha over the radio as she piloted.

"Not a word." She muttered dryly.

"Just get him here. We're low on time."

"I don't like it." Steve expressed turning away from the jet's cockpit as Natasha flicked a switch to turn off the inter com.

"What, Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Stark probed.

"I don't remember it being that easy." Rogers insisted. "This guy packs a wallop."

Stark blinked uninterestingly. "Still, you are pretty spry for an older fellow." He glanced to his right at the captain. "What's your thing, Pilates?"


"It's like calisthenics." The billionaire explained. "You might have missed a couple things, y'know, doing time as a Capsicle."

Steve set a contemplating stare onto the other man. "Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in."

         "Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you." Stark grumbled darkly.

          Their conversation was unfortunately, or fortunately, cut short by the rumbling of thunder overhead, and the streaks of lightning that flashed over the murky sky.

         "Where's this coming from?" Natasha questioned, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

         The jet rocked back and forth as the storm continued. All three men at the back of the jet looked up anxiously.

         Roger's gaze landed on Loki's nervous complexion. "What's the matter? Are you scared of a little lightning?"

          "I'm not overly fond of what follows." The god answered, making the two men in front of him glance at each other.

        A loud pitter patter followed after the next wave of thunder, like rocks beating down on the jet.

         "What the..." Natasha mumbled, her eyes widening in the slightest as chucks of ice smashed down onto the glass window in front of her.

         The air around them got exceedingly cold, and layers of frost began to form onto the outer edges of the aircraft.

         Loki closed his eyes, letting a deep breath escape his lips, the air condensing as it clashed with the chilly temperature. He chuckled grimly.

          Stark arched a brow. "Afraid of the cold too?"

       "No." Loki smirked. "Now the cold, I like. Especially what causes it."

             Steve parted his lips to reply, when the entire jet shuttered as if a huge boulder had landed on it. Tony and Steve both rushed to put their helmets on, and the former bolted to open the cargo door.

          "What are you doing?" Rogers grilled.

         Thor and I landed inside the aircraft with a thud. Frostbites both lay perfectly balanced in my hands, glittering like fresh ice, almost glowing in the harsh light. I felt the energy from my Casket necklace course through my veins, as I let my sword point at the red, armour wearing man.

       "Take him." I ordered Thor, nodding towards Loki. I felt my breath stop in my throat as his eyes locked with mine, and cold tears prick at the sides of my vision, so I quickly tore my gaze from the god of mischief.

      Just as Thor took a step forward, so did the armoured man in front of us. I rolled may eyes, and sent a wave of snow and ice into him, making him stumble backwards as Thor grabbed his brother by the jaw.

        We strutted back to the edge of the cargo flap, as I avoided Loki's gaze.

          Thor glanced at me. "Do you need a lift?"

         I shook my head. "No. Take Loki. I'll find a way down myself."

           The son of Odin nodded, and swung his hammer around before taking off with his brother. I sighed, and took the leap of faith, jumping out of the jet. The wind on my face somehow calmed me as my brain raced to process all that had happened recently.

         First, I learned that Loki was in fact, not dead, and that second, even thought he was very much alive, he didn't think to come home to Asgard— to his family.

          To me, my idiotic mind thought automatically.

       I felt angry enough that I wanted to rip him in half and throw his remains over the side of Asgard like I thought he died, but then there was a side of me deep down that was relieved beyond comprehension. And oh, did I want to murder that part of me.

        After everything he did to me, how could I feel even the slightest bit of warmth for him? I was completely insane.

        I clenched my teeth, realizing I was getting too close to the ground. Unfortunately, the Casket necklace didn't exactly give me flying abilities like Mjolnir did for Thor.

       Readying myself, I landed on my knees as Thor pushed his brother down onto the rock ground, and rolled onto my shoulder to distribute the impact.

         Loki groaned and laughed, making my stomach churn anxiously as I remembered that familiar sound.

        "Where's the Tesseract?" Thor demanded, sparring me a worrying glance. We had a talk before this mission. The god of thunder had advised I stay back on Asgard, as he was one of the few people who knew how Loki had... lied to me.

        But I wasn't having any of it. I promised myself I wouldn't feel anything around him, and a few moments in, I was already crumbling.

        "I missed you too, especially you, (Y/N)."

        Thor held me back by my bicep as I prepared to lunge into attack. "Do we look to be in a gaming mood?"

        "You should both thank me." Loki smirked, beginning to raise himself off of the ground. "With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you two here, to your precious Earth?"

         Thor let out a low growl as he dropped his hammer and grabbed Loki by his shoulders.  "I thought you dead. So did (Y/N)."

         The god of mischief's eyes flickered over mine for a fragment of a second, before he fixed his brother with a cold glare. "Did you mourn?"

         "We all did, Loki." I snapped, taking in a deep breath so that my rage didn't end up freezing the entire forest.

          I'd been having trouble controlling my powers as of late, and it only got worse once I heard about Loki's miraculous lie. He wasn't dead. And then my emotions got the better of me, and I started to spend more and more time by myself; afraid of hurting anyone.

         Obviously, I was taking my necklace off more frequently because of it, but I'd also noticed that my powers without the Casket were getting stronger as well. As if I was sucking up the energy from the necklace until I didn't need to wear it anymore. Only one problem: I didn't know how to test my theory.

       "Our father—" Thor added.

        "Your father." Loki hissed, cutting off his... well, adoptive brother.

            Another lie I had to find out the hard way, Loki.

          The god of mischief jerked away from Odin's son, and paced about, making no intention to walk any closer to me. "He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?"

         "We were raised together. We played together. We fought together." Thor recalled, gesturing around at our pathetic trio. "All three of us. Do you remember none of that?"

       "I remember a shadow." Loki revealed, slowly turning around to face his brother and I once more. "Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss. I, who was, and should be, king!"

      "You're the one who let go!" I shrieked, unable to manage my fury. Small pebbles shattered around us from the cold, and I closed my eyes in disappointment immediately.

      "So you take the world we love as recompense for your imagined slights?" Thor probed in disgust. "No. The Earth is under our protection, Loki."

       Loki bellowed a hollow laugh. "And you're both doing a marvellous job at that. The humans slaughter each other in droves while you two idly fret. I mean to rule them, as why should I not?"

       "You think yourself above them?" I gasped, moving closer to the raven-haired man.

       "Well, yes." He shrugged nonchalantly, finally meeting my boiling gaze. He seemed to slightly wince, as if remembering something, as Thor said,

        "Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother. A throne would suit you ill."

        Loki grimaced, violently pushing past his brother, and sidestepping me altogether. "I've seen worlds you've never heard about. I have grown, Odinson, in my exile. I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it—"

        "Who said you were exiled, Loki?" I questioned.

         He stammered slightly, before his eyes narrowed and he shot me a harsh glare. "After all of you painted me out as the bad guy, you have the audacity to ask me that?"

         My chest seemed to cave in on itself. Loki has never glared at me. Perhaps in a joking manner, or maybe once in a while when we argued, but that twinkle in his eyes, it was pure hate, and I couldn't even tell if it was aimed at me or everyone else altogether. It was like he was a different person now.

         "Who showed you this power?" Thor probed, taking a few steps towards his brother. "Who controls the would-be king?"

          "I am a king!" Loki yelled.

          "Not here!" I spat. "Not anywhere, with that entitlement."

         Thor grabbed onto Loki's shoulders once more, pushing him to stumble backwards lightly. "You give up the Tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream!" Thor's eyes watered by the faint glow of the moon as he said slowly between heavy breaths, "You come home."

        Loki let a small chuckle escape his lips as he searched Thor's face, before he shook his head. "I don't have it."

         The god of thunder pushed his brother away, summoning Mjolnir in his grip to strike.

        "Thor, wait—"

         "You need the Cube to bring me home." Loki interrupted me. "But I've sent it off, I know not where."

        "You listen well, brother." Thor advised, pointing his weapon at the god of mischief.

         I heard the armoured man too late, or he was flying too fast, but before Thor had a chance to say anything else, he was charged into by iron and metal.

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