Life issues: money, wealth, power, stress, pain, anxieties,
attitude, misunderstanding etc...
As Christians, How do we deal with all issues in life?
--- We're no different. We're all human not exempted with every man's breaking point.
When somebody told you these words
"Just deal with it"- it either means deal with the fun or go with the flow, forgetting the outcome of both.
To deal means to engage in a business,a game or maybe a situation. To take your attention in a certain moment.
When it comes to dealing with life issues, I used to say "Just deal with it and never dwell". I was never a fighter for all I know up until now...(a go-getter, an achiever, soldier & so on) but what keeps me going is.. I always look After crying, stress, depression... once again look into a brighter side of Life.
Remember Job whenever you were at your lowest and this friendly reminder of mine. Don't just deal with it D.E.A.L with it .
Deepen faith
Exalt words of praise
Attend Church &
Love God above all
---Do Every Act of Love patience,kindness,maturity,
full of kind words and good conduct,courageous,hopeful,
always perseveres and always find a happy ending. Remember these words and keep it in your heart and you'll see that Love never fails!
1 Corinthians 13:4
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