It has been a month since the start of the new school year I think I have actually started to get into the swing of things once again. I mean I still despise having to get up so early and go to school everyday but at least now I'm used to having to do it, I've shaken off the summer lag, as Feli calls it. Today is October 1st so all I'm going be hearing for the then next month is 'what are you doing for Halloween?' from just about everyone. Honestly Halloween is my favorite holiday so I'm existed for it to come as soon as possible. But that's beside the point. Today is just another Monday morning that I have to wake up at 6am and deal with my way to much of a morning person twin and go to school.
"Lovino!" I hear Feli shout from what sounds like right outside my bedroom door. I'm so glad we don't have to share a room anymore
"What do you want fratello?" I grumble into my pillow. I still really don't want to have to get up. My bed is warm and the air is not.
"It's six thirty if you stay in bed any longer we're going to be late for school. So hurry up sleepy head," I groan as I hear his footsteps going down the stairs. I guess I really should get up I only have ten minutes to get ready for school. So I throw off my covers welcoming my warm body to the cold air of my room. I get up, stretch, and get dressed quickly. Six thirty-five, good at least we won't be late. I run down the stairs just to be greeted by an existed Feli and a not so pleased grandfather.
"Sorry," I say with a large lack of sincerity in my voice.
"Okay whatever let's go, you can't be late." My grandpa says as I quickly grab an apple and my lunch and then we head out for the school.
Besides Feliciano being way to energetic for so early like usual the car ride to school was uneventful. When we got to the building Feli and I said goodbye to our grandpa and we ran inside, gladly I made it just in time for attendance in homeroom. When I got there I noticed a considerable lack of a certain Spaniard. It was odd not seeing him here; he is always here, every morning in homeroom he is always here. I wonder if something happened.
"Hey Gilbert, where is Antonio?" I ask tapping on Gilbert's shoulder to get his attention.
"Why do you want to know?" Francis says mockingly.
"He's my lab partner in Chem and it just want to know if I have to do all the work today or not?" I say defensively. Why am I being defensive, it's not like actually care about him, right.
"Okay then if that's all," Gilbert says condescendingly. "He texted me earlier and said he is going to be late, but not all that late. Nothing that you should be worried about Lovino," He says with a smile. It's odd having Gilbert be nice to me but it's not a bad thing.
I sat through the rest of homeroom waiting to see if Antonio would walk in but he didn't, I mean not like a care or something. After homeroom ended I walked to my chemistry class for first period, it'll be odd to start the class without him being there. Uhhhhhhh!!!!! Why do I care so much about him, I have no idea, it's so strange.
I sat down in my seat in chem class and waited for the teacher to walk in the class room. I took out my two notebooks – one for doodling and the other for actually taking notes— and set myself up for class. I opened my drawing notebook to the next plank page and started to draw, not really anything just something to occupy my mind with. Not long after the teacher walked and started class. Great another long boring chem class, and I don't even have Antonio do bother today; it's going to be a long class.
It was about half way through the class when I heard the door of the room open I looked up from my table for the first time all class to see Antonio handing the teacher a late pass. I just softly smiled and pushed my stuff more towards my half of the table. Antonio walked over to the table and the teacher just kept on talking about valence electrons.
"Did you miss me Lovi," Antonio says sitting down next to me and taking out his stuff for class.
"Hardly, why would I miss a bastard like you," I say not even looking up from my drawing.
"Whatever you say Lovi. You know Gilbert texted me and told me that you asked where I was this morning," he says. I can hear the smirk in his voice. I can also feel my face flushing a bit, to my dismay. I honestly didn't know how I respond to that without making it sound like I was trying to cover something up so I just didn't answer at all, and to be honest that probably wasn't the best choice because I can see Antonio's smirk of satisfaction from the corner of my eye.
"Okay class I want you full attention for this next part," Our Chemistry teacher say quite loud. I look up from my notebook to look at him for the first time all class. "Okay good, now we are going to be starting a project tomorrow you will be working with your table partners and it will need to be worked on outside of school. I will now pass out your project rubrics," he says as he starts to walk around the room hand out papers to everyone.
"I don't want to do work outside of class," I say under my breath.
"Why not Lovi? Are you afraid to see me outside of school," Antonio teased. Obviously the answer was of course not you're just a person but I could muster up the ability to say that for some reason. The teacher finally got to Antonio and I and I picked up the paper and scanned it over. Okay I have no idea what any of this is talking about.
"Okay class you have the last twenty minutes of class to figure out what you and your partner are going to do for your project," the teacher says walking back to his desk.
"So bastardo what do you want to do this idiota project on?" I ask looking over the paper one more time.
"I think we should do it on the correlation between atomic number and reactivity of the element," He says looking up at me with a smile. It is clear that he actually knows what he is talking about, unlike me sadly.
"Yeah that sounds great.... How would we do that exactly?" I ask looking down trying not to make it extremely clear that i was confused.
"You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you Lovi?"
"No not really," I say quietly.
"Okay for now why do you just sit there and make it look like you're working and I'll design the experiment. And if you want you come home with me and I can help explain this all to you so you don't have to be embarrassed about not knowing how to do this. Does that work for you Lovi?"
"Yeah. Uh...thanks. Where should I meet you after school?"
"Just outside of the school,"
"Okay that works, just remind me to tell Feliciano before hand or he'll freak out"
"Okay" he says with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face.
And that was it. That was the end of the conversation. I just keep to drawing in my little notebook while Antonio worked on the experiment. I'm truly grateful that he agreed to h me with chemistry because honestly I'm not doing too great in this class. I think I've actually begun to make a good friend of Antonio. Its odd having someone other than Feli want to help me, maybe that's it like have a friend. Either way I like it.
Okay It Took Me Way Too Long For Me To Get Around To Writing This Chapter, But Gladly It Only Took Like 2 Hours To Write In The End. I Hope You Like It. Aren't These Two Dorks Just Adorable. And For The People Wondering About When I'm Going To Start With The Next Book (Shut Out The GerIta Book) It Hope To Start It Around Chapter 10 Of This Story. So That'll Be Fun. Well I Hope This Chapter So Far.
Talk To You Next Time Miei Pomodori
Eren A ;D
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