The Trip Back To Duloc

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It was morning when Fiona and Gidget woke up, and they saw Shrek, Donkey, Tommy and Melody sleeping on the ground still, before they went off to get some fresh air. When Tommy and the others woke up, they see that Fiona and Gidget were cooking some eggs. Fiona: "Morning everyone... I hope you like eggs." Tommy: "Well... I would go for anything at this point as I haven't had a bite for a while..." Melody: "Same here..." Shrek: "What's all this?" Gidget: "Well... we didn't exactly gave a good impression to you yesterday... and we wanted to make it up, after all, you did rescue us." Fiona: "Which is why we made some breakfast for all of us." Tommy: "Thanks." Melody: "Yes, thank you very much... but um... where did you get the eggs?" Gidget: "Um... you're better off not knowing..." asked Gidget, while looking away as the thought of the mother bird blowing up when Fiona sang a very high note not too long ago. After breakfast, the group begin their journey back to Duloc, and while on the way, Shrek and Fiona let out a big burp, much to the surprise of the others. Donkey: "She's as nasty as Shrek..." Gidget: "Yeah... sorry about that..." Shrek: "You know princess... you're not exactly who I figured." Fiona: "Well maybe you shouldn't judge them before you get to the know them." Donkey: "Ooh... ouch..." suddenly, the sound of some young boys yelling for help was heard, and out of the bushes came a pair of young Toon hyena twins named Jokey D Hyena (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) and Jokeo D Hyena (voiced by Tom Kenny), running for their lives until they bumped into Shrek. Tommy: "Whoa there!, what's the big hurry?" Jokey: "Merry men!" Jokeo: "They're coming!" Gidget: "Who?" asked Gidget, before a group of merry men, lead by Robin Hood, came to the scene and begin to attack the group cause most of them were not human. However, Fiona and Gidget went to use some karate on them and beat the living pulp out of the men until they were all down for the count, while Shrek and the others just stood there and had their jaws dropped to the ground. Fiona: "Now... shall we continue?" Shrek: "Hold the phone... where did you learn to fight like that?!" Tommy: "Yeah, you fought like some ninja in a princess dress!" Gidget: "Well... we sort of trained ourselves in case if there's a... there's an arrow in your butts!" Tommy: "Huh?" Shrek: "When there are arrows in your butts?" Melody: "Oh my gosh!, Tommy!, Mr Shrek!, look behind you!" gasped Melody, before Tommy and Shrek looked behind them and see an arrow on their bottoms. Shrek: "Oh look at that..." Tommy: "When did that get there?" Jokeo: "Must have happened when the Merry men attacked..." Fiona: "Oh no... you poor things..." Donkey: "Oh no!, please tell me they won't die!" Shrek: "Donkey, I'm okay, it's only my bottom." Tommy: "Yeah, all we have to do is just... [Gidget pulling the arrow out of his bottom] Ah!... ow..." Shrek: "What a baby... you shouldn't needed to act like... [Fiona pulling the arrow out of his bottom] Ah!... ow..." Tommy: "Ha!, who's the baby now?" Jokey: "Hey uh... thanks for saving us, I'm Jokey." Jokeo: "And I'm Jokeo, we're twins." Tommy: "Nice to meet ya, I'm Tommy, and this is Melody, my little sister." Gidget: "I'm Princess Gidget, and this is Princess Fiona, Donkey and Shrek." Jokey: "Hi." Melody: "What are you doing here?" Jokeo: "We're lost and looking for something to eat... and maybe a family who will take care of us as our old one abandoned us..." Fiona: "Oh gosh... I'm very sorry to hear that..." Jokey: "Thanks... so where are you going?" Shrek: "To Duloc... which is where we need to go to now." Jokey: "Mind if we tag along?" Shrek: "Well..." Tommy: "We don't mind at all, the more the merrier." Jokeo: "Thanks." Shrek: "Ugh... great... more Toons to follow me..." said Shrek, before he and the others continue their journey back to Duloc, with Jokey and Jokeo joining them. While on the way, Shrek knocks a tree down to make a bridge for the group to cross over, before he blows up a frog to make a balloon out of it, while Fiona blows up a snake to make a balloon out of it too. Meanwhile, in Shrek's swamp, Roger and Lyric were still waiting for Shrek and the others to return, before someone came to the scene, which was an elderly Demon Dragon named Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks). Roger: "Who are you?" Boney 10: "Me?... just a traveler... may I ask what are you lot are doing here in this swamp?" Lyric: "Lord Farquaad banished us here... just for being what he calls freaks... and our kids... they went off with an ogre and donkey to try getting us back home..." Boney 10: "Why didn't you go with them?" Roger: "The Demon trio cast a spell on us that prevents us from leaving until the ogre can convince Lord Farquaad to let us go..." Boney 10: "Ah... the Demon trio... those rotten demons always give us demons a bad name..." Lyric: "So... you're a demon too?" Boney 10: "Yeah... but rest assured, I'm a good demon." Roger: "Well that's a relief..." Boney 10: "And you know... I might be able to free you lot." Lyric: "Really?" Boney 10: "Yes... but it'll take some time." Roger: "We can wait until the ogre and the kids come back." Boney 10: "Suit yourself... anyway... I think you should have this." said Boney 10, before he gives the couple what looked like a book of some kind. Roger: "What is this?" Boney 10: "Oh not much... just a book that holds the truth about the ruler of Duloc... well... I'll be off now... good luck." said Boney 10, before he leaves the scene, while Roger and Lyric looked at each other, continuing to think about their children and the book that the elderly Demon dragon gave them. It was late afternoon when Shrek and the others see Duloc close by. Tommy: "There it is... Duloc itself..." Fiona: "Already?" Shrek: "Wow... I didn't think we would be there so soon..." Melody: "Yeah but... the sun's about to set soon..." Fiona: "What?!" Gidget: "Oh no!" Donkey: "What's wrong?" Fiona: "Um... I'm not a big fan of the dark... so about we set up camp here and finish our journey in the morning." Shrek: "Uh... sure thing." said Shrek, before he and the others went to set up camp, while Fiona and Gidget went to hide in a windmill. Jokey: "Hey uh... Mr Shrek?, do you have a thing for the princess?" Shrek: "What?!" Jokeo: "Well it's just... you blush a lot when you're with her." Melody: "Come to think of it... Tommy does that a lot around Gidget too." Tommy: "What?!, no I don't!" Melody: "Don't lie big brother." Tommy: "Ugh... well I like her... but not like that... even if I did... she's a princess... and I'm a Toon... it'll never work out..." Shrek: "Same with me... for she's a princess and I'm an ogre..." Donkey: "Hmm..." hummed Donkey, before Shrek goes off to get some more firewood as the sun begins to go down.

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