The Sixth year Slytherins and Gryffindor's came into the potions class on Friday afternoon to find that as normal Sev wasn't there. "I-Is that Professor Potter?" asked one Slytherin, and all heads turned to the male figure sitting and sleeping with their head on the Sevs desk . Everyone turned around when a silky voice came "And please enlighten me as to why all of you decided to stand here?" asked Sev raising a brow. A Gryffindor pointed to Harry "We saw Professor Potter, sir." Sev looked and noticed Harry. It took a lot of energy to not smile, so he just spoke to the students "Everyone do to your desks, quietly." All the children went to their desks making no noise and Sev approached Harry. Once he saw everyone sitting he smirked.
Sev picked up a big textbook and let it fall on the desk with a bang, making Harry jump up and fall off the chair. the class laughed as Harry stood up "Where am i?" "It's good to know that even as an adult you find it comfortable to sleep i my class." said Sev "Huh? Oh great Godric! I fell asleep." he looked around in horror while the class smiled at him "Sorry." he said.
"Its quite alright, if you don't have a period you can go sleep in my office. I'll wake you once class is over." said Sev "Ok. Sorry again. Bye guys." he said to the class before going into Sevs office. Once Harry was gone Sev started teaching.
Sev came into his office to find Harry fast asleep on the couch. He sat putting Harrys head on lap and running his hand through Harrys hair. Harry started stirring "I'm sorry. So sorry. I tried, I'm so sorry." he kept mumbling "Harry?" asked Sev in concern "I'm sorry Fred, i tried Remus." Sev gasped and started shaking Harry slightly "Harry. Harry, it's Severus. I need you to wake up for me. Come on. Harry." Harry shot up "I'm sorry." he gasped out before rubbing his eyes and looking around frantically. He found Sevs gaze and tears started falling down his face "Harry." said Sev softly while pulling Harry to is chest. Harry was sobbing "I'm sorry." "Stop apologizing. You tried. you did your best. You defeated him. It was not your fault. It's over. You're ok. Everything will be fine. I'm right here, it's ok." Harry calmed down and stopped crying, before sitting up and wiping his tears. "God, I'm a mess. Who would of thought, the boy-who-lived is crying. How unbecoming." "It's not unbecoming. You did not choose your destiny, but you fulfilled it. Better than anyone else could have. You helped more than most people ever could, and you didn't ask anything of anyone for it." Harry looked at Sev with tears in his eyes "Thank you." Sev smiled slightly "It's ok."
After all classes were over Harry went to his common room and found that there were only a few learners busy doing homework. "Hey Professor." said a small third year. Harry smiled "Hello Amy, how are you?" Amy Dangerwell was a third year muggleborn. Her parents were really happy when she got her letter, but sadly died at the end of last summer but she's been doing really well so far. "I'm great Professor, it's just...i know I'm new to all this wizard stuff but why am i not allowed to have Slytherin friends?" the question shocked Harry and he kneeled in front of her "Who said you can't?" "No its just that, every time a Slytherin and Gryffindor are in the same room then they argue and fight. I met someone before we arrived and we got along, then they got sorted to Slytherin and me to Gryffindor and when i tried talking to them, the rest of our houses kept shouting that i shouldn't be with a slimy snake. We've been talking and hanging out in secret since first year, but i don't want to have to hide my friends anymore." Harry sighed "Amy, the feud between Slytherin and Gryffindor has been going on for centuries. So long that most of the time the students don't even know why they hate the other house." "Then why not just stop?" he smiled "I don't know. I will tell you though that i myself as you know are friends with a few Slytherin's of my years. Professor Snape included. Once you get past what people think of them you'll find that they are very nice people, but are judged wrongly. If you want to stay friends with this person my advice to you is to do it. If anyone tells you otherwise you tell them that you don't care what they think. Do you understand?" she grinned at him "Yes sir. I understand. Thank you." Harry smirked "So who is this boy?" her eyes widened and Harry laughed "I could see it on your face." he explained. She blushed and muttered "'S not a boy." Harry froze and she started panicking, but he quickly recovered.
"There is nothing wrong with it I'm just surprised, but it make sense. I've seen how your friends with mostly boys. No need to worry I'll keep your secret, i myself prefer boys. No offense but girls are a lot of trouble." Amy giggled "I like trouble." he laughed "I bet you do. Now go on and meet your friend." She nodded and said goodbye before running out. Harry smiled to himself before going to his office and doing some paperwork (as head of house).
It was Saturday morning and Harry was having breakfast in the Great Hall "Harry where is Severus?" asked Minerva "In his office probably." "Well would you mind coming with him to my office after breakfast?" "Sure." "Thank you."
"Sev!" yelled Harry entering Sevs office after breakfast to fine the man busy marking papers "Why are you yelling?" "Sorry. Why are you doing paperwork? It's the weekend, have fun." "Unlike you, the subject i teach need actual brains." Harry gasped "How dare you. You need to have brains to fly." "No you need to try and not damage your brain when you fly." countered Sev. Harry rolled his eyes and Sev looked up at him "Why are you here?" "McGonagall wants the two of us in her office." Sevs sighed "I think i finally understand how Ms. Granger felt in school. With you around i spend more time in the headmasters office than anywhere else." Harry giggled and grinned "Aww. Thanks." Sev just shook his head and stood up.
They walked down the hallway to the office "Can i ask you something?" asked Harry "What is it?" "My mom." "Yes?" "Did you really love her?" Sev started at him "Why the sudden question?" Harry shrugged 'Because it would be weird to fall in love with the man who was once in love with my mother' "Just curious." Sev nodded and they continued walking "Well, i did and still do love your mother. But not the way most people think. I love your ,other as if she was my sister. She was always there for me and to this day i regret ever calling her that word. When people assumed i was IN love with her i didn't care enough to correct them. The fact that people assumed that i loved her that way made James furious to no end. I enjoyed it." Sev smirked and Harry laughed "Such a cunning Slytherin." "Thank you."
"Seriously though, where did the question come from?" asked Sev "I just..(sigh) if you loved my mother like that then i would think it was a bit unfair." "Unfair? How?" "Well, you were there for her, her entire life and my dad bullied and tormented you. It would be unfair for her to judge you after one word that slipped and just forgive my dad for all the things he did to you. That's all. I know they're my parents and i love them. But i still think that the least my dad could do was apologise. My mom too." "But Harry your mother didn't do anything wrong-" "Maybe not directly. But its not very nice to abandon your best friend over a mistake and then go ahead marrying his tormentor and bully." Severus was shocked "Y-You." he was lost for words and Harry smiled at him softly
"Not everything is your fault, and not everything is on your shoulders alone. That's why friends are there, they're suppose to stick with you through thick and thin, help you when you make a mistake and love you when you're alone. I will admit my parents were not the best people. With the stories I've heard my dad was practically your Draco. I will say though, that your pettiness is the reason you treated me the way you did. It was childish, but i know for a fact that if i taught a child that looked identical to my tormentor, i wouldn't have been nice either." "Harry." said Sev softly "You're human Sev, we all make mistakes." before Sev could speak they were at Minerva's office.
Harry knocked and i silent ''come in'' was heard. They entered the office and Minerva motioned for them to sit down, which they did. "What did you need Minerva?" asked Sev
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