I groaned when Nyx launched into the air. I looked down to see we were flying. I gripped onto her harder, causing her to chuckle. I looked behind to see Ken carrying Acacia. Acacia looked terrified that Ken would drop her. Well, if it was Nyx carrying her...
I winced when Nyx began to descend. She apologized and held me a little gentler. She landed outside a beautiful building. Nyx walked past the secretaries and headed straight to an office. Even though the door was closed, she kicked it open. I shrieked at seeing two men having sex in front of me. One of the guys screamed while the other guy was annoyed at being interrupted.
The two men began getting dressed. The blond seemed rather chill and wasn't disturbed. The other one seemed incredibly embarrassed and was blushing red.
"Yugi, she's injured." Ken walked in. "She needs immediate attention."
(The Yugz)
"I see." Yugi walked over to us. "Bring her to an examination room." Nyx nodded and moved to another room. She gently placed me down before Yugi arrived. "What happened?" Yugi began assessing me.
"And why were you guys missing?" The blond asked.
"Eris tricked us, Roman." Ken addressed blondy.
(Blondy RoRo)
"And we were trapped in Helvegen and had to battle demons. She was impaled by a silver arrow. She's part vamp, so-"
"The silver is poisonous to her. I got it." Yugi nodded. "Ro-" Roman had already handed the supplies to Yugi. "I can fix her. No biggie... it also seems that you have magic flowing through your veins." He looked at me, so I nodded. "It's been turned off, but I can flip the switch. I'll need everyone to wait outside." They nodded and went to leave, but Acacia didn't want to leave me.
Ken had to place a comforting hand on her arm. Nyx rolled her eyes and threw Acacia over her shoulder. Acacia squirmed and kept beating Nyx's back, but she refused to put the elf down. Ken rolled her eyes, but gave me a reassuring smile before leaving.
"Your friend really cares about you." Yugi allowed a yellow mist to form around his hand. "How'd you meet Kenny and Nyx?" I winced when the aura entered my cut. "Sorry, it'll hurt a little."
"I accidentally stumbled upon this realm before and ran into Ken. We didn't get off on the best foot." I chuckled. "But we reunited in Helvegen."
"Interesting." He moved his hand back, which allowed for the silver to exit my body. "You're not just a vampire/ witch hybrid, are you?" His eyes narrowed.
"I'm Lara's daughter if that helps." I awkwardly chuckled since his eyes became wider than saucers. "I'm assuming you know who she is." I looked out the window.
"Impossible not to know who she is." Yugi placed the silver in a waste bin. "I'll be restoring your magic now." He then began to do a chant.
"I'm assuming you're an angel?" He nodded when he finished chanting. "Thanks." I tried to get off the bed, but he pushed me back down.
"You're weak and the Queen will want to meet with you." My brow arched. "We don't want you posing a risk to our Queen, so we should get rid of that rumbling in your tummy." He smiled and handed me a blood bag. "It's angel blood, so a little bit different from-"
"This is delicious." Sloane spoke through me. "Can I have more?" I saw my blood stained teeth in the mirror.
"Maybe hold off a little." Yugi nervously chuckled.
"But it's so delectable." I finished the rest of the blood bag. "Another!" I demanded.
"Just one more." He negotiated and handed me another bag. "Feeling better?" I nodded and continued drinking. "When's the last time you fed?"
"I don't feed on blood often." I regained control from Sloane. "However, I do need to feed if I push myself too much and I kinda did." Yugi sat down since he was interested. "We fought off some dragons before falling into Helvegen and then had to battle our way through demons to enter this realm."
"Well, it seems that my husband is coming to get you." Yugi stood up and opened the door for Roman. "It was nice meeting you, Zena." Yugi and I shook his hands.
"Your friend is going crazy with worry." Roman spoke.
I nodded and moved past him. I found Acacia arguing with Nyx. Nyx was trying to tell Acacia to calm down, but Acacia was telling Nyx to shut the hell up. Ken looked like she was going to get a migraines from listening to them. Ken let out a loud sigh of thanks when I walked into the room. Acacia stopped arguing and jumped up to hug me. I chuckled and held her back.
"Thanks for taking your sweet time." Nyx sarcastically said. "We had to deal with her wanting to barge into the room and micro-manage Yugi."
"Is that true, Aqua?" Acacia blushed and hid her face in my neck. "That's really cute." I admitted and kissed her forehead.
"The Queen wishes to see you." Roman entered.
"How does-"
"She knows like everything." Ken answered my question. "It's so unnerving sometimes." Ken groaned. I totally forgot that the Queen is her mother.
"Should we expect escorts or are we supposed to go there now?" Acacia asked.
"Word has spread about a vampire hybrid in the kingdom, so the citizens and council members are on edge. It'd be wise to wait for additional escorts." Roman answered. Wow, word gets around fast here. "I was requesting Alexxis deliver a message to the Queen and Eris overheard, so she-"
"That bitch is here?!" We all jumped from Acacia's outburst. "To hell with waiting for escorts! Bring me to that bitch!"
"Now, Roman!" Acacia dragged him behind her.
"You must have a lot of patience to deal with her." Nyx teased me and walked after them.
Ken and I rolled our eyes and walked with them. I turned to wave bye to Yugi. I took my time to marvel at the golden structures. The place was absolutely beautiful. I then noticed the skeptical and nervous glances from the citizens.
"If it makes you feel better, they acted the same way when I first arrived." Ken whispered to me. I looked at her. "They were worried that I'd choose to side with the demons and everything."
"Well, I want to side with you guys. My maman is trying to access the vamp realm to convince them to help your side... same with my mum." We kept walking. "Why were they nervous if you're a light angel?"
"Something about being a human/ angel hybrid gives me like unspeakable powers. I can somehow defeat my mom or my aunt and-"
"Wait! Lilitu is your aunt?!" She sheepishly nodded. "Damn, that's some serious family drama. Why the rift?"
"Lilitu was psychotic, so my grandfather gave my mom the crown. Lilitu felt robbed of her birthright, so she murdered my grandfather and left to create a domain of her own... the Dark Realm." I shuddered at her words. "She's hell bent on destroying me since I somehow have the power to beat her. Don't ask me how because I was like a fly in a Venus flytrap when fighting her." My eyes widened at her revelation. "Yep, so that's really comforting, knowing that I have to go up against her again." She shivered.
"Hmm... I have a psychotic grandfather that I never met." We giggled. "I also think my maman is a recovering sociopath." We laughed at my words. "So it's not just you with a complicated family." We smiled at each other.
We were then distracted by Nyx and Acacia arguing. I have no idea what they were fighting about this time. Roman looked at us, silently asking for help. We smirked and shook our heads no. He glared, but turned around and continued to deal with the two girls.
"Do you know if they had a past together?" Ken whispered to me.
"No idea, but I would think no." I answered honestly. "Acacia's been betrothed since birth, so I doubt she dated much."
"Honestly, I have no idea why they hate each other so much." I nodded at her words. "I am surprised by you." I arched a brow. "You're the legendary child of two powerful beings... I expected you to have more of an ego trip." She joked.
"Like you when we first met?" She rolled her eyes. "You were sooo mean." I laughed.
"Hey! I didn't know who you were. I thought you were a potential threat or something. I asked who you were and you refused to tell me-"
"So the best course of action was to attack me!" We loudly laughed, gaining the attention of the three people. "Sorry. Ken just has crappy excuses."
"Do not!" She whined. "I was justified in my actions!" She laughed.
"Ya, because a blade to my neck is the appropriate response when meeting someone for the first time." I teased.
"Sorry for the hostility you experienced." We turned to see a heavily tatted man before us. There was a kind woman and a guy who looked exactly like Ellio!
"Ellio?" The guy seemed taken aback by my question.
"How do you know Ellio?" Nyx turned to me.
"That's really his name?" I pointed at the guy. They nodded at me. "Sorry, he looks exactly like a carbon copy of my cousin and has the same name as him. This is trippy." They smiled. "What's your name?" I spoke to the blond girl.
"Hailey." She sweetly smiled.
(Respectful Angel Hailey)
"Huh? I have a Hailey too, but she's not as respectful as you." Acacia chuckled at my joke. "Please don't tell me your name is Alec." I looked at the guy.
"Close... it's Ajax." Damn, his voice was deep. "The Queen is waiting for you. This way, please." He began to lead us inside the palace.
(Ajax, the heavily tatted guy)
"If you're all from here... why the different accents?" I whispered to Ken.
"Took me a while to get used to as well." Ken winked at me.
"Is your mom like super scary or-"
"No." She laughed. "She may look intimidating, but she's really not. She loves kitten videos where they play with a ball of string." Ken and I were laughing. "Ya, I totally just made you not even be remotely fearful of her." Ken giggled.
"Probably should've waited to reveal that information after the Queen approved of her." Ajax lightly reprimanded Ken, but she just rolled her eyes.
"I'll give you the rundown after." Ken whispered before the massive throne doors were open.
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