The feeling when you're so damn tired about life and you just want to die..
The feeling on why other people living life to the fullest and yours is stagnant,nothing happens.
The feeling that somehow you wish you were just an animal or kind of pet that is sometime 3x much luckier than us.
The feeling that sometimes what is so hard for you was just so easy for others.
The feeling when someone has to live and you left alone with no choice but to survive.
The feeling when you cannot have something you want for quite sometime while others has got a "department- store-like" in their apartment.
And the feeling when people already look good but ask for better while some people born with no idea how or why they need to be born.
The feeling when the ones you truly love are the ones who hurt you the most again and again..
The feeling when saying
f*** yeahh is much usual than saying love you!
And the feeling when popstars like Cyrus has billion hits than the babies singing praise...
And the feeling when someone ended theirselves due to bullying, while someone is struggling to live for another day.
The feeling when power is in the hand of greedy man yet people still chose to be deaf and blind while others stick to the status quo.
The feeling when every lie seem to look right and all of your cry means "I'm alright".
The feeling when you cannot trust anyone not one even yourself.
the feeling where the only selfless act was given by a pet.
And the only real you know is the mole on your elbow.
And finally it suddenly sinks into your mind after all the feelings The realization that even Science or Math already proved that everything has its reciprocal, so all you have to do is to shift your feeling of something hopeless into something hopeful; feeling you need to multiply each and everyday.
Change your thoughts and you'll change your world. It is not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it. All I know is no matter what Im feeling,God is working. - UNKNOWN
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