Chapter 4

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"Well, Professor Sprout is retiring this weekend." "What?" asked Harry but a glare form Minerva made him apologise. "Yes. She wants to spend time with her family. She's been here longer than most of us and i think it would do her good. The new Professor will be coming Monday and he will be the Hufflepuff head of house as well. I need you two to go to Diagon Alley today and get supplies for him. He'll need new things." "Can't he just get them himself?" asked Sev "NO. He is currently in America and will only arrive in London tomorrow, so he wont have time. he asked for this favour and i accepted." "Exactly, YOU accepted, you go do it." said Sev. Minerva glared "Severus i supply your pay check, watch you mouth." Sev groaned softly "Women. Lets go Harry. What do we need to get?" Minerva smiled and handed him a list as he and Harry stood up. "Thank you both." she said as they left the office. "We'll meet in the entrance hall in 30 minutes." said Sev and Harry nodded.


They arrived at the entrance Hall and both froze for a split second seeing the others outfit.

(Sevs outfit)

(Harrys outfit (obvi))

Sev cleared his throat "We'll walk to the apparition spot and apparate to Diagon Alley." Harry flushed and nodded "Ok."

-They're walking around Diagon Alley-

"Do we have everything?" asked Sev. "Um..we just need new gloves and a few seeds for him and then we're done." Sev sighed "This man better be worth my time." Harry rolled his eyes "What man could possibly be worth your time? "he asked rhetorically. Sev raised a brow "I spend time with you don't i?" Harrys eyes widened "We can get those last few things here." said Sev going into the shop. Harry shook the blush off his cheeks and followed the Potions Master.

Harry picked up gloves and a few seeds that was needed before going to the counter where Sev waited "That all?" "Yep." "Ok. Then lets go." they paid and shrinked everything putting in their pockets before leaving the shop. "Severus I'm a bit famished, would you like some lunch?" asked Harry. "That sound like a good idea. The three broomsticks?" "Sounds great." 

They arrived at the Three Broomsticks and took a table in the back away from everyone. They ordered two butterbeers While Harry asked for treatricle tart and Sev asked for a sandwich. Once they got their order they started eating quietly "If Sirius apologised to you would you have forgiven him and become friends?" asked Harry suddenly "Black? Seriously what is with these questions?" "Just answer." "very well. I might have forgiven him. But i would never have become friends with him. Too much memories." Harry nodded "Make sense. What about Remus?" "Well Lupin apologised to me in seventh year already. He heard i was going for my potions master degree and apologised and wished me luck. he never really participated in the bullying and just stood aside so we became acquaintances. That's all." Harry huffed a smile "Yea. Moony always seemed to be the smartest marauder." Sev watched Harry "Where are these questions coming from Harry?" Harry looked down and shrugged "Curious." 

"Then why is it that i dot believe you?" Harry looked up and Sev was giving him a challenging look with a bit of concern in his eyes. "D-Do you think that they would be proud of me? Would they blame me for their deaths? I couldn't save them. if i wasn't born my parents would be alive, so would Moony and Padfoot......a-and Fred." Sev never knew why but Harry took Fred Weasleys death almost as badly as Blacks ad Lupins. he shoved that asides and took Harrys hand gently "Harry. I know for certain that they would not blame you. Lily has always wanted a child and she would have done anything for you. It's not your fault. It's the fault of a man who thought he was above everyone else. He thought nothing of anyone else. but you got to avenge them You defeated their killer and got justice. I think that they would be extremely proud of you."

Harry nodded slowly and they continued eating while Sev kept Harrys hand in his.


Harry was flying on his broom in the quidditch field when he saw a platinum blonde walking away from the Headmistress office "I'd know that hair anywhere. "he said flying down and landing next to the man "Hey Scarhead." said Draco "Hey Ferret. Why are you here?" "Making last minute adjustments with McGonagall." "Adjustments for what?" "You don't need to know." Harry pouted slightly "Boring. Anyway, since you're here wanna fly?" Draco rolled his eyes "I am not a teenager, so no."  Harry huffed "You're just scared i might beat you because you're getting old." Draco glared at him "We're the same age!" "Whatever." "You know what? You're on!" Harry grinned and Draco summoned a broom while Harry took out a snitch form his pocket.

"We will give the snitch ten seconds and then both go after it. The first person to catch it wins." announced Harry, Draco nodded. Harry let the snitch go.





A fourth year that saw them ran down the hallway "Professor Potter and Draco Malfoy are having a challenge!" he yelled, as he entered the Great Hall where everyone was for lunch. the children all jumped up and ran. Pomfrey chuckled "I'll get the medi kit. "Sev sighed "Why is it always those two."

"And go!" yelled Draco.

Ignoring the cheering bystanders Harry and Draco flew after the snitch, both taking sharp turns and flips in the sky. After an intense battle it was over once the snitch was spotted in front of a young Gryffindor girl, who stood next to a Slytherin girl, she was squealing and pulling the Slytherin's sleeve who had a small smile on her face. Harry grinned and dived for her "Stay still Amy!" he yelled and she smiled standing frozen as instructed. 2 feet above ground and an inch away from Amy Harry grabbed the snitch and pulled up, jumping off his broom and landing. 

Cheers erupted from all over and Draco landed "And again i showed the Draco Malfoy his place." said Harry. Draco rolled his eyes with a smile "Shut up." Harry laughed along with Draco as Draco put an arm around his shoulder "I didn't practice in a while." was his excuse. "Just admit it it. I'm better." Draco huffed and straightened up smirking at Harry "I'm a pure Slytherin i will do no such thing." "Indeed you wont." came a silky voice "Hello Godfather." "Hello Draco. May i enquire why is it that even though you two are not attending Hogwarts you still seek its attention?" 

They both looked confused "Huh?" they said until they noticed the whole school was watching them "Oh." they said. "Well this is interesting, the two of you on a quidditch field with no injuries. You really have grown up." came the voice of Madam Pomfrey. The two boys chuckled and Harry felt someone tug his sleeve "Yes Amy?" "Is this one of your Slytherin friends?" Harry grinned "Yes he is. Bit of a prat but you get over it." Draco slapped his head and Amy giggled "Tis is the friend i told you about, Skylar Bazin she's a Slytherin in my year and a half-blood." Harry smiled at the girl "Well hello there Skylar." "Hello sir." "Scarhead i need to talk to you." came Draco's voice. "Sorry ladies, i have a ferret to deal with." they giggled and Harry lead Draco to his office, where Sev entered and went to the back.

"Where is he going?" asked Draco "I don't know honestly. What did you need though." " Herm-Granger owled me a few weeks ago." Harry quirked a brow "And?" "And we got talking, sorted out some differences." Harry sighed "Draco you are being very vague. What. Do. You. Want?" Draco's pale cheeks flushed "I would like permission to court her." he mumbled "Malfoy you're mumbling. Talk." "I would like to court Hermione Granger." Harrys eyes widened and he chocked on literal air. He took a chug of water that stood on his desk before staring at the blonde "Say what now?" "I like Hermione, and i would like it if i could have your blessing to date her if she says yes."  "Permission? Why?"  "While we were talking she briefly said that she found it cute if her boyfriend asked you permission to date her. She said she read it in old pureblood courting rituals. Now in this day and age we don't do that anymore since its arranged marriages or you just don't need the parents permission. BUT she said it would be cute, i am."

Harry couldn't help it, he threw his head back laughed his lungs out, while Draco scowled. After a few minutes Harry calmed down and wiped his tears "I'm sorry Draco, it's just. I never imagined you degrading yourself by asking permission for something from ME for a girl." "She isn't just a girl, she Hermione Granger. I've liked her since third year. She's smart, ambitious and courage's among other things. I knew she liked Weasley and as a gentlemen i let them be, although i admit the way i treated you three was a bit out of jealousy, but they aren't together anymore and well..i want to be able t put a smile on her face. I want to be the reason she's constantly giggling ad smiling and having a beautiful life. I will never hurt her, and i would protect her with my life." said Draco with sincerity. Harry looked into his eyes and saw nothing but love and offered the blonde a small smile "If it's any consolation she's liked you since second year. You have my permission, i love Hermione. She's my sister an di want her to be happy. I also believe that you deserve someone in your life and a chance to be happy. I hope you two can give each other what you need."  Draco smiled Ï hope so too. Thank you Harry. I hope we can hang out some time." he said as he got up "Likewise Draco." he replied following the blonde "Anyway I'll see you. Say goodbye to my godfather for me." "I will. Goodbye Draco." "Goodbye Harry."

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