Sev got up at 6:30 and showered, he put on black trousers, with a black shirt and a pair of black converse, before going downstairs for breakfast. When he arrived in the living room he found Harry frozen with tears running down his face. He ran to the boy and wiped the tears "Love? Are you ok? What's wrong?" he got no answer and instead turned to see what his lover was staring at, only to see four shocked faces that made him freeze. "Lily." came Sevs rasped voice "Severus." she said, in barely a whisper.
Harry shook his head "Wh-whats happening? Mom? Dad? Padfoot? Moony? What's going on?" As the first one to come out of shock Remus spoke "After a wizard dies, their essence goes into portraits that they deemed. The most Portraits a wizard can have are about three. one goes to family and other two to someone you wish. We all planned our portraits to come here, one of mine and Sirius is suppose to go to Hermione and my other one is with Dora in Andromedas house." he explained. Harry nodded and let the information sink in "Ok, ok, so i can talk to you all now?" he asked . Sirius smiled lightly "Yes you can pup." Harry smiled and grabbed his hair breathing a huge sigh and nodding "That's cool."
Coming out of shock Sev shook his head "Severus, why are you here?" asked Lily. Sev just stared down "Severus." she repeated sternly, making him look up. Before he could answer Harry did "He's staying here for the Christmas holidays." Four astounded faces looked between the two until James burst "OH HELL NO! YOU ARE NOT STAYING HERE! I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU IN MY HOUSE! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING SNIVELLOUS!?" "James!" he was cut off his rant by a wide eyed Sirius "What pads? Come on you have to agree." all his friends did was point, looking to see where he pointed James paled at the death glare his son was sending him, he could feel his wife's disapproval as well.
When Harry spoke, his voice was soft but rang through the house and held a sharp edge to it "Firstly mister James Charlus Potter i will have you know that i am the current Lord Potter so this house does not belong to you, i can invite who i want. Secondly who the hell do you think you are to yell at me? Over some petty school feud, grow up. And lastly if i hear that bloody name come from you again I'll tell you what i told Padfoot.." Sirius breathed a sigh of relief, if he was being called padfoot he was not in trouble, before continuing to listen "I told him either you drop the name or i drop you, am i clear?" after his rant the windows were shaking and a vase broke in the Kitchen. James gulped "Y-You cannot be serious. Why would you want to be friends with him?" Harrys eyes flashed bright green "You have no right to judge my friends, or have you forgotten the person who sold you out to Voldemort." Harry knew he hit a nerve but couldn't care less right now.
Everyone froze at the statement and Severus took Harrys hand calming him down "Love, i think you should take a calming droubt." he said softly. Harry turned to look at his lover who nodded with a small smile, he breathed in and out before going upstairs. Sev turned to the portraits to see even more stunned faces "Love?" asked Remus and Sev nodded slowly. "You little-" whatever James was about to say was cut off from a question from Sev "Why?" James looked between enraged and confused " Why what?" "Why are doing this?" "Speak sniv-"the name was cute off with a glare form Lily "S-Snape" Sev spoke slowly and his voice filled with an emotion only Lily recognized "Why are you doing this to me? I've never done anything to you. I had a friend, which made you mad. So mad that you hurt me, and made me lose my friend. Why, even now when you're six feet under the ground, can't you just leave me alone? Why does it make you so angry to see me happy? You got what you wanted, you had Lily all to yourself. You left me alone and made me look pathetic, so why-why cant i just have this one thing? Why are trying to take this too? Why?" James was stunned, Lily was sobbing, Remus had tears in his eyes and Sirius had a face filled with guilt and sadness.
James couldn't answer, instead became defensive "You were just an enraging kid! Besides you were in love with Lily, what did you expect?" Lily, seeming to control herself spoke up "he didn't." came her broken voice. "What?" "Sevvy never loved me. At least not like the way you think. When we were ten Sevvy told me he was gay, and i supported him. When we got to Hogwarts everyone thought he was in love with me, which in turn made you bully him. He never loved me that way. We were like siblings." "That's a lie. Why didn't he correct us then." Sev answered that question "For her safety. I'm a Slytherin. My house hates yours. If i was simply friends with her, she would become a target. Them thinking i was in love with her made them realise that i would do anything to protect her, therefore if they hurt her, i leave them and since the Dark Lord wanted me on his side, that was not an option. So i just let everyone think i was in love with her. And again, I'm gay, i cant love her that way." "Y-You called her that name." "I did. Because, the Dark Lord finally decided to give me the Dark Mark and i didn't want to endanger her more. I used your stupid prank as a cover to make sure you protected her. I hated you, but if it meant Lily was safe i would do anything." "I don't believe you're gay. It's impossible."
Sev sighed and crossed his arms "Ask Remus." three pairs of eyes turned to a slightly red Remus "Remmy?" asked Sirius "H-he is. Before going for his potions degree i apologized and we um.. we um.. kind of had a night together. Nothing after that though. We just became good friends." "You slept with him?!"yelled James. Remus eyes flashed gold "Yes. And i can also confirm his story because both Lily and Severus told me. But even if Severus was in love with Lily you, no WE had no right to hurt him like that. It was stupid and childish, and i am extremely ashamed of myself for that." Pads seemed to agree "He's right. Face it James, we hurt only because we were jealous, you because he had Lily, me because of how he didn't care what others thought of him, Remmy because he was so smart and Peter because he got attention. We were dumb kids. But we're grown now. The very least we can do is apologise. On that note, Snape i am sincerely sorry for all the pain and hurt and loneliness i caused you throughout my life." Sev smiled slightly "Thanks Remus and i accept your apology Black." Siri smiled "It's Sirius." "Then Severus." they both smiled and Lily looked to James who was stunned.
"I-I'm sorry." it was soft and made Sev go wide eyed "Pads was right. I was jealous of you. Growing up i got everything i wanted, and when my only obstacle from Lily was you i was angry. I hurt you all because of something stupid. Maybe if i was nice to you then we could have been friends. I know that it's too late now, especially since I'm dead, but i really and truly sorry Snape. I hope you accept my apology." Sev saw Lily's smile and nodded "I accept Potter." James gave a small smile.
"Since all the air is clear, what are you doing to my baby? "asked Lily half glaring at Sev making him step back and the three other men laugh "W-Well after the war he became the flying instructor at Hogwarts and we started getting along. Then well.. you know" "He's speechless. It's a miracle." said James "Shut up." retorted Sev.
"Remus and Sirius told us what happened since they met Harry, but that was only once he turned thirteen. What do you know?" asked Lily. "Pretty much everything, i was his teacher from eleven, but i know about his life before that because i was pieces while teaching him Occlumency and he told me the rest after the war." "Tell us, tell us." said James enthusiastically. "You're not going to like it, but here we we go.."
Sev told them everything and to say the least the three marauder and Lily couldn't wait for those people to die painfully so they could torcher them. "My poor baby." said Lily "My son." said James "My pup." said Siri "My cub." said Remus. "He never told me it was this bad." said Remus. "He never told anyone exactly how bad it was. Only a select few know, which includes, me and his two honorary sisters." "Honorary sister?" asked Lily excited. Sev smiled but before he could answer a voice ran from the stairs "A muggleborn Hermione Granger and pureblood Luna Lovegood." Sev turned to see Harry come down in new clothes and calm, he probably took a cold shower to help calm him down.
"Harry. I'm so so so sorry. I apologised and am so so so sorry." said James with his hands in prayer position. "It's ok. Well it wasn't, but it's ok now. I'm sorry for calling you by your name. It was rude. Sorry dad." James breath got caught in his throat, he just got called dad. "It's ok, really. I am really sorry though." he said. Harry giggled "You apologize more than Neville in Potions class. " Sev and Remus laughed while the others looked a bit confused.
Ignoring that Lily asked "You said Muggleborn?" Harry smiled "Yes mum. Hermione had been with me since i was eleven. She stuck with me through thick and thin, same goes for Luna, though i met little moon when i was thirteen or twelve i can't remember." "SO cute." said Lily cooing, making Harry blush slightly. "You should eat." said Remus. "Oh yea right. I'm hungry.: said Harry making the other laugh slightly "Oh wait." he turned at waved a hand. The three separate portraits became one big one and looked like the Gryffindor common room "Enjoy yourselves. "he said before pulling Sev for breakfast.
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