Chapter 12: Surveillance Log

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It has been two weeks since Mirai moved in with the Midoriya family, the family of the former villain, All for One. It hasn't been too long of a period so there's nothing big that he could take note of yet, but he's gotten to learn a bit more about the daily life in the family's castle-- er, manor-- er, home.

When Team All Might was first looking into the Midoriya family, they learned that the matriarch Inko is the breadwinner, running her multinational corporation Green Hill Coffeehouse that she founded almost 17 years ago. It shocked them to learn that All for One is married to a semi-public figure, yet they never caught him in their radar, but after thinking about it, since he himself wasn't a public person, they supposed they shouldn't be too surprised.

All for One, 'Hisashi' himself, is a stay-at-home husband and father, and while anyone would immediately assume that he does nothing every single day since they have servants all around attending to his family's needs as well as their entire home, it wasn't the case at all as Mirai learned.

Due to the sheer size of the Midoriya family's property and the number of small facilities in it, it wouldn't be too farfetched to call their home a small fief. About 10% of their current staff had come with them from America, with half of them bringing along their own families. About half of the total staff were also relatives of each other, or if not, were close family friends. Some are siblings or cousins, and some are even married. To make things easier and more efficient for the staff to serve the family, they were given their own living space in the property where their dependents also lived.

Managing the expenses for running the facilities in the property--like a vegetable farm, a small barn, and small mills for power and electricity--as well as the accounting for the salaries for the servants and other monetary responsibilities was all left to the family patriarch, Hisashi. He was also in charge of going through the daily and weekly reports brought to him by the managers of the various sectors of the manor, making sure everything was running smoothly.

In addition, he is in charge of watching over his sons' studies. He was the one who sought out the best school in Tokyo for his eldest son, Tenko, and made sure to send a generous donation to assure they will properly look over him in his stead. He is also the one who looks through and hires the private tutors for his youngest son, though he has the last say in the weekly modules Izuku has to go through. He also personally supervises his youngest son's training sessions.

All in all, the former villain isn't as free as he first appeared to be.

Toshinori had confided in Mirai and Sorahiko that he felt like they had visited a small kingdom after their first visit to their home to which the two of them thought he was exaggerating, but there was no doubt left in Mirai now.

THIS PLACE IS PRACTICALLY A DUKEDOM! Mirai had yelled numerous times in his thoughts every time he had to recount his notes and observations for his surveillance logs.

The green-haired sidekick couldn't help but let out a sigh as he closed his laptop after he finished typing out his second log entry and sent them to All Might and Gran Torino. They had agreed that he would be sending in one surveillance log every week to minimize the sidekick's workload since he was still working as All Might's secretary in addition to keeping an eye on All for One. The only exception to this agreement was if there was an emergency or an incident that was imperative the two heroes learn about.

Mirai looked over to the digital clock in the left side of his desk and saw the time. 11.58am. Almost lunch time, which meant that any second now, he would be receiving a knock at the door informing him so.

And just in time, he received a knock.

Mirai stood up from his chair and walked over to the door, and when he pulled it open, he was greeted by a familiar blonde man with a blue complexion. The servant that always came to inform him whenever breakfast, lunch, or dinner was about to be ready. This man is also the person 'Hisashi' appointed as a messenger or intermediary between them if either of them wished to communicate with each other but was not available at the moment.

This man's name is Adohira Yasuda, and though his official job title is the family chauffeur, from how the other servants act around him and how the managers of the fief-- er, household refer to him, Mirai could tell he was in an even higher position overall. If Mirai were to give him a more accurate title, it would probably be a supervisor or an overseer, maybe even All for One's secretary or errand man.

"Sasaki-san, dinner will be ready in 15 minutes. The master, as well as Young Master Tenko and Young Master Izuku will be present. Will you be there as well?" The man asked him with the same judgmental glare he always has when he looks at Mirai.

He also said the same thing he always says when he comes to inform Mirai of the upcoming meal. The same words and the same tone, though the time and the people present do change when it wasn't the case. It always felt to Mirai like it was read off a script or like it was an action that had been programmed into the man, and it unnerved the hero sidekick during his first three days living there and meeting the man, though now, he's understood it as the man just not liking him at all.

"I'll be there." Mirai replied as he returned the glare the blue-complexion chauffeur had been giving him. The chauffeur seemed to let out a slight scoff before walking away.

From what Mirai figured, it seemed like the animosity the man has towards him stemmed from the fact that he knows the true reason Mirai was staying in the Midoriya household-- to keep an eye on the family patriarch. Since he was assigned as their intermediary, he had to know the truth about their circumstances, though Mirai doesn't believe he knows that their employer is actually the former overlord of Japan's underworld.

Coupled with how the former villain has been running his small fief-- giving his staff their own living spaces in the property where their family can stay, as well as giving them incredibly generous salaries-- in the man's perspective, Mirai was probably a crooked hero who was suspecting his benevolent benefactor and accusing him of crimes he would never commit. Add in how their employer had volunteered to be surveilled by the heroes like he has nothing to hide, it probably implicated Mirai even more.

Truthfully, Mirai felt a tiny bit of pity towards the man that was tricked by All for One. Adohira also apparently has a sister who works for the family too--a twin, though Mirai hasn't seen nor met her yet, at least, to his knowledge.

Mirai mentally shook his thoughts away as he found himself getting carried away with them again, then he made his way to the dining room.


NOTES: Not much happens here so I apologize for that. I just wanted to elaborate more about the Midoriya household since I barely had any chance to mention it in my other AU.

Speaking of my other au, though, readers of Sins should know that Adohira and, later too, his sister Kazuko played supporting roles there. Adohira plays more or less the same role as he had there, though Kazuko's role changed here.

Oh yeah, and before anyone asks, Adohira's true nature hasn't changed from Sins. :>

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