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THE NIGHT AIR WAS THICK WHILE THE TEENAGERS STARED AT EACH OTHER. Y/n would not back down from the contest Bakugou started.

The glares they both shared could put anyone to shame. Bakugou sat on the ground next to his board while y/n stood by hers.

Not even ten minutes ago the ash blond started to got cocky yet again... that left y/n to call him out again.

Her exact word were 'if your gonna act like a toddler, then I'll treat you like one.' She then continued to use her quirk on him and plant his ass to the ground.

Her quirk was called magnet. The name should explain itself, but y/n can force two things together at will and pull them apart as well.

Bakugou hadn't talked to her since five minutes ago this occurred. The sound of crickets and other peoples board in the park filled their silence.

Y/n played with the hoop in her nose with her hip popped out while she thought of a solution to their dumb problem.

"You stay here... I'll be back." She hopped onto her board and left him there stuck to the cold concrete.

His eyes widened just before yelling. "GET THE FUCK BACK HERE SKATER GIRL!" Everyone in the park turned their eyes to him as he shook in anger.

Let's just say Bakugou Katsuki didn't have a type. He was the kind of guy who would think you love who you love. He always wanted to see what was in store for him.

Never in his life would he think this girl, the one who would stand her ground to him, would be the one he'd fall for. And Bakugou would admit, he found that hot.

He'd never meet someone who could stand up to his anger other than shitty hair.

That's was intrigued him, and is why little moment like these made him mad... yet got him fluster at the same time.

It was also easy to tell there were other guys who had their eyes on y/n. But of course, Bakugou would be the one to end up winning her heart.

As he sat there bye himself people would give him looks like he was crazy. His ears picked up the sound of faint chattering and footsteps.

Lights surround the natural moonlight above him. He took in a deep breath of fresh air as he looked up to the moon.

A calloused hand ran through his ash blond hair, which calmed him slightly. Was this girl really worth this much that he was sitting in his own embarrassment?

He heard the sound of wheels on the concrete from afar, he looked up to find y/n with grocery bags in her hands filled with all kinds of food.

To answer his question before... yes, she was totally worth it.

Coming closer toward the teen, y/n stopped her board then jumped off in from of him. "I brought food... you seem more pissed off today." She looked away from him with a heated face.

Bakugou's eyes widened at the girl while taking the bag. He looked inside of find multiple energy drinks and bags of chips. "Well you're not a sunshine either. You're super fucking moody today."

Y/n deadpanned at him before sitting in front of him. "Sorry I'm a girl."

"Girl my ass."

She chuckled at Bakugou's reply. The h/c hair girl took chips and a drink from the plastic bag. "What's got you in a mood today? Don't you have the sport festival coming up?"

"Yeah... it's just shitty Deku." He chugged down the cherry tasting drink. Y/n cringed at his manners.

"You make Deku seem like a bitch. But I'm still not sure." She narrowed her e/c eyes at him.

A gust of wind came towards the teenagers whipping the hair from their faces. Y/n laughed at the face Bakugou made in the moment.

Small pops of smoke appeared from his hands. Before his quirk could get any farther y/n took his hand into her.

Her soft hands felt right placed in his. Bakugou looked down to see the soft hands. Her nails were done horribly, bitten with some longer and some smaller.

For the past few days y/n wasn't sure where she stood with Bakugou. Usually he'd insult her and she'd hit him back with some smart ass comment.

The ash blond took his hand away from her then turned his face. He attempted to turn his body as well... but he remembered he was still stuck.

"Hey skater girl. Unstick my ass!" He yelled in her face.

Y/n put a hand in his face while drinking her drink. She stuck up her middle finger as a sign for him to wait.

"You need to learn manners. But don't worry I can teach you... though it might be harder than skating for your pea brain." She whispered to herself.

Luckily for her Bakugou very much did hear her and it ticked him off. "IM TOP IN MY CLASS YOU IDIOT!"

Her eyes widened. "Really! Wow, didn't expect that." She pointed her to angry teens bottom and used her quirk to let him free. "Anyway... it's getting late and we made some good progress. You should get home."

She stood up from her spot extended her hand. Bakugou didn't take up then stood by himself. Y/n raised a brow to him before grabbing her board and the food bag.

"I'll see you tomorrow night then?" She asked. Y/n didn't hear him answer so turned around to find him looking at her intently. His stare stent a shiver down her spine. "You good?"

Bakugou scoffed. "Yeah, I'm good. I'll see you tomorrow skater girl."

Y/n laughed before lightly hitting his shoulder and riding away. Once she was out of sight the ash blond yelled at the top of his lungs into the night sky.

He walked him path home while thinking of what he was doing wrong. Bakugou was the best no doubt about it.

Suddenly, as he stood in the middle of the street during the midst of the night, he realized something he never thought he'd need.

Gritting his teeth he banged his fist on he head.

This was him taking one step forward two steps back.

He didn't know how to actually flirt.

Loving how Bakugou would yell at us to flirt. It makes me feel loved, maybe it shouldn't.... anyway hope you liked it.
Love you

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