Chapter 11: Sidekick's Warning

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It was quiet. Too quiet, awkward, and tense for Izuku, making him wonder why he even asked to come with his Dad in the first place. Then he remembered. It was to spend more time around Sir Nighteye. But despite that, he can't even ask a single question since he promised he wasn't going to make any trouble for his dad and the hero sidekick. In the end, Izuku could only let out a sigh and resumed sheepishly staring back at Sir Nighteye who was walking behind him and his father.

The small greenet began lightly kicking his feet in the air in boredom and he began playing with the edge of the back collar of his dad's shirt.

"Izuku," His dad suddenly called his name, causing the greenet to perk up, and he looked over to his dad to respond.

"Yeah, Dad?" Izuku responded.

"Did you want to ask Sir Nighteye a question? If he's okay with answering one, you can ask him." His dad told Izuku.

"E-eh?" Izuku could only respond as he looked at his dad in confusion, then what his dad said finally registered in his head.

"R-really?!" Izuku asked to make sure, and his dad nodded and looked back at Sir Nighteye like it was like a signal, and the hero sidekick nodded as he fixed the position of his glasses.

"If it's a question I can answer, I don't see why not." He told the little greenet with a tone in his voice like he had just been convinced to do so a moment ago.

Izuku's eyes immediately began to glitter at the chance he was given and he immediately gave his thanks before excitedly asking the hero sidekick, "S-Sir, what is your Quirk?! And how do you use your Quirk to help as All Might's sidekick?!"

But then he immediately backtracked and shrunk as he realized his mistake, "A-ah! That was two questions-- s-sorry."

Izuku heard his dad stop a chuckle before he felt his dad's fingers run through his green hair and begin to caress his head in an effort to comfort him.

"It's alright," Sir Nighteye replied, "I can answer like it was just one question."

"My Quirk is called Foresight. By touching my target and making eye contact with them, I can see the actions they will take in the future in a third person point-of-view," Mirai explained how his Quirk functioned, but before he continued with the explanation of how he utilizes his Quirk as All Might's sidekick, he looked back at the small child's father and glared at him.

Izuku saw a slight smirk appear on his dad's face in the corner of his eye, but he forgot about it as soon as Sir Nighteye resumed.

"I act as reconnaissance for any large scale operations we have. Depending on the information we may need, I make contact with the suspects undercover and extract the info from their future, may it be the location or directions to hideouts and bases, confirmation of suspected related parties or victims, or just the amount of security in their base."

"Other than that, however, I am simply All Might's secretary, handling the paperwork his agency is mandated to submit to the Hero Public Safety Commission." Mirai finished his answer as he fixed the position of his glasses again.

He looked back at the small greenet in the former villain's arms, but almost flinched when he saw an unmistakeable look in his emerald green eyes, almost obsessive in nature. He felt creeped out by it, but he dismissed that feeling.

"H-how..." The small greenet then asked another question, "How far into the future can you see?"

"It's virtually limitless, though the further into the future I look, the less clear the details are." Mirai answered truthfully as he averted gazes with the small greenet, and not thinking about where the question would be heading.

"Can... can you use your Quirk on me? And see if I become a great hero...?"

Hisashi suddenly stopped as soon as his son asked that question, causing Mirai to stop in his tracks as well. He could tell the former was just as surprised by the question as him, if not more, and he couldn't help but look at the small child staring at him.

The hero sidekick then looked over to the small child's father, almost like he was asking, Are you gonna allow me?

But he didn't receive any response.

Mirai could see resolve in the serious gaze the small greenet had locked on him. He was resolute in seeing his question answered. He supposed he understood why. After all, he was in the kid's position at some point in the past too, wanting to know if he would be enough to become All Might's sidekick or even a hero at all. Even if the kid in front of him didn't know his unique circumstances, he should still be worried about whether or not he'd reach his dreams in the future. Everyone is like that.

But even so, Mirai couldn't help but feel worried.

What if he looked, and he didn't see this kid as a hero, but as a villain? What if he looked and saw All for One back in power with this kid--with both his kids by his side? It seems unlikely at the moment, but what if?

If he sees a future that he doesn't want to see... that he doesn't want to happen and that he cannot prevent, what would he do? What can he do? He knows very well that anything he sees through his Foresight is bound to happen no matter what he does. What if he sees a future where everything went to shit and he can't do anything about it because he has already foretold it?

What if fulfilling a small child's innocent request is what dooms all of Japan? All of the world? What if this kid--

"Ahem," The Midoriya family's patriarch cleared his throat, snapping Mirai out of his spiralling thoughts.

"Izuku, you don't need Sasaki-san to look, do you? There's no doubt you'll become a hero." Hisashi assured his son as he messed up the latter's green hair. The small child just looked back at his dad and sheepishly pouted.

"I-I guess... but I'm just really excited! I really wanna know badly!" The small child gushed.

But he immediately backtracked as he realized something he did, "I, I asked two extra questions, is that bad?"

Hisashi just chuckled and placed his hand behind his son's head before pulling the child closer to him and letting the latter lay his head on his shoulder, "Don't worry. You're okay."

"Are you satisfied with the questions you asked, Izuku?" His dad asked him, to which Izuku sweetly smiled.

"Mhm. Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Sasaki-san." He thanked both of them.

Hisashi put on a neutral smile as he gently caressed his son's green hair and he resumed leading the way to the hero sidekick's new room.

Mirai wanted to let out a sigh of relief as he took a step to follow behind the former villain and his son, but for some reason, he wasn't able to. His chest felt so tight like something invisible was crushing his heart and lungs. He couldn't even draw a single breath of air to relieve the sudden pressure.

No. It wasn't just inside of him. It was all around him-- an intense pressure that made the air around him feel non-existent, a pressure that seemed hellbent to crush him into the ground, a pressure that he couldn't have been mistaken-- was all coming from one direction.

Mirai tried to raise his head and catch his gaze up with the former villain, but he immediately froze as he heard his voice so loud and clear in his head.


He couldn't help but flinch again. The way his name was said with so much malice and revulsion, it almost made Mirai hate his own name--puke and retch at the sound of his own name. It would've been enough to taint each character in his name and forever defile their meaning.

And if he hadn't felt suffocated enough before, the pressure in and around him felt like it had doubled. His vision started to blur, and all he could make out around him were abstract shapes.

I have remained quiet despite your constant insults and negative thoughts towards me today, but I will not allow you to think so lowly of my son or anyone else in my family. I will not care that I was the one to offer a ceasefire, I will discard our truce the moment you step out of line.

He was at his limit.

He was at the verge of losing his consciousness.

He got careless.

He should've realized it before. No-- he did realize it, but he disregarded the thought as soon as he met the former villain's family once again, and he lowered his guard. 

He might be there to keep an eye on All for One, but he was also being watched and monitored by the villain. Watching his every move to protect his family.

Mirai should never forget-- the person he's keeping an eye on is still All for One.

--then at that instant, the pressure Mirai had felt suddenly disappeared, leaving the hero sidekick confused.

"Mirai Sasaki?" The voice almost seemed to echo in Mirai's head even though it was no longer a mental message, and he flinched.

He slowly looked back up and saw that the former villain and his son were already a few good feet away from him. He tried hiding the terror in his face, but he didn't know how effective it was, or if it was even working at all. He was probably as pale as a ghost right then.

"Sir Nighteye, are you alright?"

Mirai's eyes probably became even wider than they already were before as his yellow eyes met the kid's bright emerald eyes.

H-how... how is he okay? Was all he could think as he saw how unaffected the little boy was. Did he not sense the aura of bloodlust his own father just let out a moment ago? Did All for One only intend Mirai to feel it? But Mirai could tell from the sudden loss of nearby murmurs that the servants in their vicinity also felt it as well, so how...?

"Sir?" The little kid asked Mirai again, urging Mirai to snap out of his trance and focus back to the present.

"Ah... I-I'm al...alright... ju...just l...light...headed... that's...s all..." Mirai slurred his words. It felt like all his stamina had been drained away from him.

"Dad, I think Sir isn't feeling too good, maybe we should get the nurses over here?" The little boy asked his dad, "He's starting to look really pale."

"Hm," The former villain hummed as he thought, and maybe it was just Mirai's imagination, but he could almost hear a playful yet sinister tone from the villain, "Maybe we should."

The former villain then pointed to a pair of nearby servants and ordered them to rush over to the property's infirmary to call a nurse or two.

In the end, Mirai had to be brought in to one of the nearby rooms to have him sit down while they waited for the nurses to come and treat him. Other than that, however, they proceeded with the rest of the tour to the hero sidekick's new room and office without any other hiccup.


NOTES: Gewd lawd, Papa Hisashi did not hold back. Hehe, as he should! No bad thoughts allowed towards the bean!

This is also some insurance to make sure what happened in my Sins au doesn't happen here. No funny business from Mirai if he learned from the get-go that you don't mess with Hisashi's family!

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