Chapter 4 - Antonio

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After Chemistry I couldn't focus on school at all, Lovino was going to come to MY HOUSE! I was way too excited. It didn't take all that long for me to realize that I liked him more than just as friend; I probably figure it out after the second week of school. So I've been trying to figure out a way to hang out with him outside of school and this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Well have to work together on this project, which means that he'll have to talk to me. Maybe I can even tutor him in chemistry if he wants me to.

After being physically present in two more classes, not so much mentally present, it finally was time for lunch. I sat down at my usual lunch table and waited for Gilbert and Francis to get there.

"Hey Toni, what's up? You look happy," Gilbert says sitting down at the table with me.

"Is being happy a bad thing?" I say sarcastically

"Well no but..." Gilbert stated before being interrupted by a certain Frenchman.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Francis says sitting down with us.

"Is it just me or does Toni seem happier that usual?" Gilbert asks and I just glare at him.

"Yeah, your right. He was kind of spacey in both Maths and History," Francis says looking at me.

"You know I'm still right here right. I can hear you know," I say while eating my lunch.

"We know. But really Toni what's up with you did something happen with Lovino?" Gilbert says teasingly but still completely serious.

"Who said anything about Lovino?!" I say defensively. Gilbert and Francis just look at each other and laugh. "What?!"

"Oh come on Toni now a days if it's about anything it's about Lovino." Francis says laughing a little still.

"That's not true." I say quietly.

"Toni, yes it is," Gilbert says "Now will you just tell us what it up with you."

"Okay, Well-Lovi-and-I-are-working-on-a-chemistry-project-together-and-so-he-is-coming-over-my-house-after-school-today-so-we-can-work-on-it-and-I-can-help-him-with-the-work-because-he-is-not-all-that-good-at-that-class," I say very quickly and all in one breath.

"Wow that's great Toni, why didn't you just say that in the first place." Gilbert says extending his hand for a high-5, which I gave him laughing a little.

"Well I hope that goes well for you," Francis says getting up from the table. I hadn't noticed that Lunch was already over until he got up.

"Well I guess that means we won't be hanging out after school then so see you in study I guess." Gilbert says as we both get up and walk out separate ways to go to our next classes.

I had art next. Oh great! I get to talk to Feliciano about all of this. Unknowingly to Lovi his brother and I had been trying to find a way for him and me to hang out and Feli will be so excited to find out that I have the perfect idea.

"Hey Toni how's it going?" Feliciano asked when I sat down next to him.

"Actually it's going amazingly!" I say excitedly

"Tell me what the deal is."

"Well, Lovi and I are working on a chemistry project together and he needs a bit of help with it so he is coming to my house after school today so we can work on it and so that I can help him."

"OH MY GOD! That is amazing it's so perfect that I could scream."

"And I have an idea to get him to hang out with me more."

"Tell me more, tell me more!"

"Well He's not doing too well in chemistry and I'm not doing too well in Latin, but I'm really good at chemistry and he's really good at Latin so we can be each other's tutors."

"Now that is a great idea." Feli says high-5ing me "When should I expect him home by, 2, 3 am?" He says teasingly and that idea just made my face flush.

"Oh shush you." I say quietly.

"Oh how I love teasing you. But I don't think you understand how amazing this is. Not just for you but for him as well. He needs someone like you to pick him up because he always seems to be down. And he really needs someone else to rely one that isn't just me or our grandfather. You are doing a lot more god by getting close to him that you think that you are."

"I don't think I even know what to say to that."

"Don't say anything; just remember that if you hurt mi fratello I will hurt you." Feliciano said in a completely serious tone that made him almost seem scary.

"I won't dream of it."

"Okay class time to settle down and start to work," Mrs. Hart our art teacher says walking into the room.

Before I knew it the day was over and it was time to leave. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach already. Calm down Antonio it's just a chemistry project not a life commitment there is no need to be so worried about anything. I got all of my stuff and waited outside of the school for Lovi, I hope he didn't forget or something.

"Hey bastard you ready to go?" I hear a familiar Italian accent say from behind me. I turned around quickly to see Lovi standing behind me.

"Yeah, did you tell your brother?" I say despite knowing that Feli already knows, but he told me to remind him so that is what I did.

"Yeah, so let's get on this." He says and then I start towards my car looking through my bad for my keys. "Wait you can drive?"

"Yeah, why? I am 17 you know,"

"I know that it's just... oh never mind."

"Whatever Lovi."

"I told you not to call me that." He says jumping into the passenger seat of my car.

"But did I ever say I was going to listen to you, no I did not."

"Bastard" I hear him say under his breath and I just chuckle and start to drive out of the school parking lot, this will be an eventful evening.


I'm So Sorry It Took So Long For Me To Get This Next Chapter Up. I've Been Super Busy With School And Such. But Now It Is Summer So I Hope That The Updates Will Become More Frequent Will All Of The Free Time. Sorry Again Though.

Talk To You Next Time Miei Pomodori

Eren A ;D

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