Chapter 7

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It was the last week of the term before Christmas holidays and Severus sat with Harry in the Astronomy Tower. They had a class of first year Ravenclaws, who were currently all laying on the ground looking at the stars and talking  quietly. Harry broke the silence by speaking softly to Sev "Are you going home for Christmas?" "I never do." was the reply he got. "Well according to Gringotts, i have a few things to sort out with my Lordships by them and a few properties. One in particular is the potter Manor that is in here in London, i was going to stay there for Christmas. I have a guest bedroom for you." Harry looked up expectantly and Sevs eyes widened a bit "Are you being Serious?" Harry smiled "I'm Harry, Sirius was my godfather." Sev rolled his eyes "I'd love to spend Christmas with you." he smiled and Harry nodded "Friday afternoon we're going to Gringotts, then to the Manor." 

When Friday came Harry stood in his office with his luggage shrunk into his pocket waiting for Sev. Someone came through the door " Hello Amy." smiled Harry "Hello sir, i wanted to wish you an early Merry Christmas since you're going." " Well Merry Christmas to you too. Since you're here, i have a gift for you." " F-For me?"  " Of course." he handed her a small box and she opened it, it was necklace with a silver chain and red and gold Griffin pendant on it. She gasped and hugged him " Thank you." " You're welcome, little one. Have a nice holiday and I'll see you in a week." she nodded and left as Sev entered. "Lets go." said Harry Sev.

They flooed to Gringotts bank and were led to an office where a goblin sat behind a desk. "Goldfang." greeted Harry with a smile " Mr. Potter." he greeted back. The two took their seats  "Most of this was dealt with by Dumbledore, but you still need to claim all your Lordships and properties." started Goldfang. "Ok, lets do it." "Repeat the words on this parchment." the goblin handed him a page and he took it and read "I, Harry James Potter, claim my Lordships as lord to houses Potter, Black, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Peverell, as well as all properties that come with them, so i say, so mote it be." a rainbow of magic flared and seven rings appeared, Harry put out his hands and they settled into his fingers before disappearing. "They'll reappear when you want them to." Goldfang told him "Ok, thanks." "One more thing, according to the will of the late Frederick Weasley, you will get a portrait of him. It might take a while to arrive though, so probably only  after Christmas.." 

Harry froze and tears started spilling "R-Really?" "Yes Lord Potter.". seeing as Harry couldn't speak Sev pulled him up "Thank you Goldfang for your help." "Anytime Lord Prince." Sev nodded and helped Harry and flooed to Potter Manor.

Upon arriving Sev pulled Harry into his arms "It's ok love. It's ok." Harry pulled away and wiped his face "You know, when he died, w-we were dating. We only told George, who was ecstatic. Then he dies, because of me." "It was not because of you. You did nothing wrong. Stop blaming yourself." "B-But.." Sev shut him up with a kiss "It was not your fault. I don't wanna hear it. You understand?" Harry nodded and hugged Sev pushing his face in the older mans neck.


They had dinner, which Harry made. "I don't compliment much." started Sev "Really? Never would of guessed." joked Harry earning poke in his side and he laughed "As i was saying, this is really good." Harry shrugged "i had to cook for my relatives remember? I hated it, but once it wasn't a must to do it, it became a hobby." Sev kissed his forehead "Well it's still good." Harry giggled  "Thanks."

After dinner Harry slept in the master bedroom with Sev in the second bedroom, instead of the guest bedroom. Unknown to both of them fur portraits in the living room activated.


The next morning Harry woke up at 07:00 and decided to make breakfast. He showered and dressed in a black t-shirt, with dark green skinny jeans and coat, with black converse and a chain with a half moon, he got from Luna for his last birthday.

He went down and started on breakfast. He thought he heard voices but brushed it off as his ears playing tricks on him. He set the table and was about to go and call Sev when he noticed four Portraits. Three of men and one women. They all smiled at him and he froze, tears rolling down his face "Hello Harry." said the lady "Hello son." said the one man softly Harry sniffed "Mom, Dad."

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