Chapter 5: Little Menaces

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It has been about two weeks since the Midoriya family met All Might in the mall by coincidence, and about a week since Toshinori set a date that he would be visiting the family's home. And now, together with his sidekick, Sir Nighteye, and his mentor, Gran Torino, they were finally meeting the Underworld's Overlord in his own home.


"W-WHAT THE HELL KIND OF HOUSE IS THIS?!" Toshinori couldn't help but react as he stared up at the ginormous manor standing before him.

From how All for One and his youngest son talked about their home, it gave the impression that it would be a simple abode, maybe a five bedroom house if it's All for One talking-- but not a 100-bedroom freaking manor! This is a home fit for nobility!

Toshinori's eyes and brows were practically twitching at the sight of the building, but the two men with him didn't seem too surprised.

"I had included images of this property on the files I handed over for you to read through, All Might. Did you not see any of them?" Mirai Sasaki, All Might's sidekick promptly let Toshinori know as he fixed the position of his glasses.

"Still, to think he actually spent this much of the fortune he's accumulated as a villain for a home for his family, I guess he does love them," Mirai noted, "Well, either that, or this is the only home he feels is fit for him."

"Tsk tsk, Toshinori," Sorahiko began with a scolding tone in his voice, "Did you at least read half of the compiled files Sasaki had given to you?"

"O-of course, sensei! I-I only skipped the section about All for One's home because I didn't think it would be important... but, seeing this in front of us now..." Toshinori's voice trailed off at the end, as his mind churned.

He should've realized something was wrong the moment they arrived at the gates, and the first person that greeted them was the light-blue skinned chauffeur that was with All for One's family when they first met, with a car that was supposed to bring them to the home's entrance. Another flag should have been when they had to drive through a whole acre of trees.

They had underestimated just how big of a fortune All for One really had. With just this as a basis, his family might even be part of the top 5%.

Toshinori immediately shook his unimportant thoughts away and strengthened his resolve and focus. They will be meeting All for One in his own home--a sentence Toshinori never thought he'd say-- and they'd have to be prepared for anything.

They can't afford to be distracted. what he wanted to say, at least.

"AAAAAALLLLL MIIIGHHTTTTTT!!!" The three heroes had heard a little boy's voice long before they even saw the boy himself, and as they looked up to the direction that the voice was coming from, they heard the unmistakeable sound of window latches opening.

When they looked up, they weren't expecting to see a small 9-year old boy suddenly jumping off from a sixth floor window and falling towards them, but not only that, they also weren't expecting to see pure white fabric wrapped around the aforementioned 9-year old boy, as well as a dozen of the house's servants tangled and trapped in the same pure white sheets.

The dozen servants were screaming for their dear lives as one by one, they were pulled along with the fabric and out of the window as well.

Sorahiko and All Might prepared themselves for the rescue of the youngest Midoriya and the servants, but before they could act, the young Midoriya and the servants' fall was suddenly pulled to a stop.

"I-Izuku! Float back up, you stubborn little brother! We won't be able to hold on to everyone any longer!" The three heroes heard a loud and frustrated yell from the sixth floor of the manor, and there, they saw the eldest son of All for One and a number of other servants struggling to hold on tight to the fabric holding his little brother and the rest of the trapped servants.

The three heroes were dumbfounded by the situation, but even though they thought that they should probably continue on with the help and end the antics of the youngest Midoriya, something was compelling them to just stand by and watch till the end.

"Izuku! Float back up here now!" Tenko yelled again when his little brother didn't respond at all and showed no signs of coming back up.

The youngest Midoriya just giggled however, and with a smug declaration, he yelled back, "I finally mastered this Quirk, Tenko! Don't worry! Just let go of everyone!"

"NO!" Every single one of the trapped servants simultaneously yelled a variation of the word.

Izuku just chuckled again, and confidently and triumphantly, he told them, "Just watch me, everyone!"

The small child closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, his eyes revealed an almost emerald-like glow coming from them. At that moment, the fabric wrapping around him, and in addition, himself and the rest of the trapped servants began floating, as if all the weight-- or gravity affecting them became non-existent.

The three heroes eyes went wide as they watched what seemed to be mastery of a gravity manipulation Quirk from a child at play in that moment. The other servants inside the manor were similarly wide-eyed at the scene.

"And that's not all, Tenko!" The small child boasted again, exactly as he wore a huge grin and stretched his hands out.

Everyone watching almost had their jaws drop to the ground as they watched both the fabric and the dozen servants spin around simultaneously to smoothly untangle and free everyone trapped in the fabric.

Toshinori, Mirai, and Sorahiko's mouths were agape as they watch this 9-year old child demonstrate a feat of complete Quirk mastery that not even veteran heroes possess. If this child manifested his Quirk when he was 4, then that would mean he managed to completely master his Quirk in just five years-- even adults take decades to show great control of their Quirk, let alone mastery!

The kid in front of them is a Quirk prodigy.

Once every servant had been freed from the fabric, the youngest Midoriya untangled the fabric around himself as well, and slowly and one by one, he let their family servants down to the floor, with himself, landing on the bottom of the steps of their home's entrance and only a few feet away from the three visitors.

He then proudly looked up and back to the sixth floor window where his older brother was with a huge grin on his face.

"I've been practising a lot, you know, Tenko! This is child's play for me now!" Izuku proudly boasted to his older brother from the bottom of the steps, but instead of words of praise, he instead got scolded badly.

"You idiot! Stubborn little brother!" Tenko angrily yelled down at his little brother.

"Even if you've been practising, that didn't mean you can just drag innocent bystanders in your hijinks! Everyone was just doing their jobs but you ended up disturbing them! Is that what a hero does?! You stubborn, stubborn little brother! Apologize to each and every one of them, Izuku!"

Izuku was biting down on the inside of his cheeks as his confidence from earlier shrunk down and his eyes were beginning to shake and shine with tears.

"I-I didn't mean to... I-I'm sorry, everyone..." The youngest Midoriya squeaked out an apology as he looked to everyone he had given trouble to, and he realized the weight of what he had done.

Tenko couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose as he let out a long sigh of frustration before turning around and walking away from the sixth floor window.

The heroes and some of the servants immediately felt bad for him. As the older brother, there was no doubt that he has to be responsible for his little brother's actions always when their parents are not around, and if this type of thing occurs regularly on his watch, then they could only imagine the amount of stress he has to deal with.

They genuinely felt bad for him.

But all that pity immediately disappeared not even a few seconds later-- when the teenage Midoriya suddenly jumped out of the same window his own brother had jumped from earlier.

"MASTER TENKO!" All the servants collectively yelled in panic for their young master.

Tenko heeded them no mind however, and with the same fabric his younger brother was wrapped in earlier as support, he performed multiple aerial maneuvers to safely land on the ground in front of his little brother.

The servants on the sixth floor who instinctively grabbed the fabric as soon as they saw their young master jump out of the window, and the servants on the ground who were preparing to somehow catch their master on the ground, all collectively let out a sigh of relief that he was fine. But still, they didn't appreciate experiencing two heart attacks in one day.

The three heroes that watched all this go down meanwhile, were just dumbfounded and speechless.

He just jumped off six stories down without using a Quirk and without any fear at all. The three heroes couldn't help but think simultaneously, You're just as rash as your younger brother, boy.

T-these are All for One's children? What the hell has he been feeding them?! They had also thought.

Tenko kneeled in front of his little brother and patted his head a few times to make him feel better, then he gently scolded his little brother but still remained stern, "I know you were just excited, Izuku, both to see All Might again and to show everyone you mastered your Quirk, but still, people could have gotten hurt. Heroes are supposed to save people and prevent them from getting hurt, not be the reason they're hurt. Imagine what could have happened if everyone else and I weren't here to stop everyone from falling, and you weren't able to use your Quirk on time. So many people would have been hurt, even you."

The small greenet looked down in shame as his eyes continued to water and he apologized again, "I'm really sorry, Tenko. I-I didn't think about any of that."

Tenko let out a gentle smile as his little brother took his words to heart. He gave his little brother one last pat on his head before pulling him closer to him and carrying him in his arms as he stood up.

With that out of the way, he quietly cleared his throat and properly faced his dad's three guests.

"Hello, everyone. Yagi-san has already met me before, but I'll introduce myself again for our two other guests." All for One's eldest son elegantly and gracefully spoke a preamble, "My name is Tenko Midoriya, I'm the eldest son of our family, and this one is my little brother, Izuku."

"Since we're the ones here, we'll be the ones to accompany you to meet Dad. He's currently in his study, awaiting your arrival. You will also be having your discussions and conversations there." Tenko promptly let their guests know, which made Izuku perk up for a quick moment before immediately turning despondent.

"I apologize for my and my brother, as well as the rest of our servants unkempt appearance at the moment. I still hope you find our home to be hospitable enough." Tenko finished his introduction speech to their guests.

Toshinori, Mirai, and Sorahiko were just speechless after listening to the sophisticated speech of the teenager. It was like a complete switch from the rash and strict boy they saw earlier.

T-this is All for One's oldest son? What has that man been feeding his kid? The three heroes couldn't help but rephrase the question they had thought earlier.

Their attention were then swiftly taken away from the eldest son as they noticed that the servants on the ground had ran over to their posts on the steps of the manor's entrance and held perfect 45º bows.


The last greeting from the servants was the final nail in the coffin in constructing the image of All for One's home in Toshinori's mind, and he was just left in silent astonishment at the situation he found him, his sidekick, and his mentor in.

It's like we're visiting the royal castle of a small country.


NOTES: Hope you guys enjoy the shenanigans of the two young Midoriyas! I had a whole lot of fun writing this chapter and coming up with it, and I think this chapter serves to really introduce these versions of Izuku and Tenko to all of you; the responsible but still maybe a bit childish older brother Tenko, and the sometimes impulsive but really is a sweet boy Izuku.

Basically the Izuku and Tenko from my Sins AU without any of the trauma or emotional baggage.

(I need to keep reminding myself that not everyone reading this has read Sins so I don't automatically assume people know stuff that has only been explicitly stated in that AU)

Anyhoo, hope you guys enjoyed this new update! (which I just realized that I finished within 10 hours of publishing the previous chapter, whew)

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