Acacia hopped off my back and crouched down. I followed her lead and crawled over to Nyx. Nyx intently stared at the enemy while trying to figure out a plan. Nyx then smirked and pointed to a path where few demons were occupying.
"Why can't we just pose as demons?" I looked at the angels.
"Unfortunately, there're not that stupid. We're outsiders, so we'd automatically peak their interest. They'd want to know who we are and why we are here. They're not hospitable." Nyx chuckled. "Now, let's go." She motioned for us to follow her.
"They know what you look like though." Acacia grabbed Nyx's arm. "They'll kill you upon sight and bring your head to Lilitu."
"Aww, are you worried about me?" Nyx mocked.
"No because I'd steal the severed head from them and present it to Lilitu." Acacia gave her a demonic smirk.
"Well, damn." Ken and I mumbled.
"Anyways...." Nyx blushed and tilted her head for us to follow her.
I shook my head in amusement at Acacia. She smugly smiled and took my hand in hers. We then ran behind different objects to obstruct our view from the demons. We watched as the demons sniffed the air and began searching around the place. They obviously caught our scent and were trying to find us.
One demon managed to find us. He was about to alert the others, so Ken encased him in a block of ice. I turned and chuckled at her since she had done that to me. Ken smiled and nudged my shoulder. We were distracted, so we didn't see the two demons that popped in front of us. My eyes widened, but Nyx and Acacia spurred into action. Nyx burned one to a crisp with her fire powers while Acacia sliced up the other one. Damn... Acacia is really hot with a weapon.
Unfortunately, Nyx's fire caught the attention of the other demons. Ken yelled at us to run since our cover was blown. I squealed when a demon tried to cut my head off. Luckily, Acacia's blade was there to stop the demon. She grunted and used two hands to grip the hilt. She was struggling against the demon's strength. I stood up and punched him a few meters away. Acacia turned and looked at me with an unreadable expression. She gave me a look that said we'll be talking about this later.
I groaned, but her stare intensified. I simply looked down and nodded. She then rushed off to fight some other demons. Nyx yanked me out the way of an oncoming demon attack. She used her fire to burn our attackers. She then made a fire barrier to keep them at bay.
"Do you have anything to offer besides being a casualty?!" Nyx yelled at me.
"I normally rely on my magic, but a dragon bit me and-"
"The poison dampens the magic in individuals. It'll also halt shapeshifters from into shifting into their animal counterparts." Nyx sighed. "Well, stay away from the fight." She pushed me out the way of a demonic angel.
I squealed and ran away from the flying demons. They looked like flying scorpions. Like what the hell?! I then saw them be electrocuted, so I turned and saw Ken zapping them. That's so cool! I hid behind a giant boulder. I watched as Acacia beautifully swung her sword around. The sight of her was mesmerizing. She was doing a gory action, but the fluidity of her movements was eye catching.
I then sensed something behind me. I moved just as it punched where my head was. I could feel Sloane pushing to be released, but I couldn't release her when I've been starved for so long. I would definitely lose control and I didn't want to attack my friends. I would feel particularly drawn to Acacia's blood since she's my mate.
I noticed Acacia wasn't looking, so I sped around the demon and crushed its femur. I then used my speed and strength to rip it apart. When I tossed its arm away, I saw Acacia staring at me. Her jaw dropped and she took another deep breath. Ugh! Why'd she have to see me do something so savage!
My eyes widened at the demon hurling towards her. Acacia was standing in shock from just witnessing my brutality. The demon was a meter from her, so I sped to intercept the blade. I grunted when I was pierced. Acacia screamed as she watched my eyes narrow at the demon. My teeth gritted as I pulled the blade out my abdomen. I then used it to sever the head of the demon. The head made a flopping sound when it dropped to the ground. I then kicked it at some other demons.
"Are you alright?" Acacia began to fret over me. "You're not healing!" She began to worry.
"Just weak, so it'll take some time." My breathing was heavy.
"You're a vampire witch hybrid. Drink my blood, please Zena!" She held her irresistible wrist near my mouth.
"No and it's because I can't hurt you." I struggled to deny Sloane the urge to feed. "I'll consume some blood when we get out of here. Okay, Aqua?" She reluctantly nodded.
"Done yet, lovebirds?" Nyx smirked from overhead. "I'm gonna create a distraction, so we can all make a beeline for the border, cool?" We nodded.
Nyx made sure Ken was near us before she landed. I watched as Nyx's eyes darkened. My jaw dropped as I saw projections of all four of us multiply. She had made over a hundred illusions of us. Nyx then commanded her illusions to run in different directions. Acacia grabbed my hand and led me to the barrier. All of us we're running to the gate.
I watched as the demons sliced through some of the illusions. There were a few demons in our way, so Ken would freeze and electrocute them while Nyx would throw fireballs or use magic to toss them out the way. I saw a demon aim an arrow at Acacia. My eyes widened when I heard the whizzing sound of the arrow flying towards Acacia. I pushed her out the way and allowed the blade to pierce my chest.
I wheezed since it was a silver arrowhead. I cursed as I saw the black veins appear on my body. Nyx immediately pulled the arrow out while directing Ken to freeze the demons advancing on us. Acacia looked terrified at seeing me die. Nyx did some healing magic to slow down the progression of the silver in my blood. She then picked me up in her arms and ran.
I craned my neck to see Ken drag Acacia behind her. Nyy made it through the barrier, so I was worriedly staring at the two behind us. I breathed a sigh of relief when they made it through the barrier. The demons stopped and hissed at us since they knew better than to cross the barrier. Where are we anyways?
"We need to get her to a doctor." Ken appeared next to us. "She's dying, Nyx." She placed a hand on my head.
"I'm sorry." Acacia was crying.
"Thankfully, we landed in our domain, my love." Nyx smiled at Ken. "Welcome to the light realm!"
Well, Acacia is getting closer to knowing Z's real identity. Acacia now knows that Z isn't just a witch. How much longer until she finds out Z is also part wolf???? And how will she react since that will confirm that Z is actually Zena Ricci a.k.a Zena Esme SangPure-Ricci, otherwise known as Lara's daughter.
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