Chapter 6: Sad Little Puppy

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"So, how did all that happen?"

Tenko couldn't help but slump his body slightly as he was greeted with a question he knew was coming.

He has accompanied All Might and their two other guests to his father's study as he was expected to do, but he knew that he wasn't going to be easily excused after the shenanigan his little brother pulled.

As for where that little brother is?

Well, naturally, as soon as they entered their dad's study, he used his Quirk to bounce from Tenko's arms to their dad's, trying to act like he did nothing. But now, he was sheepishly burying his face on their dad's shirt, trying to hide his face and embarrassment.

Tenko just let out a long sigh.

"Izuku heard Yagi-san and the other guests arrive and got too excited, and he immediately ran towards the entrance to greet them. Unfortunately, he ended up getting tangled in a few of the curtains that the servants were replacing the old ones with, and those curtains then got tangled with even more curtains and everyone that were unlucky enough to be caught in the middle got trapped in them as Izuku continued to run to the south entrance." Tenko explained.

Hisashi couldn't help but let out one long sigh as well.

"I-I'm sorry, Dad, Tenko," A small squeak came from the child in Hisashi's arms, "I promise not to do it again."

"If you understand that what you did was wrong and reckless, then it's alright. Just make sure you personally apologize to each of the servants, okay?" Hisashi told his youngest son as he slightly messed his green hair with his free hand.

"Still," Tenko suddenly piped up, "I don't know if I should be glad Izuku jumped off the sixth floor window and didn't went straight down the stairs, because I can only imagine how many more people would've been trapped in his curtain hurricane if he did." He added as a remark, and also maybe as a slight tease to his little brother, which successfully made his brother flinch and look back at him with teary eyes.

"Tenko, stop teasing your brother. He already feels sorry enough." Hisashi scolded his eldest, but Tenko just shrugged.

"I'll have Akira-san and Adohira-san check on all the servants that were entangled in the incident, then I'll hand over the report of any injuries." Tenko informed their father, but Izuku was able to pick up on his brother's emphasis on the word entangled, and he glared at his older brother as even more tears formed in his eyes.

"Tenko." Hisashi sternly rebuked his eldest son again.

"Okay, okay," Tenko chuckled in defeat, "I'll stop now."

"Come, Izuku," Tenko told his little brother as he reached out his hand, "We still have to continue our lessons, and Dad has to talk with Yagi-san."

As his brother said that, Izuku put on a pout as he half-buried his face on their dad's shirt again, "D-do I really have to go? Can't I just stay here and listen to All Might's stories?"

"No, Izuku," Their dad was the one to sternly deny his request, "I'll be talking about serious topics with All Might and his sidekick and mentor. We can't have you with us while we're having our conversation. And no eavesdropping either. You still need to finish your lessons for the day too, Izuku."

"O-okay..." Izuku sadly responded before finally letting go of his dad's shirt and jumping off from his father's arms.

The youngest Midoriya almost dragged his steps as he walked towards his older brother. Tenko smiled at his little brother to comfort him, and even gestured with his arms that he was going to carry him on their way back.

Izuku took one look at his brother's hands however, and with a dramatic pout and turn of his head, he scoffed at the idea of being carried by his brother after he teased him multiple times. Though it didn't seem like he was too angry, since the youngest Midoriya still took his brother's hand and was okay with walking back alongside his brother.

Tenko just chuckled and smiled at his little brother, and slightly messed the latter's green hair.

"We're going back to our lessons now, Dad. Hope you have a good time catching up with Yagi-san." Tenko wished his father good luck as he and his little brother took their leave.


Toshinori, Mirai, and Sorahiko-- the three hero guests in All for One's home, stood boredly outside the 'former' villain's study while the latter's sons went in first to discuss what had happened earlier with their father. All for One's room seemed to be properly soundproofed considering they're not hearing even a single peep from inside the room, maybe that's why the former villain chose to have their talk there.

But it does make them curious about something-- what is All for One's reaction to his sons' hijinks? Is he mad? Was he disappointed? Is he praising them right now?

Toshinori had mentioned that his family looked incredibly close to All for One, and they didn't seem like a family that might be hiding a dark secret like abuse, neglect, or an unequal power balance. In fact, there seemed to be equal respect and authority between All for One and his wife, and their sons seemed to be both very open to the both of them.

The mystery of All for One's reaction was scratching at them, but it's not like they can just sneak a peek and find out.

Toshinori couldn't help but just let out a short sigh.

Mirai noticed this and knew something was bothering his idol, so for the sake of distracting the three of them, he brought up a topic that they had probably all thought of already, "That green-haired boy-- Izuku, right? What do you two think about the Quirk mastery he showed earlier?"

The one to speak up was Sorahiko, "For a nine-year old, it's incredibly impressive. In order for a Pro Hero with a similar Quirk to reach the same level of control and mastery as that kid, they would have to keep training their Quirk non-stop for at least ten years, but he managed to do it in half of that time as a kid."

"And despite what the kid that looks more like their father said, I have no doubt that if the kid wanted, he would've been able to stop everyone falling in mid air with just one quick thought. If we're being generous, he could probably have done it on instinct, because that kid is a prodigy." Sorahiko confidently stated.

"The kid that looks more like All for One, huh? His name is Tenko, right?" Mirai reminded himself of the teenage Midoriya's name.

"He seems very mature for his age. He even performed that flawless introduction and welcome for us, all with the grace and sophistication often expected in adults." Mirai noted, "He also seemed to have been the one to lead the rest of the servants on the sixth floor to rescue the servants that were caught in the little kid's hijinks. If that really was the case, then he has the makings of a natural leader-- minus the impulsiveness he seems to share with his brother."

"They're the result of having All for One as their father, huh?" Toshinori loudly pondered, though whether he thought this out of amazement or frustration, Mirai nor Sorahiko couldn't tell.

"Well, let's not give all the credit to All for One, his wife equally had something to do with how they grew up." Sorahiko jokingly stated before chuckling slightly, trying to lift up the tension in the air.

"Still, All for One's wife. I wonder what he saw in her or what she did to make All for One decide to throw everything away and spend his life with her and their sons. If All for One really is telling the truth about giving up on ruling Japan once again for his family, then I guess we'd have her to thank." Sorahiko joked around more.

"Too bad she had work today, then maybe we'd have gotten the chance to meet her." Mirai added.

As Mirai mentioned the wife's work, Toshinori immediately remembered something from the files his sidekick had compiled, That's right, she's the breadwinner of the family, and All for One is a stay-at-home dad.

As Toshinori thought that, the door to All for One's study finally opened, and out came the former villain's sons.

"Yagi-san, Sasaki-san, Torino-san," Tenko referred to the three heroes in front of him with the same grace and elegance he has showed them thus far, "You can come in now, and my brother and I will be excusing ourselves."

The three heroes just gave him slight nods as a response, but as they did, they managed to take notice of the small greenet quietly standing beside the teenager with an expression on his face that would make anyone practically coo all over him.

The green-haired kid looked like a sad little puppy as he looked at both All Might and Sir Nighteye. His bright green irises seemed to sparkle as tears were slowly forming in his eyes, and his frown he was desperately trying to hide by upturning the corners of his lips-- it would have been enough to melt anyone's hearts.

He couldn't have inherited this face from All for One! It's definitely from his mother's side! No doubt about it! Toshinori, Mirai, and Sorahiko all thought as they tried to hide their true expressions.

"Come on, Izuku. Say bye-bye to them for now." Tenko urged his little brother to be polite.

"I-I'll see you again later, All Might, Sir Nighteye, Gran Torino." The little kid hesitantly squeaked out as he gave them a 45º bow.

Tenko gave the heroes a 45º bow as well, and he ushered himself and his little brother back to where they should be, but this didn't stop Izuku from sheepishly looking back at the heroes with a sad look in his eyes as they walked away.

"He seems to really be a big fan of yours, Toshinori," Sorahiko jokingly teased his pupil, "He's really sad he won't get to spend more time with you."

"Maybe we should meet up with him after we talk with All for One to cheer him up." Mirai then sarcastically added.

Toshinori's mentor and sidekick were genuinely only joking around when they told him that, but they were surprised when Toshinori agreed to their suggestion.

"Mhm. Let's do that."


NOTES: Here's another update, everyone. \( -3-)/ I dunno how long I can keep up this update streak, but let's ride this high while we can.

I swear to god if I end up jinxing it.

Also, what a coinky-dink, Mama Inko left for work when Grandpa Torino came to visit. :3

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